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Cultural features of international business contacts

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Still in the seventies of the XX century G. Hofstede conducted researches in 66 countries of the world. They allowed him to allocate some fundamental aspects defining style and features of business by representatives of different cultures. The model of the comparative analysis of the business cultures, based on four variable characteristics became result of researches. These "magic" characteristics: 1) the index of an individualism/collectivism based on self-orientation of the personality, 2) the degree of hierarchical distancing reflecting orientation to the power and authority, 3) extent of avoiding of the uncertainty, characterizing level of readiness for risk, and, at last, 4) man's or female style of business relationship.

Already now about 40% of goods and services in the world are made by the mixed companies. At the same time, along with integration economic and socio-political processes in parallel processes of sociocultural differentiation, delimitation and even opposition of separate social groups and communities not less intensively develop. The scientific and applied discipline known as cross-cultural, comparative management in the last decade is engaged in these aspects.

Individualism/collectivism (I/Cindex). The index of an individualism/collectivism expresses the relation between an individual and society. This indicator describes extent of integration of the personality in collective, group. The high index of individualism means concentration on own "ego" and personal achievements; low value of an index indicates integration, submission of an individual to collective, prevalence "we" in mentality. It at all doesn't mean that in the countries with a high index of individualism the individual badly integrates herself in group. In the countries with the expressed individualistic mentality, which striking example the USA are, rather private life and an initiative are most important. Individualism prevails in societies where communications between individuals are weak also everyone is responsible only for itself or for the closest family members. In societies with prevalence of mentality of a collectivism of the relation are based on family morals, call of duty, prevalence of interests of collective over personal and loyalty. In such cultures the personality practically since the birth is integrated into steady groups which throughout all human life continue to protect it in exchange for loyalty to this group.

The hierarchical distance (H/D index) is a distance between the members of society being at different steps of hierarchy. The index of a hierarchical distance measures tolerance of society to social inequality that is unequal distribution of the power between higher and subordinate members of social system. Degree of distancing shows the attitude of the heads subordinated to the power. Cultures with a high index are hierarchical; the power in some cultures can be hereditary. In similar cultures, for example in the countries of Latin America, the organization is constructed by the principle of a pyramid and centralization of the power is necessary. Here the considerable difference between the members of society standing at different social levels, and a difference in privileges which is perceived by members of society as due is felt. In the countries with a low index the return picture is observed.

Extent of avoiding of uncertainty (A/U index) is extent of avoiding of risk or aspiration to it. Control of level of uncertainty is the line to a great extent determined by culture, and shows, in what measure members of this or that cultural community is programmed on a freedom of action in unstructured non-standard situations.

The index reflects tolerance of members of society to uncertainty of a situation. Cultures with a high index are less steady against a stress, are more strongly anxious with safety issues and followings to the established rules that leads to the complicated perception of changes and slow adaptation to new ideas. Cultures with a low index of avoiding of uncertainty associate with bigger mobility, readiness for risk, innovation, are inclined to lean on knowledge, instead of on absolute knowledge.

If to compare the USA having average value of an index of 46 (Tab. 1), and France having an index of 86, such considerable difference in uncertainty avoiding often leads to the conflicts, especially between managers and their heads if they are representatives of different cultures. In French, as well as in the German companies, high significance is attached to observance of rules, writing of regular written reports on various occasions, up to telephone conversations with partners. The registered official duties, working procedures, exact instructions – here typical lines of business culture of these countries.

Male (rigid) or female (soft) type of behavior (M/F index). Prevalence and encouragement among members of society of competitiveness, insistence, aspiration to achievements, business carries to male type of behavior. Societies with a high index (on man's type) are characterized also by aspiration to a profit and accumulation of money, absence of care of people around.

Contrary to it in the countries with prevailing behavior on female type prevailing values are the modesty and altruism, equality of floors, an emphasis on service to people. In the countries with man's type the work, allowing to be recognized is appreciated, to promote, in the countries with female type – work in pleasant collective, mutual aid.


In some societies it is considered permissible for men and women to accept various mutually crossing roles while in other cultures there is an accurate gender-role restriction.

Data of Hofstede researches on some countries representing considerable commercial interest are provided in Table 1.


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