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Grammatical categories of nouns
OE | ME | NE | |||
Number | Singular and plural. They were. distinguished formally in all the declensions, there being few homonymous forms. Plural: Some nouns built its plural by means of a root - vowel interchange Ex: broрor (r-stem) cild (s - stem), took the ending «ru»: cild - cildru Ex: Sg Pl Norn. Ace - fot - fet Dat. - fet - fotum Gen. - fotes - fota | Singular - the basic form (with the «zero» ending) and the form in - (e)s Ex: Common case - fish, tale, end(e), sun(e) Gen. case - fishes, endes, tales, suncs Plural - ending «es» Ex: Common case - fishes, endes, tales Gen. case - fishes, endes, wolves The following examples show the development of the ME pi inflection -es in ENE under different phonetic conditions: 1) after a voiced consonant or a vowel stones [ 'st ≥:nes] days [dais] > [deiz] 2) after a voiceless consonant bookes ['bo:kes] 3) after sibilants and affricates [s,z, S, t$. d3] Ex: dishes [ 'diSes ] Plural - ending «en» used as a variant marker with some nouns: oxen, brethern, children The small group of nouns with homonymous forms of number has been further reduced to three «exceptions» in Mod. E. Ex: deer, hors, thing, see Ex: Sg Pl Norn. Ace. - foot - feet Dat. - foote, foot - footen, feet Gen. - footes - foote, feet | 1) Ex: stones, days. 2) Ex: books 3) Ex: dishes • They arc in Mod.E.: (three «exceptions») Ex: deer, sheep, swine | ||
Gender Case | Three genders. They were merely a classifying feature accounting, alongside other features, for the division of nouns into morphological classes. (Mas., Fern., Neut.) Gender was not always associated with the meaning of nouns. 1) A derivational suffix referred a noun to a certain gender and placed it into a certain semantic group. a) abstract nouns built with the help of the suffix -pu: Ex: Fern. - len3pu, hyhpu b) nomina agcntis with the suffix -ere Ex: Masc. - fiscere, bocere 2) The nouns denoting human beings show, that grammatical gender did not necessarily correspond to sex: alongside Masc. and Fern, nouns denoting males and females. There were nouns with «unjustified» gender. Ex: Masc. - widuwa; Fern. - widowe Masc. - spinnere; Fern. - spinnestre Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative. The Nominative: 1) Can be defined as the case of the active agent, for it was the case of | The gender was associated with the differentiation of sex and therefore the formal grouping into genders was smoothly superseded by a semantic division into inanimate and animate nouns, with a further subdivision of the latter into males and females. In ME nouns were grouped into classes or types of declensions according to gender instead of stems. Common, Genitive, Dative Dative: In the strong declension the Dat. was marked | a) Ex length, hcmht Ex: fisher, learned man 2) Ex: Masc. – widower; Fern - widow Masc. - spinner, Fern spinner Common, Genitive | ||
the subject used with verbs denoting activity. Ex: l>жt flod weox pa and abжr upp pone arc - «that flood increased then and bore up the arc.» 2) It could indicate the subject characterised by a certain quality or state. Ex: weap pa жlc pi3 ewices adrenct - «was then everything alive drowed», 3) It could serve as a predicative and as the case of address, there being no special vocative case. Ex: a) He wжs swipe spedi3 man - «He was a very rich man.» (predicative) b) Sunu min, hlyste minre lare - «my son, listen to my teaching.» (address) The Genitive: 1) was the case of nouns and pronouns serving as attributes to other nouns. a) It can be Subjective Gen. and it is associated with the possessive meaning and the meaning of origin. Ex: 3rendles dжda- «Grendel's deeds» hiora scipu - «their ships» Beowulf 3eata - «Beowulf of the Geats» b) «ж instances as | by -e in the Southern dialects. Common: Three OE cases (Norn. Ace, DaO fell together. Genitive: was kept separated from the other forms. l) In the 14lh c. The ending -es (sg) had become almost universal, there being several exceptions - nouns which were used in the uninflected form. 2) In the pl. the Gen. case had no special marker - it was not distinguished from the Comm. case as the ending -(e)s had extended to the Gen. either from the Comm. case pi. or from the Gen. sg. a) The formal distinction between cases in the pl. was lost, except in the nouns which did not take -(e)s in the pi. b) Several nouns with a weak plural form in - en or with a vowel interchange: Ex: oxen, men — > oxenes, mennes | Norn., Ace., Dat. are called the Common case. Genitive: In the 17th and 18thc. a new graphic marker of the Gen. case came into use: the apostrophe Ex: man's, children's This device could be employed only in writing, in oral speech the forms remained homonymous. | |||
pжs landes sceawung - «surveying of the land» • It is associated with what is termed «partitive meaning» as in «sum hund scipa» - «a hundred of ships»; «husa select» - «best of the houses» • The use of the Gen. as an object to verbs and adjectives was not infrequent, though the verbs which regularly took a Gen. object often interchanged it with other cases: «He bad... westan windes», - «he waited for the west wind». «fri3e menu ne motan wealdan heora sylfra» - «free men could not control themselves». The Dative: 1) It was the chief case used with prepositions Ex: «on mor3enne» - «in the morning» «from paem here» - «from the army» 2) it is used as an ^ndirect personal object. Ex: «pa sende se cynin3 to paem here» and «him cypan het» - «then send the King to the army» and «ordered (him) to inform them». 3) it could convey an instrumental meaning, indicating the means of manner of an action: | |||||
Ex: hit ha3olade stanum» - «it hailed (with) stones. 4) it could indicate the passive subject of a state expressed by impersonal verbs and some verbs of emotion: Ex: «him 3elicode heora peawas» - «he liked their customs» The Accusative: 1) It is the form that indicates a relationship to a verb. Being a direct object it denoted the recipient of an action, the result of the action and other meanings: Ex: «se wulf nimp» and «todжlp pa sceap» - «the wolf takes» and «scatters the sheep». 2) It could be used in some adverbial meanings, to indicate time or distance: Ex: «pa sжton hire pone winter жt Gwatbryc3e» - «then they stayed that winter at Gwatbridge»; «let him ealne we3 pжt weste land en pжt steor-bord» - «was all the way the desolate land on the right side of the ship» | |||||
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