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Direct access data sets
Сергеев Сергей
Набор данных прямого доступа (DA - Direct access data sets)
Набор данных с прямой организацией и соответствующий ему метод доступа BDAM позволяет заполнять записями пространство, отведенное набору данных, практически как угодно. Позволяет вычислять местоположение записи каким угодно алгоритмом в зависимости от ее содержимого и писать запись в заданное место: например, логически разделить пространство на 256 кусков и писать записи в зависимости значения в первом байте в подходящий кусок. Позволяет разместить в начале набора (к примеру, на первых 10 дорожках) какой-нибудь свой индекс с указателями на записи и т. д. Понятно, что это требует больших усилий от программиста, почему DA используется сравнительно редко. В DA нет никаких накладных расходов: что создали, то и имеем − и могут быть задействованы аппаратные ключи.
Наборы данных прямой организации используются приложениями для которых предсказуемое время доступа к данным является критическим требованием. В наборах данных DA нет никаких накладных расходов т.к. нет ни каких служебных данных, а так же могут быть использованы аппаратные ключи, то есть функции поиска данных по их содержимому, обеспечиваемых устройством прямого доступа, без привлечения центрального процессора.
The data control block for a basic direct access method (BDAM) data set is constructed during assembly of the problem program. You must code DSORG and MACRF in the DCB macro, but the other parameters can be supplied to the DCB from the DD statement or an existing data set label (DSCB). If more than one of these sources specifies information for a particular field, the order of priority is the DCB macro, DD statement, and data set label. Each BDAM DCB parameter description contains a heading, "Source". The information under this heading describes the sources that can supply the parameter.
Each reference to a DCB OPEN exit routine applies also to a JFCBE exit routine.
You can assemble the DCB macro into a program that resides above the 16MB line, but the program must move it below the line before using it. All areas that the DCB refers to, such as EXLST and SYNAD, must be below the 16MB line.
The format of the DCB macro for BDAM is:
Recommendation: When creating a DCB to open a data set allocated to an SMS-managed volume, do not specify values that would change the data set to a type which cannot be SMS-managed, such as DSORG=DAU.
BDAM supports the following DCB parameters:
specifies the boundary alignment for each buffer in the buffer pool. You can specify the BFALN parameter when (1) BSAM is being used to allocate a direct data set and buffers are acquired automatically, (2) when an existing BDAM data set is being processed and dynamic buffering is requested, or (3) when the GETPOOL macro is used to construct the buffer pool. If BFALN is omitted, the system provides doubleword alignment for each buffer. You can specify:
specifies that each buffer is on a fullword boundary that is not also a doubleword boundary.
specifies that each buffer is on a doubleword boundary.
If you use the BUILD macro to construct the buffer pool, or if the problem program controls all buffering, the problem program must provide the area for the buffers and control buffer alignment.
Source: BFALN can be supplied in the DCB macro, in the DCB subparameter of a DD statement, or by the problem program before completion of the data control block exit routine. If both BFALN and BFTEK are specified, they must be supplied from the same source.
specifies that the data set is allocated for or contains variable-length spanned records. You can code BFTEK=R only when the record format is specified as RECFM=VS.
When variable-length spanned records are written, the data length can exceed the total capacity of a single track on the direct access storage device being used, or it can exceed the remaining capacity on a given track. The system divides the data block into segments (if necessary), writes the first segment on a track, and writes the remaining segments on the following track(s).
When a variable-length spanned record is read, the system reads each segment and assembles a complete data block in the buffer designated in the area address of a READ macro.
Variable-length spanned records can also be read using BSAM. When BSAM is used to read a BDAM variable-length spanned record, the record is read one segment at a time, and the problem program must assemble the segments into a complete data block. This operation is described in the section for the BSAM DCB macro.
Source: BFTEK can be supplied in the DCB macro, in the DCB subparameter of a DD statement, or by the problem program before completion of the data control block exit routine. If both BFTEK and BFALN are specified, they must be supplied from the same source.
BLKSIZE=absexp (maximum value is 32760)
specifies the length, in bytes, of each data block for fixed-length records. Or, specifies the maximum length, in bytes, of each data block for variable-length or undefined-length records. If keys are used, the length of the key is not included in the value specified for BLKSIZE.
The actual value that you can specify in BLKSIZE depends on the record format and the type of direct access storage devices being used. If variable-length spanned records are used, the value specified in BLKSIZE can be up to the maximum. For all other record formats (F, V, VBS, and U), the maximum value that can be specified in BLKSIZE is determined by the track capacity of a single track on the direct access storage device being used. Device capacity for direct access storage devices is described in Appendix E. Selecting logical record lengths and block sizes for specific devices. For additional information about space allocation, see z/OS DFSMS Using Data Sets.
