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The philosophical conception of Society. Social Being and Social Consciousness.

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To open the thesis that in understanding of a society, its intrinsic bases there are various theories. Harmony and justice, according to the Greek thinkers, were binding force of a society which was identified by them with the state. For стоиков the society is the sample of world, space unity which gets and covers any plurality. To underline that thinkers of New time T.Gobbs, J. Lock. Russos have again put forward ideas of the voluntary agreement between people as target principle устраивания a public life. Otherwise interpreted E.Djurkgejm's society, considering it as unity of various ideas, beliefs. K.Marx's other point of view which, opening sources and a basis of occurrence and society development, wrote:«In a social production of the life people enter in defined, necessary, from their will independent relations From forms of development of productive forces these relations turn to their fetters».On the basis of the analysis of different lines of thought to an explanation of essence of a society can assert that the society is certain unity which reveals itself in together, generality, orderliness of a life and the concrete whole functions as the only thing. Essence of a society based on two main concepts - social being and public consciousness. Social being - set of all forms of ability to live of people, their groups in a society. Public consciousness - system of ideal display, development and transformation of social being of people. The public consciousness, spiritual activity which are social being display, act as the regulating factor of all public relations. People are characterised not only individual signs and qualities, but also have valid - social, caused by circumstances of their public existence: Conditions of production of goods, social way, the political organisation, level of public consciousness and culture. From here there is a question of the public nature of the social. Social there is all that characterises coexistence of people and that is distinct from their natural, biological

Bases. There is it as the system characteristic direct or опосредствованного interactions of people. Without such interaction the social impossible. Social is set of public relations of individuals, their certain groups in the course of joint activity which appear in their relation to each other, to the place and a role in a society, to the phenomena and processes of a social life.

50. The Economic Sphere of Society’s life. Material Production: the concept and the main elements.

In order to live, people must have the necessary means of subsist­ence. To have that necessary minimum, they must work; as the wise men of antiquity said, man's cares and work create everything for the mortals. Man cannot be satisfied with what nature provides for him in ready-made form. Material pro­duction is thus the labor activity of men who transform nature, using the necessary tools, in order to create material wealth meant to satisfy human needs.

Productive forces. Material production has two sides: productive forces and production relations. The people who implement the process of production are the subject of labour. They are the princi­pal and the decisive element in the productive forces. Apart from this, the realization of the process of production requires the ma­terial with which to begin, or the object of labour which is subjected to processing. Land, mineral deposits, metals, etc., can all be objects of labor. But, to process an object of labor in order to transform it into the necessary product, certain implements must be applied. The implements of labor are objects created by man in order to transform the external world in the interests of society. The increas­ing complexity of the implements of labor is an indication of the level of production attained by society and, as a consequence, of the level of its development. Production also requires buildings, ware­houses, transport, etc. Together with the implements of labor, all this constitutes the means of labor. The means and objects of la­bor combined make up the means of production. The system of the means of production, in the first place of the implements of labor, constitutes the so-called material and technical basis of society—the part of the productive forces comprizing objects and energy. This part is past or objectified labor. For the means of labor to partici­pate in the process of production, it is necessary to apply, again and again, labor capacity, i.e. living human labor. Thus two types of labor —living and objectified — are identified in the structure of pro­duction.

Production relations: essence and structure. The concept of produc­tion relations. The links between men which take shape in the pro­cess of production form a complex structural-functional and hierar­chically subordinated and coordinated system; this system forms what is known as production relations. It covers the relation to the means of production, i.e. the form of property (the basis of produc­tion relations); the connections among men arising in the process of exchange, distribution and consumption of the wealth being created; relations between men determined by their production specializa­tion, expressing the division of labor; the relations of cooperation, subordination and coordination, or managerial relations, and all the other relations in which men become involved, even including the sphere of everyday life apparently remote from the immediate pro­cess of production.

The main type of these are economic relations, of which the basis is formed by relations to the means of production: the latter are al­ways somebody's property, which becomes the nodal point of men's relations to one another. If the means of production belong to the working people, constituting social property, production relations are marked by cooperation and mutual assistance. If society is domi­nated by private ownership of the means of production, relations of domination and subordination are established (such as bondage, serfdom, hired labor)

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