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Atropological materialismof L. Feuerbach as aneessary stepping stone for non-classical philsophy of the centuries.

Feyerbakh developed the question of criticism of religion right through life.

Religion is hostile force to philosophy, incompatible with reason and alien theoretical thought. Essence of religious exponent lies, in sense of dependence of people from surround of their world. Chel-k created God, on similarity to itself, carried all of the best properties on God. Thus, by basis of all of is man, cognizing short, it is possible to understand everything, including secrets of religious faith.

A man is a creature natural, feeling the dependence on an environment, he deifies it, more precisely humanize constantly from the natural types of religion happen passing to its spiritual forms, from wich christianity most complete, because plugs in itself unlimited desires and necessities of personality. Religion promises only, and to give advice, one philosophy can define a way in the modern world. By basis of all of F. Schitaet essence of humman, existance in sensuality, activity of mind and heart, experiencing of love, sufferings and aspiration fortunately. They make anthropological principle of philosophy.

By a source and body and spirit he counts nature. Nature is primary, endless, contains source of development.

Space and time of it characterizq. At nature it is neither began nor end. All in it is in co-operation, all is relative, all of phenomena. By an action and reason. a source of cognition is financial nature. Feelings are taking about separate, single, and thought is information about a great deal. Aspiration comes forward higher natural appetence of humman fortunately. Feeling is the first condition of moral. A moral is selfish. Egoism is love to to to itself. Virtuous will be egoism concerted with altruism. Osn. human quality is love. Love to itself, finds satisfaction in love to other.

Dissatisfaction of this sense is compensated religion. God arises out of sense of failing. In hoodoos man leaves from itself and concentrate in God, as in aspiring to gladness.

18. Marxism – a new doctrine of the 19th century. The idea of alienation.


Karl Marx (1818-1883) - founder of scientific communism, dialectical and historical materialism and scientific political economy.
The philosophy of Marxism acts as a scientific method for understanding and transforming the world. The essence of the philosophy of Marxism constitute the study of classical philosophical issues, concentrated around the relations of man to the world, relations between people and nature (essence) of man. There are two phases of development of Marxism - "early" and "late". For "early " - characterized by attempts to develop a holistic world primarily by means of philosophical analysis. "Late" - here, instead of an abstract design rights, and its essential Force has developed more specific, based on the study of economic and social structure of society.
Main theses: 1) The foundation of the world are not religious, mystical or idealistic, but the corolaries of modern science, 2) Marxism openly acknowledged his relationship with the interests of a particular class - the proletariat 3) as a result put a fundamentally new challenge - not limited to explaining the world, and choose a methodology for transformation, in the first place - the transformation of society on the basis of a conscious revolutionary. activities, 4) Philosophy research Center here shifted from the field of pure and abstract knowledge of human relations, as well as from the area of abstract reasoning about the general structure of the world to the area of practice, 5), this leads to what materialism firstly applied to the understanding of social life 6) Finally knowledge and thinking themselfs have been understood differently. The thinking was regarded not as a product of nature, but as a result of complex historical, social activity, i.e. practice, hadn’t distinguished separately by Marx.
For Marx, alienation is a loss of meaning of existence, of workers in the labor process in the era of capitalism. Marx considered the worker in capitalist society, due to the development of machine production and the appropriate level of division of labor, turned into a "part" of the huge machine mechanism, "adjunct". Labor force is transformed into a subject of sale which is sold for wages). Worker was need to work for the capitalists, who own the means of production to maintain his existence. Product, produced by worker was "left" to the capitalist (owner of the means of production), and therefore it was represented by itself a sort of alien, separate from the employee object. Alienation was seen in the process of separating the product of labor, and in the very productive activities, and in respect to an employee to himself and to others.

19. Modern western philosophy: the general analysis of the schools and directions.

"Life philosophy"

F.Nitsshe was one of founders of a direction which has received the name "life philosophies", life Philosophies - "the person above all".Philosophical, is an intermediate stage of the evolution conducting to the Superperson. The Christianity that cultivates sufferers of the person, is religion of slaves. Z.Freud (1856-1939) On the basis of psychoanalysis offers the philosophical concept of the person and culture. It does a conclusion that the most effective way «flight from sufferings» is «creative professional work»

Дата добавления: 2015-01-30; просмотров: 27 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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