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Study the functions of Participle I

Читайте также:
  1. A) Study the vocabulary for work and jobs. Match words and phrases from the left-side column with their Ukrainian equivalents.
  2. A) Study useful vocabulary for recruitment and selection.
  3. Definition of meaning. Meaning and concept. Different approaches to study of meaning.
  4. E) studying
  5. Electronic mail: main parts and functions. Spam. Newsgroups.
  6. Functions of a PC.
  7. Functions of word stress
  9. Infinitive, Participle & Gerund
  10. Intonation and prosody: definition, functions, components, spheres of application.
Functions Patterns Notes
Predicative (именная часть составного сказуемого.) My friend’s story was amusing. Participle I is usually rendered into Russian by an adjective  
attribute     The dancing girl is very pretty. (pre-position) The train arriving on the platform four is one hour late. (post-position) In this function it corresponds to the Russian действительноепричастие. In some cases it is rendered in Russian by a clause причастнымоборотом. Part. I Indefinite Passive is seldom used. Part. I Perfect Active & Passive is not used
part of a complex object I saw Nick speaking to the teacher. (to hear, to notice, to feel, to watch etc) This construction with Participle I corresponds to a subordinate object clause in Russian.
Adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances (manner)   cause (reason)     He was standing at the bridge admiring the beautiful view.     The book being written in simple English is suitable for beginners. All forms may be used   In this function Participle I Indefinite corresponds to the Russian деепричастиенесовершенноговида (simultaneous action), Participle I Perfect corresponds to the Russian деепричастиесовершенноговида (prior action). In some cases Participle I in this function is rendered by an adverbial clause or деепричастнымоборотом. Here we always find a participle phrase.
  time   While writing his composition Bob was interrupted several times. Having visited the museum we decided to have lunch at the park.
comparison   She looked at her hubby as if waiting for an answer  
parenthesis Frankly speaking I consider her proposal to be unwise. Judging by what critics say, the new play is worth seeing

Способы перевода разных форм причастия на русский язык
Формы причастия   Как их переводить
причастием деепричастием
reading читающий читая
having read прочитав
being read читаемый (т.е. который читают) будучи читаемым(т.е. когда его читали), будучи прочитанным(т.е. когда его прочитали)
having been read будучи прочитанным(т.е. когда его прочитали)
read прочитанный
building строящий строя
having built построив
being built строящийся (т.е. который строят) будучи строящимся(т.е. когда его строили) будучи построенным(т.е. когда его построили)
having been built будучи построенным(т.е. когда его построили)  
built построенный

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VI. Paraphrase the sentences using the gerund.| Study the functions of Participle II

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