Source: BLKSIZE can be supplied in the DCB macro, in the DCB subparameter of a DD statement, by the problem program before completion of the data control block exit routine, or by the data set label of an existing data set. Block size can also be derived from the JCL keyword LIKE. See z/OS MVS JCL Reference and z/OS MVS JCL User's Guide for more information on LIKE.
specifies the address of the buffer pool control block in a buffer pool constructed by a BUILD macro. The buffer pool must reside below the 16MB line.
If the buffer pool is constructed automatically, dynamically, or by a GETPOOL macro, you do not need to use BUFCB because the system places the address of the buffer pool control block into the data control block. Also, if the problem program is to control all buffering, omit BUFCB.
Source: BUFCB can be supplied in the DCB macro or by the problem program before completion of the data control block exit routine. If the problem program is to control all buffering (and BUFNO is not supplied by any source), then BUFCB can be supplied any time before it is needed. You do not have to have a buffer pool.
BUFL=absexp (maximum value KEYLEN + BLKSIZE is 32760)
specifies the length, in bytes, of each buffer in the buffer pool when the buffers are acquired automatically (create BDAM) or dynamically (existing BDAM).
When buffers are acquired automatically (create BDAM), the BUFL parameter is optional. If specified, the value must be at least as large as the sum of the values specified for KEYLEN and BLKSIZE. If BUFL is omitted, the system builds buffers with a length equal to the sum of the values specified in KEYLEN and BLKSIZE.
You must specify BUFL when processing an existing direct data set with dynamic buffering. Its value must be at least as large as the value specified for BLKSIZE when the READ or WRITE macro specifies a key address, or the value specified in BUFL must be at least as large as the sum of the values specified in KEYLEN and BLKSIZE if the READ and WRITE macros specify 'S' for the key address.
You can omit BUFL if the buffer pool is constructed by a BUILD or GETPOOL macro, or if the problem program controls all buffering.
Source: BUFL can be supplied in the DCB macro, in the DCB subparameter of a DD statement, or by the problem program before completion of the data control block exit routine.
BUFNO=absexp (maximum value is 255)
specifies the number of buffers to be constructed by a BUILD macro, or the number of buffers and segment work areas to be acquired automatically by the system.
If the buffer pool is constructed by a BUILD macro or if buffers are acquired automatically when BSAM is used to allocate a direct data set, you must specify the number of buffers in BUFNO.
If dynamic buffering is requested when an existing direct data set is being processed, BUFNO is optional; if omitted, the system acquires two buffers.
If variable-length spanned records are being processed and dynamic buffering is requested, the system also acquires a segment work area for each buffer. If dynamic buffering is not requested, the system acquires the number of segment work areas specified in BUFNO. If BUFNO is omitted when variable-length spanned records are being processed and dynamic buffering is not requested, the system acquires two segment work areas.
If the buffer pool is constructed by a GETPOOL macro or if the problem program controls all buffering, you can omit BUFNO unless you need it to acquire additional segment work areas for variable-length spanned records.
Source: BUFNO can be supplied in the DCB macro, in the DCB subparameter of a DD statement, or by the problem program before completion of the data control block exit routine.
specifies the name used to identify the job control language data definition (DD) statement that defines the data set being allocated or processed.
Source: DDNAME can be supplied in the DCB macro or can be moved into the DCB by the problem program before an OPEN macro is issued to open the data set.
specifies the data set organization and whether the data set contains any location-dependent information that would make it unmovable. For example, if actual device addresses are used to process a BDAM data set, the data set can be unmovable. You can specify:
specifies a direct organization data set.
specifies a direct organization data set containing location-dependent information that would make it unmovable.
A DSORG=DAU data set cannot be SMS-managed.
When a direct data set is allocated, the basic sequential access method (BSAM) is used. You must code DSORG in the DCB macro as DSORG=PS or PSU when the data set is allocated, and code the DCB subparameter in the corresponding DD statement as DSORG=DA or DAU. This creates a data set with a data set label identifying it as a direct data set.
Source: DSORG must be specified in the DCB macro. See the preceding comment about creating a direct data set.
specifies the address of the DCB exit list. The EXLST parameter is required if the problem program processes user labels during the open or close routine, if the data control block exit routine is used for additional processing, or if the DCB ABEND exit is used for abend condition analysis.
