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A) Replace the underlined words by synonyms. - these resources are being under-utilised;

Читайте также:
  1. A) Replace the underlined words by synonyms
  2. A) Replace the underlined words by synonyms
  3. A) Replace the underlined words by synonyms
  4. Assignment 2. Write the definitions for the following words and word combinations
  5. Comment on the following lines from the text. Explain the underlined words.
  6. Exercise 1. Learn the following new words
  7. Exercise 1. Learn the following new words
  8. Exercise 6. Match the words and phrases (1-9) from the texts with the definitions (a-i).
  9. Exercise 9. Make questions to the underlined words.

- these resources are being under-utilised;

- figures give an indicator of;

- changes have great significance for;

- numerous;

- additionally.


b) Give the antonyms of the following words:

- growth;

- increase;

- saving;

- supply;

- advantage;

- to spend money;


3. Give English equivalents of the following expressions and make up sentences of your own:

мати відношення, фактори виробництва, сприятливий вплив, нарахований дохід, тимчасове безробіття.


4. Suggest Ukrainian equivalents:

- available resources of labour;

- at full capacity;

- key data;

- the value of nation’s output;

- building societies;

- they should be treated with some caution.


5. a) Read and translate the text in a written form:


You, and your family, have an income. You have an annual income, this is what you earn in a year. This income allows you to enjoy various goods and services. It means you have a certain standard of living. Your standard of living, of course, includes what you think of as necessary to your life,things like food, water, somewhere to live, health and education. But your income doesn't just cover the necessities of life. It also includes recreation whether that's sport or TV or a holiday. Your income will be less than some of your neighbours’, but it will be more than some of your other neighbours’. Your neighbours mean not just people living in your own country but also people living in other countries.

Just as you and your family have an income, so nations, different countries, also have an income - the national income, it's often called. A national income is not the money the government gets. The national income is the sum total of the incomes of all the people living in that country, in other words, everyone's income added together. In the same way one can think of world income as the total of all the incomes earned by all the people in the world.


b) Answer the questions:

1. What does your income allow you to do?

2. What is the national income?

3. What is the world income?


6. a) Open the brackets, using Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous:

1. Since when they (to wait) for us? – They (to wait) for half an hour. We (to be) late.

2. My sister (to drive) a car. She (to learn) to drive for two months.

3. Beth (to be) busy this morning, hasn’t she? – Yes. She already (to write) some letters and (to interview) four people.

4. Julia already (to return) home. She always (to come) home at this time. She (to do) her lessons. She (to do) them since three o’clock.

5. My baby (to sleep) at the moment. My baby (to sleep) for two hours.


b) Choose the necessary form of the Participle:

1. The question (discussing/discussed) at the meeting was very important.

2. He doesn’t like (boiling/boiled) milk.

3. This is the office (built/building) many years ago.

4. Microsoft company (found/finding) by Bill Gates is the most successful company.

5. The questions (put/putting) to the president were important.


7. Translate into English:

1. Ставши незалежною, Україна почала розвивати відносини з країнами західної та східної Європи.

2. Він написав теми, які зазвичай обговорюють на тих семінарах.

3. Директор компанії ретельно дослідив базу даних, запропоновану консультантом компанії.

4. Учасники зустрічі обговорювали проблему контролю цін та впровадження карток протягом двох годин до того, як ми прийшли.

5. Ви передасте їй, що я приходив до неї, але її не було вдома. Мені потрібно було поговорити з нею.


8. Do you see any areas in which a large number of jobs might realistically be created?


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