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There are some main models of national cultures used in cross-cultural management:
· The model of Kluckhohn-Strodtbeck
In model are allocated six main indicators on which different cultures are estimated:
· Relation to an environment
· Relation at the right time
· Human nature
· Activity orientation
· Responsibility orientation
· Space concept
· The model of Geert Hofstede
To Hofstede allocated four parameters of national business culture:
· Individualism and collectivism ratio
· Power distance
· Uncertainty avoidance
· Courage and feminist ratio
· The model of Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner
Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner established the following important elements of culture and defined their influence on cross-cultural management.
· Universalism – a particularism
· Collectivism – individualism
· The emotional – the neutral relations
· Specificity – dispersion (diffusion)
· Achievement – an ascription (attributing)
· Relation at the right time
· The internal – external management
· The model of Lefebvre
The model was developed by V. Lefebvre also it is provided in work [Shreyder, 1990]. The model is binary and considers two ethical systems.
In the first ethical system connection of the things having an opposite assessment, is perceived negatively, and separation – is positive. In the second ethical system connection "bad" and "good" (for example, the compromise of bad means with the good purpose) is estimated as a good situation, and their separations – as bad.
Such perception of a situation put in model of Lefebvre, conducts in the first ethical system to that the subject will suffer slightly more from a negative situation, but will feel as the best, than otherwise. The same model shows subjective preference of connection or a compromise in the first ethical system and preference of separation or a confrontation in the second.
This result explains characteristic distinctions between Soviet and American ethical systems, observed by Lefebvre with employees: "The majority of Americans negatively estimated a combination of the good and evil and it is positive — their division while the majority Soviet on the contrary — positively estimated connection of the good and evil and is negative their division. At the same time the majority of Americans approved behavior of those persons, who made a compromise, and the majority of the Soviet praised uncompromising behavior". Thus experimental confirmations of correctness of predictions of model were received: in cultural society where the majority of persons negatively estimate good and evil connection, the preference is given to the personality aspiring to compromise (Americans), and in those communities in which connection of the good and evil is estimated positively, the preference is given to the personality with uncompromising behavior (to it conducts education in the Soviet conditions). Existence of two ethical systems can be found also in "Crime and Punishment" of Dostoevsky.
The mathematical model of two ethical systems can create impression of their symmetry. However it only seeming symmetry. Actually domination of the second system conducts to catastrophic consequences and in the international relations, and in development of the ethnos. If in ethnos the second system of an ethical reflection starts prevailing, it becomes an important symptom of rising anthropological accident which can have global consequences. Though presence of heroes of the second ethical system in a sense and in certain doses can be "useful" for an society, the trouble consists that society with prevalence of the second etic system starts destroying inevitably the heroes and then in it there are dominating people immoral and from a point of view of this system. The model of reflexive structure allows that use in the sphere of social diagnostics.
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