The exit list must reside below the line. For the functions, format, and requirements of exit list processing, see z/OS DFSMS Using Data Sets. Exit routines can reside above the 16 MB line if you use the technique described in Figure 3.
Source: EXLST can be supplied in the DCB macro or by the problem program before the relevant function is needed.
KEYLEN=absexp (maximum value is 255)
specifies the length, in bytes, of all keys used in the data set. When keys are used, a key is associated with each data block in the data set. If the key length is not supplied by any source, no input or output requests that require a key can be specified in a READ or WRITE macro.
Source: KEYLEN can be supplied in the DCB macro, in the DCB subparameter of a DD statement, by the problem program before the completion of the data control block exit routine, or by an existing data set label. If KEYLEN=0 is specified in the DCB macro, a special indicator is set in RECFM so that KEYLEN cannot be supplied from the DCB subparameter of a DD statement or data set label of an existing data set. KEYLEN=0 can be coded only in the DCB macro and will be ignored if specified in the DD statement.
Key length can be derived from the data class associated with the data set. Key length can also be derived from the JCL keyword LIKE. However, if KEYLEN is specified in the DCB macro, it overrides the value derived from data class or LIKE. For more information, see z/OS MVS JCL Reference.
specifies the number of blocks or tracks to be searched when the extended search option (OPTCD=E) is requested.
When the extended search option is requested and relative block addressing is used, the records must be fixed-length record format. The system converts the number of blocks specified in LIMCT into the number of tracks required to contain the blocks, then proceeds in the manner described below for relative track addressing.
When the extended search option is requested and relative track addressing is used (or the number of blocks has been converted to the number of tracks), the system searches for two things: (1) the block specified in a READ or WRITE macro (type DK), or (2) available space where it can add a block (WRITE macro, type DA). The search is as follows:
The search begins at the track specified by the block address of a READ or WRITE macro.
The search continues until the search is satisfied, the number of tracks specified in LIMCT have been searched, or the entire data set has been searched. If the search is not satisfied when the last track of the data set is reached, the system continues the search by starting at the first track of the data set if the EOF marker is on the last track allocated to the data set. (This operation allows the number specified in LIMCT to exceed the size of the data set, causing the entire data set to be searched.) You can ensure that the EOF marker is on the last allocated track by determining the size of the data set and allocating space in blocks, or by allocating space in tracks and including the RLSE subparameter in the SPACE parameter of the DD statement (RLSE specifies that all unused tracks be returned to the system).
The problem program can change the DCBLIMCT field in the data control block at any time, but, if the extended search option is used, the DCBLIMCT field must not be zero when a READ or WRITE macro is issued.
If the extended search option is not requested, the system ignores LIMCT, and the search for a data block is limited to a single track.
Source: LIMCT can be supplied in the DCB macro, the DCB subparameter of a DD statement, or by the problem program before the count is required by a READ or WRITE macro.
{(W{A[K][I]|K [I]|I}[C])}
{(R{K[I]|I}[X] [S][C],W{A[K][I]|K[I]|I}[C])}}
specifies the type of macros (READ, WRITE, CHECK, and WAIT) that are used to process the data set. MACRF also specifies the type of search argument and BDAM functions that are used with the data set. When BSAM is used to create a direct data set, the BSAM parameter MACRF=WL is specified. This special parameter invokes the BSAM routine that can create a BDAM data set. You can specify the following characters for BDAM:
specifies that data blocks are added to the data set.
specifies that the CHECK macro is used to test for completion of read and write operations. If C is not specified, WAIT macros must be used to test for completion of read and write operations.
specifies that the search argument is the block identification portion of the data block. If relative addressing is used, the system converts the relative address to an actual address (MBBCCHHR) before the search.
specifies that the search argument is the key portion of the data block. The location of the key to be used as a search argument is specified in a READ or WRITE macro.
specifies that READ macros are used. READ macros can be issued when the data set is opened for INPUT, OUTPUT, or UPDAT. R is required if the OPEN option is INPUT or UPDAT. It has no effect if the OPEN option is OUTPUT or EXTEND.
specifies that dynamic buffering is requested by specifying 'S' in the area address parameter of a READ or WRITE macro.
specifies that WRITE macros are used. WRITE macros can be issued only when the data set is opened for OUTPUT or UPDAT. W is required if the OPEN option is OUTPUT. It has no effect if the OPEN option is INPUT.
specifies that READ macros request exclusive control of a data block. When exclusive control is requested, the data block must be released by a subsequent WRITE or RELEX macro.
Source: MACRF must be supplied in the DCB macro.
