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  1. a group of customers that the business has decided to aim its marketing efforts and ultimately its merchandise towards
  2. Business English: Conflict
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  5. Cultural features of international business contacts
  6. Economic growth versus the business cycle
  7. Getting started in business
  9. Special types of business organizations

(рассказать наизусть – 4 балла)

The best reason for starting a business is to earn money, to travel, to get more knowledge of the world, to get business experience or to be independent. If you choose a business based on your special knowledge, skills, experience or interests, your chances of success increase greatly.

There are three ways you can serve consumer needs: making a product (manufacturing), selling a product (wholesaling or retailing) or providing a service.

If you want your business to be developed successfully, you should do enough planning and minimize the risk of failure during the first years of operation. You must estimate costs or money you spend to run the business. There are four types of costs: material costs, labour costs, overheads and your own salary.

If you want to expand your business you need financing. You can borrow money from a bank. Bank managers will make you a loan if they are sure that your business is a good investment. That’s why you should provide them with your financial statements showing the financial situation in your firm.

If you want to attract customers you should keep in mind that success of your business depends on a good promotional campaign, a convenient location, good selling methods and reasonable prices.

If you want to hire an employee you can use employment agencies, consulting firms and professional societies. You can also advertise in a newspaper or in a magazine.

Language abilities would allow you to communicate more easily and increase the number of business contacts.


Active Vocabulary

(выучить – 1 балл)

оwn - собственный

to earn – зарабатывать

experience – опыт

skill – навык

to choose – выбирать

success – успех

to manufacture – производить

to wholesale – продавать оптом

to retail – продавать в розницу

to provide – обеспечивать

to develop – развивать

failure – неудача

to estimate – оценивать

costs – расходы, издержки

to run the business – управлять бизнесом

material costs – материальные издержки

labour costs – трудовые расходы

overheads – накладные расходы

salary – заработная плата

to expand a business – расширить дело

to borrow from – занимать у

loan – займ

to attract – привлекать

to depend on – зависеть от

promotional campaign – компания по продвижению товара на рынок

convenient location – удобное месторасположение

reasonable price – разумная цена

society –общество, объединение

to advertise – рекламировать

ability – способность

to allow



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