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General characteristics of English and Ukrainian functional styles

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  9. Give English equivalents.

Lecture 2

Theme. Functional Styles


Aims: to introduce the definition of functional style; to look at the peculiarities of each functional style in English and Ukrainian



1. General characteristics of English and Ukrainian functional styles

2. The style of official documents

3. The style of scientific prose

4. The newspaper style

5. The publicistic style

6. The belletristic style

7. The colloquial styles


1. Арнольд И. В. Стилистика современного английского языка. -М., 1990.-С. 243-288.

2. Мороховский А. Н., Воробьева О. П. и др. Стилистика английс­кого языка. - К, 1991. - С. 235-266.

3. Кузнец М. Д., Скребнев Ю. М. Стилистика английского языка. -Л., I960.-С. 118-139.

4. Galperin I. R. Stylistics. - Moscow, 1981. - P. 249-318.

5. Кухаренко В.А.Практикум з стилістики англійської мови: Підручник. – Вінниця. «Нова книга», 2000, c. 61-69.

6. Maltzev V. A. Essays on English stylistics. - Minsk, 1984. - P. 89-109.




General characteristics of English and Ukrainian functional styles

Language means which we choose for communication depend on several factors, the most important among them being the situation of the communication act. Indeed, depending on the situation (which includes the purpose of the communication and its participants) we adhere either to informal, or to formal manner. The former is observed in everyday non-official communication which is known as colloquial speech. Colloquial speech occupies a prominent place in our lives, and is viewed by some linguists as a system of language means so strongly differing from those presented in the formal (literary) communication that it can be classified as an independent entity with its own peculiar units and rules of their structuring. (See the works of O. Lapteva, O. Sirotinina, L. Zemskaya.)

The literary communication, most often (but not always) materialized in the written form, is not homogeneous, and proceeding from its function (purpose) we speak of different functional styles. As the whole of the language itself, functional styles are also changeable. Their quantity and quality change in the course of their development.

Functional styles are classified into bookish and colloquial. The group of bookish styles embraces the style of official documents, the style of scientific prose, the newspaper style, the publicistic style and the belletristic style. The group of colloquial styles includes the literary colloquial style, the informal colloquial style and substandard speech style.

The speaker resorts to a certain functional style due to such extralingual factors: the character of the situation in which communication takes place (official, ceremonial, informal, private or other); the relations between the communicants (formal, official, friendly, hostile, spontaneous); the aim of communication (transference of specific information, emotional attitudes, establishment of business contacts, etc.); oral or written communication.

At present most scholars differentiate such functional styles: scientific, official, publicist, newspaper, belles-lettres.

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