OPTCD={[R|A][E][F ][W]}
specifies the optional services used with the direct data set. These options are related to the type of addressing used, the extended search option, block position feedback, and write-validity checking. You can code the following characters in any order, in any combination, and without commas between characters:
specifies that actual device addresses (MBBCCHHR) are provided to the system when READ or WRITE macros are issued.
specifies that the extended search option is used to locate data blocks or available space where a data block can be added. When the extended search option is specified, the number of blocks or tracks to be searched must be specified in LIMCT. The extended search option is ignored if actual addressing (OPTCD=A) is also specified. The extended search option requires that the data set have keys and that the search be made by key (by specifying DK in the READ or WRITE macro or DA in the WRITE macro).
specifies that the block position feedback that is requested by a READ or WRITE macro is to be in the same form originally presented to the system in the READ or WRITE macro. If the F parameter is omitted, the system provides feedback, when requested, as an 8-byte actual device address. (Feedback is always provided if exclusive control is requested.)
specifies that relative block addresses (as 3-byte binary numbers) are provided to the system when a READ or WRITE macro is issued.
specifies that the system is to perform a validity check for each record written.
Tip: You can specify relative track addressing by omitting both A and R from OPTCD. If you want to specify relative track addressing after your data set has been accessed using another addressing scheme (OPTCD=A or OPTCD=R), you should either specify a valid OPTCD subparameter (E, F, or W) in the DCB macro or DD statement when you reopen your data set, or zero out the OPTCD=A or OPTCD=R bits in the data control block exit routine. Note that the first method prevents the open routines from merging any of the other OPTCD bits from the format-1 DSCB in the DCB. Both methods update the OPTCD bits in the DSCB if the open is for OUTPUT, OUTIN, or UPDAT.
Source: OPTCD can be supplied in the DCB macro, in the DCB subparameter of a DD statement, or by the problem program before completion of the DCB open exit routine.
specifies the record format and characteristics of the data set being allocated or processed. You can specify the following characters. (If the optional characters are coded, they must be coded in the order shown above).
specifies that the data set contains blocked records. The record format RECFM=VBS is the only combination in which B can be specified. RECFM=VBS does not cause the system to process spanned records. The problem program must block and segment the records. RECFM=VBS is treated as a variable-length record by BDAM.
specifies that the data set contains fixed-length records.
specifies that the data set contains variable-length spanned records when it is coded as RECFM=VS. When RECFM=VBS is coded, the records are treated as variable-length records, and the problem program must block and segment the records.
specifies that track overflow is used with the data set. Track overflow allows a record to be partially written on one track and the remainder is written on the following track (if required).
Note: This is an obsolete option. The system ignores it.
specifies that the data set contains undefined-length records.
specifies that the data set contains variable-length records.
Source: RECFM can be supplied in the DCB macro, in the DCB subparameter of a DD statement, the problem program before completion of the data control block exit routine, or by the data set label of an existing data set.
Record format can be derived from the data class associated with the data set. Record format can also be derived from the JCL keyword LIKE. However, if RECFM is specified in the DCB macro, it overrides the value derived from data class or LIKE. For more information, see z/OS MVS JCL Reference.
specifies the address of the error analysis routine to be given control when an uncorrectable input/output error occurs. The entry point of this SYNAD routine must reside below the line. The entry point of this SYNAD routine must reside below the line. The contents of the registers when the error analysis routine is given control are described in z/OS DFSMS Using Data Sets. Additional status information available to the SYNAD routine is described in Status information following an input/output operation.
The error analysis routine must not use the save area pointed to by register 13. The system does not restore registers when it regains control from the error analysis routine. The error analysis routine can issue a RETURN macro that uses the address in register 14 to return control to the system. When control is returned in this manner, the system returns control to the problem program and proceeds as though no error had been found. When a direct data set is being created, a return from the error analysis routine to the system causes abnormal end of the task.
When you issue a CHECK macro, the SYNAD routine receives control if an I/O error occurred. If SYNAD is omitted, the task is abnormally terminated if you issue a CHECK macro and it finds an uncorrectable I/O error.
SYNAD receives control in the addressing mode in which the CHECK macro was issued. On return from a SYNADAF or SYNADRLS macro issued in the SYNAD routine, the high order byte of register 15 will be unpredictable. Therefore, callers of SYNADAF or SYNADRLS in 31-bit addressing mode must either not use register 15 as a base register or restore the high order bytes on return from SYNADAF or SYNADRLS.
Source: SYNAD can be supplied in the DCB macro or by the problem program. The problem program can also change the error routine address at any time.
Large Format Data Set
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