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Replace the underlined words by synonyms. - whilst others are used in response to the demands of consumers;

Читайте также:
  1. A) Replace the underlined words by synonyms
  2. A) Replace the underlined words by synonyms
  3. A) Replace the underlined words by synonyms
  4. A) Replace the underlined words by synonyms
  5. Assignment 2. Write the definitions for the following words and word combinations
  6. Comment on the following lines from the text. Explain the underlined words.
  7. Exercise 1. Learn the following new words
  8. Exercise 1. Learn the following new words
  9. Exercise 6. Match the words and phrases (1-9) from the texts with the definitions (a-i).
  10. Exercise 9. Make questions to the underlined words.

- significant faults;

- a range of products;

- whilst others are used in response to the demands of consumers;

- to run businesses;

- private ownership.


3. These pairs of words often cause problems. Choose the correct alternative for each:


a) We sometimes call a person’s work his ___ activity.

b) People should be very ___ with the money they earn.


a) The ___ system of a country is usually called the national ___.

b) The people in that town live very ___.


a) The company ___ a new ___ every year.

b) The company’s newest ___ is a high-speed computer.


4. Suggest Ukrainian equivalents:

- to match supply and demand;

- government spending;

- to cut profit margins substantially;

- to cut expenditure on luxury items;

- to cut across the large number of subject groupings cited about;

- products which are favoured.


5. a) Read and translate the text in a written form:


Packing goods for export is a highly specialized job. If the goods are improperly packed and marked, the carrier will refuse to accept them, or will make qualifications about the unsatisfactory condition of packing in the Bill of Loading.

Packing can be external and internal in which the goods are sold. In case of consumer goods packing has a double function. On the one hand, it is for protection. On the other – it serves to advertise a product and attract a customer. Marking should be in indelible paint with recognized kind of marks.

Extract from a contract.

1. The packing is to secure full safety of the goods from any kind of damage and corrosion during transportation by sea, railway and combined transport. The packing shall be suitable for loading by crane, by autocars, by trucks and manually in case the weight and volume of individual packages allow.

2. Before packing, the equipment is to be protected with anticorrosive coating to protect it from any damage and corrosion in transit and to ensure storage during hot summer and cold winter.


b) Answer the following questions:

1. What will the carrier do if the goods are improperly packed and marked?

2. What function does packing have in case of consumer goods?

3. Who will be responsible for any damage of the goods that may be caused by poor packing?


6. a) Turn the following sentences into the Passive Voice using the italicized words as the grammatical subject. Use a by-phrase where necessary:

1. The discovery has aroused the greatest interest. (by)

2. He did not give any details in this report.

3. I have just sent a telegram to them.

4. The maidservant informed him (by) that Miss Marple was not at home.

5. Eliza’s long absence alarmed Professor Higgins. (by)


b)Turn the following sentences into the Passive Voice where possible:

1. He wiped his face on the towel.

2. I have done the work unwillingly.

3. A man is waiting for Miss Ross downstairs.

4. Has anyone sent for Jean?

5. His wife is wearing a flowered dress.


c) Transform the sentences using Complex Object:

1. The productivity of that factory has gone down over the last 5 years. Nobody expected it.

2. Losses amounted to over $100 million. Everybody knew it.

3. She studied economics at university. We considered it.

4. He estimated the difference between the subjects. Director made him do it.

5. She managed to pass her entrance exams. They thought it.


7. Translate into English:

1. Експерти очікували, що зміни в економіці вплинуть на всі сфери бізнесу.

2. Якщо капіталовкладення будуть високими та дохід низьким, то прибуток фірми знизиться.

3. Дуже часто випускають застарілі (ті що вийшли з вжитку) та непривабливі товари.

4. Він сподівався, що попит на цьому ринку буде вивчено фахівцями.

5. Його було позбавлено можливості виказати свою точку зору.


8. Express your attitude towards the following proverbs and sayings:

- “A beggar can never be bankrupt”;

- “A heavy purse makes a light heart”.



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