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Indefinite Personal Sentences – Невизначено особові речення

Читайте также:
  1. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expression. Ask about the Smiths, mother, father, brother.
  2. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Cecily, Alice, Sam, Sally, Sandra.
  3. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Charles, Rose, James.
  4. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Gary, Gil, Peggy, Grig, Gert, Grace, Gregory, Gordon.
  5. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Ken, Kate, Kirk, Kay, Kim, Kiki, Kit.
  6. b) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Pat, Pete, Percy, Poll, Peg, Pam.
  7. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Thad, Theo, Martha, Kenneth, Arthur, Thornton, Thorp, Theodore.
  8. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Tom, Tim, Mart, Ted, Tess, Tina.
  9. B. Complete these sentences by using a term from the text.
  10. Exercise 2. Read the article. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
It + to be + verb (-ed; 3); adverb
It is known that they work here. Відомо, що вони працюють тут.
It is said that he is a good man. Кажуть, що він гарна людина.
It was considered that he told the truth. Вважали, що він казав правду.
It was probably the best decision she has ever made. Ймовірно, то було найкраще рішення, яке вона коли-небудь приймала.


Exercise 1. Translate into your native language paying attention to impersonal sentences:

1. It is sometimes difficult to make proper diagnosis without laboratory tests.

2. It is always necessary to take an appropriate dosage of the drug.

3. It was nine o'clock when the ambulance arrived.

4. It's impossible for such infection to cause serious complications.

5. It wasn't dangerous for the patient to experience such kind of pain.

6. Is it important for medical students to watch surgical interventions by skilled surgeons?

7. Was it about six o'clock when the temperature decreased?

8. Will the patient be discharged out of the hospital tomorrow?

9. “It hurts in the upper part of the abdomen” – the patient said.

10. It won’t be good if you decide not to call in a doctor.


Exercise 2. Translate into your native language paying attention to Indefinite Personal Sentences:

1. It is known that infectious diseases are caused by viruses and microbes.

2. It is reported that a new epidemic of the flu will come soon.

3. It is likely that your son has measles.

4. It is supposed that the operation will be performed next week.

5. It is certain that a source of infection of the flu is a sick man.

6. It is likely that the wound will heal in about a week.

7. It is likely that the reaction will be prolonged.

8. It seems that the diagnosis is correct.

9. It is unlikely that he will fail the exam.

10. It appears that the patient’s analyses are normal.


Exercise 3. Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English:

1. Відомо, що ця ампула містить 5 грамів глюкози.

2. Вважають, що першими симптомами ангіни є біль у горлі та висока температура.

3. Доповіли, що хворий припинив стогнати (to moan) після ін’єкції.

4. Вважають, що садні та синці є самими легкими ушкодженнями.

5. Кажуть, що доктор Блейк, який робить дуже складні операції, має дуже багатий досвід.

6. Вважається, що висип є однією з характерних ознак таких інфекційних хвороб як скарлатина, кір, та інші.

7. Здається, що він вже відчуває себе краще.

8. Виявилося, що цей препарат мав дуже великий вплив на цього хворого.

9. Відомо, що ампули для ін’єкцій треба зберігати у холодильнику.

10. Здається, що цей пацієнт хворий на рак легенів.


Exercise 4. Make up interrogative sentences to the underlined words:

1. The respiratory tract is the pathway of air from the nose to the lungs.

2. The respiratory tract is divided into two sections: Upper Respiratory Tract and the Lower Respiratory Tract.

3. In the process of breathing, air enters into the nasal cavity through the nostrils and is filtered by hairs and mucous.

4. Air then travels past the pharynx which is a funnel-shaped tube that connects our nasal and oral cavities to the larynx.

5. Then the air travels through the larynx which contains vocal cords and prevents the passage of food or drink into trachea and lungs.

6. The trachea, or windpipe, is a tube that connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs.

7. The bronchi are two tubes which end with alveoli where process of gaseous exchange takes place.

8. The lungs are the large, spongy, paired organs which are located in the thoracic cavity.


Exercise 5. Read the text, open the brackets in the correct tense and voice, and translate it into your native language:

Tina, aged 2 years, suffers from asthma. At her first treatment she (to be) very wheezy and had been prescribed steroids, which her mother didn’t want to use. Both parents (to smoke). The wheezing (to reduce) after the first treatment and has now disappeared, though there (to be) a period of mucus being produced. Her breathing has improved after 4 treatments. The steroids (to discontinue) before the first treatment. It (to be) very difficult to treat a two-year-old child who is sitting and squirming on her mother's knee. However, it (to seem) to work well despite those difficulties. Normally, the child has had asthma attacks every two weeks or so during the winter. She has had none for over two months now.


Exercise 6. Be ready to speak on the following topics:

1. Famous scientists with asthma.

2. Air pollution affecting our health.

3. Oxygen cocktail as a tonic used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Дата добавления: 2014-12-15; просмотров: 161 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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