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II. Заполнить пропуски модальными глаголами в нужной форме.

Читайте также:
  1. D. Помилки та пропуски
  2. VI. Проведение общего собрания собственников в очной форме.
  3. Аристотель. Аристотель о материи и форме. Учение о возможном и действительном бытии.
  4. Выведите теорему про циркуляцию в электрическом поле в дифференциальной форме.
  5. Докажите теорему Остроградского-Гаусса в вакууме в интегральной форме.
  6. Задание 2. Используя исходные данные проекта, заполнить предложенные ниже таблицы до конца.
  7. Заполните пропуски в рядах
  9. Заполнить таблицу

A) can или may.

1. I... not do this work. It is too difficult for me.

2.... I come in?

3. We... understand him well. His English is perfect.

4. I... swim very well when I was a boy.

5. They … be late for the train, if they don’t hurry.

B) must/need.

1. You... rely on this result. They are very accurate.

2. She... an hour to write a composition.

3. You... consult a doctor. Your illness is very dangerous.

4. Our company... highly qualified specialists.

5. This book... be published by all means. It is very interesting.

III. Составить предложения, используя глаголы в скобках.

Model. He is able to play chess (can) – He can play chess.

1. It isn’t necessary to pay the bill now (need).

2. We advise him to find a better job (ought).

3. I’m not sure he is our director (can’t).

4. You are not allowed to participate in this conference (may).

5. It is quite possible that the team will get the first price (might).

6. He has to sign this important document at once (must).

7. Do you want me to help you in your study (may).

8. They were not able to translate texts without a dictionary (could).

9. I advise you not to interfere in his business (should).

10. He is able to work with computer hardware (can).

IV. Переведите на русский язык предложения, обращая внимание на формы инфинитива.

1. There is nothing to argue about.

2. Here are the data to be processed.

3. They are glad to have received a letter from his son.

4. He was the last to arrive to the conference.

5. It was difficult for me to find the right solution.

6. I’ve got a task to perform.

7. I have to be disturbed when I am watching TV.

8. I’m sorry to be disturbing you.

9. The government announced new measures to deal with inflation.

10. We are glad to have been given this opportunity.

11. They prefer to be paid now.

12. Another reason to consider is the absence of necessary facilities for the experiment.

13. This method was introduced to active better results.

14. They were glad to have been invited to the celebration.

15. To extend the main street they had to destroy some buildings.

V. Переведите предложения на русский язык, подчеркните Complex Object.

  1. He wanted us to visit the exhibition.
  2. I expect you to tell me everything.
  3. The engineer wanted the plan to be improved.
  4. Everybody knows him to be writing a new book.
  5. We know him to have been working at the University for 25 years.
  6. Do you consider him to be an effective manager?
  7. We heard him come in and close the door.
  8. In spite of bad weather the instructor made the sportsmen continue their training.
  9. He likes to watch his son play in the garden.
  10. I believed you to have been shown this new device.

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