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Consciousness. Language. Communication.

Читайте также:
  1. Accents or stress in English and second foreign language.
  2. Borrowings in English and second foreign language.
  3. Different types of articles in English and second foreign language.
  4. Forms of written and spoken communication. Problem that may occur with some of the forms of communication.
  5. Loan-words in English and second foreign language.
  6. Sound systems of English and second foreign language.
  7. The formation of the national E language. The London dialect.
  8. The philosophical conception of Society. Social Being and Social Consciousness.
  9. The structure of Consciousness. Self-consciousness. Reflection.

Language is as old as consciousness. Animals do not have consciousness in the human sense, neither do they have language equivalent to human language. The physiological mechanism of speech-formation is in the nature of a conditioned reflex: sounds pronounced in a given situation and ac­companied by gestures were associated in the brain with the appropriate objects and actions, and then with the ideal phenomena of consciousness. Originally an expression of emotions, language de­veloped into an instrument for designating images of objects, their properties and relations. Language caused the formation of ideal phenomena in all the individuals engaged in communication, which was a pressing need of joint production activity.

Language has two functions: it serves as a means of communica­tion and as an instrument of thought. Speech is activity, the pro­cess of communication, of exchange of thoughts, feelings, wishes, goal-settings, a process which is realized through language. Storing the spiritual values of society language acts as a mechanism of social heredity.

Language has a special position among other communicative systems because of its close connection with thought.

Thought is non-material: it cannot be seen, heard, felt or tasted. Thought is impossible to perceive with the sense organs. Consciousness and language form a unity; in their ex­istence, they are inseparably connected. Language is the immediate reality of thought and conscious­ness in general. Language is an instrument in the transition from perceptions and representations to concepts, and in operating with concepts. In express­ing his thoughts and emotions, man understands them clearer him­self. He understands himself only by testing the comprehensibility of his words in communication with others.

Language and consciousness form a contradictory unity. Lan­guage influences consciousness. But the dependence of thought on language is not absolute. Thought is largely deter­mined by its connection with reality, while language can only partially modify the form and style of thought.

41. The decisive role of Labour operations and practical actions in the formation of Man’s Consciousness.


There are quite a bit hypotheses about that which happened with our distant ancestors. But all of them acknowledge that our ancestors got in the situation of choice — or to perish, or learn new, abiological method of existence. On condition of mutual relations with nature, mediated facilities of labour, changed and mutual relations between people. In an order to regulate labour activity and other types of relations, the ideal means of intercourse may need. Among them are norms, traditions, consuetudes, incarnate, languages expressed and transferrable with a help.

Consequently, studying a question about the origin of man and his consciousness, it is necessary to select three basic factors of this process: labour; intercourse is in a collective, based on labour activity; articulate language. The mind of man developed in accordance with that, as far as it learned to change a near-by environment..

Labour is the basic condition of human life. Without labour of life of man impossible and unthinkable.

Due to that consciousness, is intelligent knowledge, conscious reflection of reality, it comes forward the regulator of labour activity, directed on achievement of the preliminary put aims. Brain of man, being the leading system, built thus, not only to get, to keep and redo information but also formulate the plan of actions, carry out an active, creative management by them. Any actions of man are marked an orientation on achievement of end-point, put purpose. Therefore the condition of any conscious act is, that foresight of that for what and "for the sake of what" a man carries out the actions. Basic vital sense and historical necessity of consciousness consists exactly in creative, purposeful activity of alteration of the world.

Thus, it follows to examine consciousness as a social necessity, practical phenomenon into social life, and also as a "objective" practical relation in social reality.

In the process of labour activity people enter with each other in those or other forms of relations, mutual relations intercourses which can be a production or personal. Position is today acknowledged that intercourse is one of necessary всезагальних pre-conditions of forming and development of person, his consciousness, society on the whole. In fact if we under intercourse understand co-operation of public subjects (classes, groups, personalities), between them, indisputably, there is an exchange information, by experience, capabilities, skills, by abilities and others like that.

Intercourse — it one of terms of socialization of personality. In intercourse man not only gets rational information, forms the methods of activity but also by an inheritance and adopting masters human emotions, senses, forms of conduct. As a rule, distinguish interpersonality and public intercourse.

Unfortunately, interpersonality intercourse in our time becomes all more exceptional phenomenon. Tekhnologizaciya of society, growth of rates of production processes, employment of personalities in a public production and recreation is conduced to differentiating of people, does not abandon spare time for lines, direct contacts. They begin mediated different hardwares — telephone, television set, by a videotape recorder, by a computer that, in our view, inflicts substantial losses the moral and spiritual aspects of interpersonality intercourse. Not less influence on development of consciousness corrects public intercourse, carried out by mastering of public consciousness by literature, perception of artistic works, facilities of mass communication. It extends the limits of the personal relationships with the world, does an individual participating to all of events which take a place, to the different generations, countries and epoches. By a word, due to this form of intercourse the system of relations of personality is enriched, becomes informatively saturated and completed.

Дата добавления: 2015-01-30; просмотров: 88 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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