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The Scientific perception of the Universe and the World of Science.

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  7. World Wide Web
  8. Сервисы глобальной сети Internet (электронная почта, группы новостей, пересылка файлов, World Wide Web).
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One of the most important properties of the universe - it is expanding with acceleration. Then farther the object is located from our galaxy, then faster it is removed from us.

Visible matter in the universe is structured in star clusters - galaxies. Galaxies form groups which, in turn, are superclusters of galaxies. Superclusters are concentrated mainly in flat layers, between which there is space, practically free from galaxies. Thus, in very large scale. However, at even greater distances matter in the universe is distributed uniformly.

In addition to the visible matter in the universe there is dark matter, which manifests itself through the gravitational effects. Dark matter, like ordinary matter, also concentrated in galaxies. The nature of dark matter is unknown. In addition, there is a hypothetical dark energy, which causes the accelerated expansion of the universe. According to one hypothesis, at the time of the Big Bang all the dark energy has been "pressed" in a small volume, that was the cause of the explosion (according to other hypotheses, dark energy may be manifested only at large distances).

It is estimated that over 70% of the mass in the universe falls on the dark energy (if we translate a lot of energy in Einstein's formula), over 20% - of the dark matter and only about 5% - on ordinary matter.

57. The Philosophy of Culture. Culture and Civilization.

The culture is the way of the organisation of a human life in the nature. The culture - is process of manufacture, consumption, transfer from generation to generation material and cultural value,which gives the characteristic to social development. But culture it not only a set of material and cultural wealth. The culture is the whole system in which each element is closely connected with another. Culture elements are: manufacture, a life, technics, a policy, the right, morals, a science, philosophy, religion. They influence against each other and on everyday life of people. Being one of culture elements, the philosophy at the same time carries out a reflexion over them and world outlook ideas. The philosophy creates own categories through which comprehends all elements of culture. So for example Gegel's philosophy included nature philosophy, history philosophy, philosophy of a policy and the right, morals philosophy, that is covered a human life and culture with all their many-sided nature and a variety. The modern philosophy in a new fashion comprehends cultures traditional phenomena, and as its new displays, born by a modern level of production, sciences and technicians. In particular it concerns such phenomena as global problems of mankind, information and a society computerisation, global processes and their consequences. The philosophy has an integrated role in culture system. From this role come up functions which the philosophy executes in a society.

To the basic functions of philosophy belong: worldview, methodological, acsiological and pracsiological.

58. Progress as a historically necessary Direction of Society’s Development.

There is nothing ultimately complete in the world: everything is on the path towards something else. The principle of the motion of matter as a mode of its existence, combined with the principle of universal connection, gives a general idea of the development of the world. Development is an irreversible, definitely oriented and law-governed change of ma­terial and ideal objects resulting in the emergence of new qualities.

Progressive development is thus thought of not as movement of some object from one point to another but as a process which, at each sub­sequent stage of its further movement, raises higher and higher the whole mass of already attained content and, far from losing some­thing essential, carries with it all that it has accumulated, bringing in new content. The new is an intermediate or final result of develop­ment correlated with the old. Develop­ment is a dual process: the old departs and the new comes in, as­serting itself in the struggle against the old rather than through un­hampered unfolding of its potential.

The relationship between the concepts of development and pro­gress must be clearly understood. They are close to each other but not identical. Development results in the appearance of a new

quality, but it is not at all necessary that this quality should be more complex or more perfect than the previous one. If the new quality is in some respect superior to the old one, we have a progressive tend­ency of development, and if it is inferior, we have a regressive tend­ency. Progress and regress are two different tendencies of development which, however, are intertwined with one another, forming a complex interdependence of matter and energy accumulate, and the extent of coded information grows. Descending development is the path of decay, degeneration, impoverishment and decomposition.

Rejecting internal contradictions as the source of development, metaphysics cannot find in matter itself the true causes for this pro­cess and therefore often resorts to supernatural forces. The dialecti­cal conception, on the other hand, primarily stresses the source of self-motion and self-development. "The first conception is lifeless, pale and dry. The second is living. The second alone furnishes the key to the 'self-movement' of everything existing; it alone furnishes the key to the 'leaps', to the 'break in continuity', to the 'transforma­tion into the opposite', to the destruction of the old and the emer­gence of the new."'

The concept of self-motion merely means that the source of development is inherent in the de­veloping object itself, which interacts with others. The self-motion of matter on the whole is not conditioned by any external factors, while the self-motion of the concrete forms and kinds of matter is conditioned by internal and external causes. If the self-motion of matter is absolute, the self-motion of concrete systems is relative: the higher the level of the organization of a system, the greater its independence in be­havior, and consequently in its development.

Дата добавления: 2015-01-30; просмотров: 66 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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