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The mechanisms of vowel production as different from those of consonant production

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The mechanisms of speech sound production make vowels different from consonants. Three mechanisms take part in the production of vowels; four mechanisms take part in the production of consonants. In the production of vowels the leading mechanism is the resonator mechanism. In the production of consonants the leading mechanism is the obstructer mechanism.

The power mechanism fills in three resonators with air when vowels are produced and four resonators when consonants are produced. The power mechanism regulates the force of exhalation for tense and lax vowels; it regulates the force of exhalation for fortis and lenis consonants, also sonorants and semi-vowels. No vowel needs an additional puff of air which is aspiration, but English consonants need an additional puff of air, because they are aspirated. The force of exhalation is greater in the production of consonants than in that of vowels, because in the former case the stream of air has to either overcome an obstruction or break it. So the power mechanism works more energetically in the production of consonants. The power mechanism keeps the vocal cords apart when voiceless consonants are produced.

The vibrator mechanism produces vibration that is voice for all vowels. The vibrator mechanism produces vibrations; that is voice only for consonants containing voice that is voiced consonants, sonorants and semi-vowels. The vibrator mechanism doesn’t work for voiceless consonants. The vibrator mechanism regulates the duration of vibration for long and short vowels. The vibrator mechanism regulates the duration of vibration for voiceless consonants (zero vibration), voiced consonants (normal vibration), also sonorants and semi-vowels (prolonged vibration). It is also responsible for aspiration in the production of aspirated consonants. Aspiration suggests postponed vibration of the vocal cords. The vocal cords are also responsible for the production of glottalized consonants. For glottalization the vocal cords block the air stream completely.

In the production of vowels the resonator mechanism creates different resonators. In the production of consonants the resonator mechanism creates a place of obstruction. At that three resonators take part in the production of vowels and four resonators take part in the production of consonants. The obstructer mechanism doesn’t take part in the production of vowels, but takes part in the production of consonants. The work of the obstructer mechanism is based on 3 factors of obstruction.

  1. the place of obstruction
  2. the active organ of articulation, which creates the obstruction
  3. the type of obstruction


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