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Занятия 19, 20

Читайте также:
  1. II. Поработать с лекционным материалом по теме занятия, выучить глоссарий.
  2. II. Цель занятия
  3. III. Разделы, изученные ранее и необходимые для данного занятия (базисные знания).
  4. IV. Закрепление полученного материала и завершение занятия
  6. А) Занятия по пересказу
  7. Алгоритм подготовки учебного занятия
  8. Аудиторные занятия (лекции, лабораторные, практические, семинарские)
  9. Вопрос 6. Участвуете ли Вы в групповых занятиях по подготовке к поступлению в ВУЗ (ССУЗ)?
  10. ВОПРОС№2:Первобытное общество - общий этап в истории человечества. Заселение территории Белоруссии. Основные занятия первобытных людей, их общ строй.

Профессиональная лексика и терминология по разделу “Civil Engineering”.

12.1 Цель занятия: ознакомить студентов со значениями профессиональных слов и выражений раздела; научить противопоставлять и обобщать слова по значению, подбирать синонимы.

На занятии осуществляется работа с лексическим (терминологическим) материалом раздела:

12.1.1 Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text “Building Engineering as a Discipline” and translate the given sentences:

1. build (built) v – строить

building n – здание, строение, сооружение; строитель­ство

building design – проектирование зданий

They build new houses in that area. Types of buildings may be classified according to the role in the community. Modern building constitutes a vital element of national industry.

2. construct v – строить, сооружать

construction n – строительство, стройка

building construction – домостроение

They are planning to construct a new supermarket near our house. The factors that condition the selection of materials for construction include availability, cost and physical properties. During building construction, several things went wrong.

3. building engineering – строительство граж­данских зданий

civil engineering – гражданское строительство

structural engineering – проектирование зда­ний и сооружений

Building science and building engineering are fields of study concerned with the technical performance of buildings, building materials, and building systems. I am doing a civil engineering course at the university, which is very hard, but I am really enjoying it. Structural engineering has made rapid strides in the last century.

4. air-conditioning n – кондиционирование

air-conditioner n – кондиционер

Buildings have air-conditioning. There are many similarities in the way an air-conditioner works to the way a refrigerator works.

5. mean (meant) – значить; подразумевать

means n – средство, способ; ресурсы

by means of – посредством

The red light means “Stop”. They didn't provide me with any means of transport. The tests were marked by means of a computer.

6. diverse – разнообразный, разный

diversity n – разнообразие, многообразие

The growing building industry offers diverse job opportunities. He has a great diversity of interests.

7. impact – воздействие, влияние

The computer has had (made) a great impact on modern life.

8. measure n v – мера; измерять, иметь размеры

measurement – размер, измерение

We take certain measures to reduce the consumption of the material. She measured the table. This table measures two metres by one metre. We can find the size of something by means of measurement.

9. vary v – менять, изменять, варьировать

various adj – различный, разный, разнооб­разный

variety n – разнообразие

Steel varies considerably in its microstructure. The demand for various building materials is enormous. A wide variety of mass- produced elements are now available.

10. maintain v – обслуживать, содержать в ис­правности, поддерживать, сохранять, эксплуатировать

maintenance n – уход, содержание в ис­правности, текущий ремонт, поддержка, эксплуатация

Some floor materials are easy to maintain. These operations involve the construction, maintenance of structures, grounds, and so on.

11. structure n – конструкция, сооружение, стро­ение, здание, конструкция

building structure – строительная конструкция, здание

Wood structures were very common in earlier times. The more insulation we provide, the more the building structure costs.

12. foundation n – фундамент

First they laid the foundation, and then they built the walls.

13. computer-aided design (CAD) – ав­томатизированное проектирование

Today, the use of Computer-Aided Design techniques has revolutionised design and construction processes within the industry.

14. facility n – устройство, приспособление, обо­рудование; сооружение; (pl.) условия, возможности, средства

A new facility had been built just outside the city to process all the sewage. The new factory has enabled to bring research and development activities under the same roof as all production facilities.

15. perform v – исполнять, выполнять, совершать

Performance n – производительность, эф­фективность, кпд; эксплуатационные характеристики; работа

They perform a considerable amount of building work at the factory. This enables us to ensure the good performance of the beams.

16. utility n – (pl.) инженерные сети; коммуналь­ные услуги; коммунальные предприятия обслуживания (сооружения)

conservation utility – управление по охра­не природы и рационального природопользования

The introduction of urban utilities improved life in the city.

17. survey n v – топографическая съемка (служба); производить топографическую съемку, меже­вать

surveying п – съемка, промер, картирование

surveyor n – геодезист, маркшейдер

Surveys are made for many purposes, such as the determination of areas, and the plotting of maps. They started to survey the piece of land that the new motorway will pass through. Surveying is employed to measure and locate lines and angles on the surface of the earth. Many new instruments are employed to facilitate the surveyor's work.

18. apply v – использовать, применять; apply (for) v – обращаться за помощью, справкой, и т.д.; ~ to – к кому-л)

applied science – прикладная наука

application n – применение, использо­вание

This building method is successfully applied in different cities and towns in this country. Application of plastics in the building field widens from year to year.

19. operate v – работать, приводить в действие

operation п – работа, операция, эксплуатация

The instrument was set to operate at a certain pressure. All operations on the site are minimized.

20. renovate v – восстанавливать, возобновлять

renovation n – реконструкция, восстанов­ление

The house was renovatedby the current owners to provide modem living. The stadium is re-opening after a three-year renovation.

12.1.2 Read and translate the following international words. Look up their transcriptions in the dictionary if necessary. Mind the part of speech.

Activity n, function я, effect n, global adj, manifestation n, natural adj, produce v, integrate v, technology n, design n v, discipline n, interdisciplinary adj, manager n, management n, operation n, traditional adj, ventilation n, mechanical adj, acoustics n, project n, methodology n, cycle n, efficiency n, career n, budget n v, logistics n, tender n, resource n.

12.1.3 Match the pairs of synonyms from A and В and translate them.


A 1. repair 2. operation 3. construction 4. appliance 5. restoration 6. use 7. base 8. way 9. influence 10. various B a. impact b. means c. application d. foundation e. diverse f. maintenance g. performance h. facility i. building j. renovation


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