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Post-Soviet Kazakhstan represents the multicultural and multiethnic state where today in peace lives more than 130 ethnos. It, first of all, representatives of title ethnos – Kazakhs (65 %), Russians (25 %), Ukrainians (2,9%), Uzbeks (2,8%), Germans (1,5%), Tatars (1,5%), Uyghurs (1,5%) and representatives of other ethnos.
In this regard special relevance is gained by the researches directed on studying of cross-cultural features of ethnos, living here.
The main determinants of the general approach to studying of the main cross-cultural researches in Kazakhstan are defined, first of all, by features of nomadic culture which did not allow fixing the first, latent stages of these researches due to the lack of writing. Feature of the Eurasian arrangement of Kazakhstan which at all times was crossing of geographical ways and the cultural directions, forced Kazakhs to look narrowly at adjacent cultural communities, to define and compare their features, to fix them in oral national creativity.
In the very first poetic monument in the history of mankind - "The legend on Gilgamesh" which by right can be considered as one of the early cross-cultural studies, is given the comparative and typological characteristic of settled life and camping as ways of attitude and own identity.
Appeared in the first half of X centuries "The book of signs", and then one of the first written monuments "The book of my grandfather Korkut" became some kind of comparative and cultural researches of the people occupying this region.
Abu Nasr al-Farabi also did not stand aside from studying of psychology of the various people. He considered that at the heart of comparative and psychological distinctions the dissimilarity on three key parameters – the natural customs, natural lines (character) and to languages lies. He saw the reason of these distinctions not only in climatic, natural distinctions, but also in an arrangement and features of astronomical bodies and space processes.
The following stage in development of cross-cultural researches in Kazakhstan is connected with Mahmoud Kashgari, Mohammed Haidar, Dulati names whose books "Dictionary of Turkic adverbs" and "Tarikh-i-Rashidi" are devoted to comparative research of culture, history, literature of the people of Central Asia.
However directly scientific comparative and cultural researches appear in the territory of Kazakhstan only in the XIX century, and they are connected with Sh. Valikhanov, A. Kunanbayev names.
Sh. Valikhanov considered that history, culture, thinking, features of national character of the people cannot be studied in a separation from monuments of oral national creativity in which all experience of last generations accumulated. Therefore he addressed to studying of national folklore.
Collecting and studying myths, fairy tales, legends, legends Sh. Valikhanov saw in them, first of all, history of formation of the people. In his opinion, these sources - almost only in cultural history of Kazakhs, because in the conditions of a severe nomadic way of life only separate national creations could reach the subsequent generations in integrity and safety. Thereof, the oral national creativity of Kazakhs presented by legends, legends, fairy tales, was perceived by it, first of all, as memory in which the key valuable parameters of activity of the nomadic people, its spiritual wealth, traditions and customs were reflected.
Without being the theorist of cross-cultural researches, nevertheless, Sh. Valikhanov in the researches realized one their basic principles of these researches, namely, studying influence ecology on formation of culture, the socialization, and defining behavior of the personality.
Studying and comprehending features of the people, Sh. Valikhanov came to a conclusion that crucial importance on formation of national character of Kazakhs difficult conditions of nomadic life of the people, feature of leading labor activity, in particular, rendered, first of all, cattle breeding. The cattle breeding, in his opinion, determined psychological features of Kazakhs. Sh. Valikhanov it is very exact and thin I noticed that one only small phrase expressing "care with what beforehand families inquire about cattle, characterizes a life of the nomad more, than the whole pages of descriptions".
Not less significant, in his opinion, feature of Kazakhs is special "tendency to poetry, especially to improvisation which distinguishes all nomadic races". In a draft sketch of the article "Kyrgyz descent" he wrote that the eloquence peculiar to its people, is some kind of national cult. Kazakhs big hunters before oratorical performances, they seek to be improved in art of pronouncing speeches and especially appreciate what speech shines with humor and is noted by witty finds. Trying to explain this phenomenon, he writes: whether "influence of carefree nomadic life or continuous contemplation of the nature, always caused the open star sky and boundless steppes to poetic and speculative mood of nomads".
Therefore, a huge merit in research of social and ethnic problems is that Sh. Valikhanov studied genesis and ethnic history of the people in close connection with sociocultural determinants, considered individual development of the person in a context of group ethnic identity within specific culture of a nomadic civilization.
As the English scientist, one of founders of cross-cultural psychology U. Rivers "an ultimate goal of all researches of mankind later noted... consists in receiving an explanation from the point of view of psychology... according to which the behavior of the person, both individual, and collective, is defined... the social structure, which member is each person... ".
The investigator, preceding from Sh. Valikhanov's scientific researches it is necessary to study not only representatives of culture, but also economic and historical factors which can explain why certain elements of culture gained paramount value in this culture.
Speaking about the social and ethnic problems exciting the Kazakh thinkers, it is impossible to ignore Abay Kunanbayev whose views differ, first, concrete approach to all manifestations of the Kazakh national character, both positive, and negative; secondly, aspiration to find and explain the reason of psychological features of the people, in - the third, social and ethnic researches of Abay were not limited only to studying of the people, extending before cross-cultural studying of many people of Turkic Asia – Uzbeks, Tatars, and also the Russians living in this region.
The traditions put by thinkers and scientists, found worthy continuation in modern Kazakhstan.
Researchers – Kazakhstan citizens not casually choose a culture phenomenon as one of actual subjects for studying that leads to updating of cross-cultural researches.
The special importance was gained today by a problem of adaptation, acculturation of emigrants and reemigrant in multicultural society, etc.
However, despite it, in the Kazakhstan psychological science yet methodological programs of cross-cultural research still are not developed, there are no skilled and experimental models, original techniques. While there is no the uniform psychological concept covering research of cross-cultural features of the people of Kazakhstan. It is a little given attention to research of methodological problems of psychological features of the most Kazakh ethnos.
Дата добавления: 2014-12-18; просмотров: 148 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав |