Читайте также: |
1. Инфинитив в функции подлежащего и обстоятельств цели.
2. Оборот for + существительное (местоимение) + инфинитив
3. Парный союз the... the...
Задание на дом № 1
I. Проработайте в разделе «Грамматика и словообразование» § 12, 13, 14.
II. В следующих предложениях определите функцию инфинитива. Переведите предложения (устно):
1. Fertilizers are used to improve soil fertility. 2. For these crops to grow well fertilizers should be applied. 3. This soil is fertile enough to produce high yields. 4. To classify crops properly one should know their characteristics. 5. The soil of this area is too poor to produce high yields of grain crops.
6. Plants absorb nutrients from the soil in order to grow well.
7. To obtain nutrients and water from the soil is the main function of plant roots. 8. Botanists study the structure of plants in order to know how they grow.
III. Определите в тексте A:
а) функции инфинитива в двух последних абзацах;
б) функции причастия I в двух первых абзацах.
IV. Назовите русские эквиваленты следующих интернациональных слов.
1) structure, structural, structurally, structureless;
2) proportion, disproportion;
3) aggregate, aggregated, aggregation;
4) erosion, erosive;
5) normal, normally, normalization;
6) adequate, adequately, inadequate;
7) chemical, chemically, chemist;
8) deficit, deficient;
9) absorption, to absorb, absorbing, absorbed;
10) aeration, aerator.
V. Переведите текст А (устно).
Text A
Being less important than climate, soil properties are essential in determining which crops to grow.
Texture of a soil refers to the size of its particles. Soils range from pure sands to pure clays. The principal textural classes are sand, sandy loam, clay loam, and clay. A soil with a large proportion of clay particles is usually called a heavy soil, and the one with a large proportion of sand — a light soil, the two types differing greatly in the ease of cultivation. Soil structure refers to the manner in which the particles are arranged. An aggregated or compound structure favours good seedbed preparation, case of cultivation, and protection from wind or water erosion. Aggregated structure normally is found in soils rich in1 organic matter.
Among soil constituents, water is the most important one. The finer the soil particles, the more water the soil holds. Extremely coarse sandy soils are unable to store moisture in sufficient amounts for crops to grow well.
Air, which makes up from 20 to 25 per cent by volume of an ordinary moist soil, supplies oxygen necessary for root
growth and for oxidation of organic matter and other soil constituents.
To grow well crop plants need an adequate supply of plant nutrients during the growing season. About 25 or 30 chemical elements are found in plants, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen being most abundant. The essential mineral elements that are present in plants and are most frequently deficient in soils are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. But in order to grow normally crops also absorb considerable quantities of other minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.
Good soils contain adequate amounts of available nutrients to meet the needs2 of a crop plant for normal growth. They are not too acid or too alkaline to produce good growth. In general, fertile soils with a good water-holding capacity are favourable for the growth of the most important crop plants. Some soils may have an especially wide range of crop adaptation. However, to apply additional fertilizers is usually a good practice even on the best soils, provided growing conditions are favourable.
Пояснения к тексту
1) rich in — с высоким содержанием;
2) to meet the needs — удовлетворять потребности.
the + ср. степ, прилагательного или наречия... the + ср. степ, прилагательного или наречия — чем... тем.
Лексический минимум к тексту А
heavy soil, light soil, clay loam, sand, sandy loam, acid soil, alkaline soil, fine (soil), soil structure, soil texture, soil particle, fertile, organic matter, oxygen, phosphorus, potassium, erosion, wind, deficient, sufficient, to determine, to need, necessary, supply, preparation, quantity, in order (to) the... the...
VI. Выборочная проверка упражнений из задания на дом № 1.
VII. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива (устно):
1. То develop good tubers potatoes need sandy or sandy loam soils. 2. Fine soils can store enough moisture for crops to grow normally. 3. To produce high yields crop plants require an adequate supply of plant nutrients and water. 4. Crops also require minerals in order to grow well. 5. The climate of this area is too cold to cultivate corn. 6. To apply fertilizers is the most usual practice in cultivating most crops. 7. For soil to produce good crops, it should not be too acid or too alkaline. 8. In order to improve the structure of this soil we must supply it with organic matter. 9. To get good results the plant grower must know the properties of the soil cultivated. 10. To prepare the proper seedbed in very important for obtaining good results. 11. The soils in our region arc too heavy to provide normal development of tubers. 12. Legumes can be grown to improve soil fertility. 13. For soil moisture to be high enough irrigation is often necessary.
VIII. Назовите номера предложений, при переводе которых
нужно употребить частицу «бы».
1. If nutrients and water were not absorbed by the roots, the plant would not grow. 2. We should not obtain high yields if the soil were not fertile enough. 3. Provided the soil contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in proper amounts, we shall be able to obtain normal development of plants. 4. Poor results may be obtained with this crop unless it is sown in a well prepared seedbed. 5. If the temperature conditions of the summer were not favourable, the plants
would not grow properly. 6. Good crop cannot be produced unless the soil is well supplied with organic matter.
IX. Контроль чтения и перевода текста А.
Задание на дом № 2
X. Переведите следующие предложения с парным союзом
the... the (устно):
1. The better is the soil the higher will be the yield. 2. The more favourable are the climatic conditions the better are the results. 3. The finer are the soil particles the more moisture is stored in the soil. 4. The lighter is the soil the more easily it is cultivated.
XI. Выпишите из текста А антонимы к следующим словам:
heavy, coarse, rich, small, able, deficient, unfavourable, less.
XII. Переведите на английский язык (письменно):
а) 1. Есть тяжелые и легкие почвы. 2. Основные типы
почв — песчаные, суглинистые и глинистые. 3. Почвы
имеют различную структуру. 4. Вода является самым
важным составным элементом почвы. 5. Воздух снабжает растения кислородом. 6. Чтобы хорошо расти, растениям требуются питательные вещества.
б) 1. Текстура почвы определяется размером почвенных
частиц. 2. По текстуре почвы классифицируются на тяжелые (с большим количеством глинистых частиц) и
легкие (с большим количеством песка). 3. Почвенная
структура зависит от расположения почвенных частиц.
4. Почвы с большим количеством органического вещества имеют сложную структуру. 5. Хорошие почвы
способны удерживать влагу, которая необходима для
того, чтобы растения могли нормально развиваться.
6. Чтобы хорошо расти, растениям необходим целый ряд
химических и минеральных элементов. 7. Плодородные
почвы содержат достаточное количество питательных веществ, которые поглощаются растениями через корни. 8. Полезно применять удобрения даже на плодородных почвах.
XIII. Выполните лабораторную работу № 2.
XIV. Проверка домашнего задания.
XV. Определите, какие слова из правой колонки могут сочетаться со словами из левой колонки.
1) soil heavy, rich, sandy, light, cultivation,
cultivated, large;
2) nutrients plant, favourable, available, acid, essential;
3) growth proper, normal, plant, adequate, important,
considerable, organic;
4) conditions untavourable, heavy, climate, ordinary,
proper, improved, the same, small.
XVI. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту А (устно):
1. What textural classes of soil do you know?
2. What is soil structure?
3. What do plants absorb from the soil?
4. What do plants obtain from the air?
5. What are the most important mineral elements required for
plant growth?
6. Why can plants grow well on fertile soils?
7. Should fertilizers be applied to fertile soils?
XVII. Перечислите (по-английски) все известные нам виды почв.
XVIII. Прочтите текст В, не пользуясь словарем.
Soil water is one of the most important factors affecting crop production. The success of a cropping system may sometimes depend on adequate irrigation and drainage programme.
Water must be available in the soil to compensate its losses through some natural processes during the growing season. Soil water is needed as it conducts nutrients for growing crops. It also has a great effect on aeraton and temperature conditions in the soil. The soil must be able to provide water for maximum yield to be obtained.
However, the moisture content of a soil is not always optimum for the highest crop production. Usually there is either a deficiency or a too big amount of it, and crop production is reduced.
Some soils contain too much water at all times, and to be used for agriculture they require special drainage. There are soils which are always deficient in moisture because of inadequate rainfall, and will produce poor crops unless they are irrigated. Most agricultural soils have enough water to meet plant requirements during a considerable part of the year..
Soil water is also a very essential factor in cultivation. It often determines the time and the depth of sowing. If there is too much water, the use of machine cultivation and harvesting machinery may be not possible. Insufficient amount of moisture makes the soil too hard and very difficult to cultivate.
XIX. Найдите то место в тексте В, где говорится о роли воды в снабжении растений питательными веществами.
XX. Скажите максимально кратко по-русски (по-английски), какую роль выполняет почвенная влага при выращивании с.-х. культур.
ГРАММАТИКА И ЛЕКСИКА: 1. Глаголы to be и to have
перед инфинитивом.
2. Бессоюзные определительные предложения.
3. Значения to be и to have (повторение).
4. Глаголы со значением долженствования (повторение).
5. Парный союз neither... nor.
Задание на дом № 1
I. Проработайте в разделе «Грамматика и словообразование» § 15, 16, 17.
II. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на значение глаголов to be и to have перед инфинитивом (устно):
1. Many agricultural processes are to be mechanized. 2. Our aim is to mechanize more agricultural processes. 3. We have to apply nitrogen and phosphorus to this soil. 4. We arc to introduce some new methods of selection on our farm. 5. The agronomist has to use chemicals to control weeds.
III. Переведите предложения, восстанавливая при переводе
опущенное союзное слово (устно).
1. The fertilizers we have applied will increase crop yields.
2. The seedbed the farmers use for planting must be well prepared.
3. The principal parts a plant consists of are the roots, the stem, and the leaves. 4. The classification of grain crops we discussed last week is of great interest.
IV. Определите в тексте A:
а) какие значения имеет глагол to be перед инфинитивом в 5-м абзаце;
б) где пропущено союзное слово «который» во 2-м абзаце.
V. а) Назовите основные формы следующих нестандартных глаголов: to grow, to have, to know, to give, to take, to make;
б) Определите по словарю значение следующих сочетаний слов:
a lot of, by means of, in relation to, in view of, a great deal, to deal with, in case of, with respect to.
VI. Переведите текст А (устно).
Text A
Fertility is one of the most essential properties of the soil, as high crop production always greatly depends on it.
A lot of factors may help to produce soil fertility. A fertile soil is warm, moist and well structured; it is neither too acid nor too alkaline, and contains a great amount of soil nutrients. Since good structure and the supply of nutrients depend on organic matter, one can say that fertility of a soil is greatly affected by the organic matter it contains.
However, plant nutrients are lost from the soil in different ways. To compensate the nutrients the growing crops remove, as well as those lost through erosion and leaching
farmers have to use barnyard manure and green manure
Farm or barnyard manure is highly important for growing crops, its value for maintenance of soil productivity having been recognized since early times. Manure can improve the soil that is cropped because it contains such substances as nitrogen, phosphorus and potash. It also adds humus which is the product of organic matter decomposition.
When the soil is low in organic matter, the growing of crops which are to be plowed under may be desirable. Such crops are referred to as1 green manure crops. The aim of growing them is to increase organic matter and nitrogen content of the soil. Cover crops which are used to protect the soil surface should commonly be turned under for green manure, too.
Green manures are primarily used in order to increase the yield of subsequent crops as well as to improve the fertility of the soil, supplying organic matter and thus compensating for its losses through cultivation. The purpose of green manuring is also to prevent the leaching of plant nutrients from the soil during periods between regular crops, and to increase the supply of combined nitrogen when leguminous plants are turned under.
However, it is not always practically possible to increase the organic matter content of a given soil to any considerable extent. The beneficial results often obtained from incorporating a green manure crop arc due to increased availability of soil nutrients rather than2 to an increase in the organic matter content in the cultivated soil.
Пояснения к тексту
1) to be referred to as — называться;
2) rather than — а не.
Лексический минимум к тексту А
cover crop, humus, manure, leguminous, decomposition, leaching, maintenance, substance, to lose (lost, lost), low in, property, to add, to turn under, possible, aim, during, too, since, neither... nor.
Выборочная проверка упражнений из задания на дом № 1.
Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. Обратите внимание на различные значения глаголов to be и to have (устно).
1. We have used these crops as green manure to increase the amount of organic matter in the soil. 2. Manure is to add humus to the soil. 3. If soil is low in nitrogen, legume crops are often plowed under. 4. The aim of using green manure crops was to prevent the leaching of plant nutrients from the soil. 5. Sometimes plant growers have to turn under leguminous plants in order to raise the supply of nitrogen in the soil. 6. In our country we have a lot of areas with highly fertile soil. 7. The soil of our farm is rich in phosphorus and potash. 8. Many important problems are to be solved in agriculture. 9. The value of soil fertility is well known to agriculturists. 10. To increase the yields we have to use barnyard manure and fertilizers. 11. Our plan is to obtain good stands by seeding high quality seed. 12. The value of humus has been recognized since early times.
IX. Назовите номера предложений, где пропущено союзное
слово «который».
1. The optimum temperature the seed will germinate at varies with different kinds of seeds. 2. The farm our agronomist spoke about is a good producer of forage crops.
3. Cereals that are widely grown in this region are used as food both for man and for livestock. 4. To obtain good stands plant growers should follow the recommendations which are given by the agronomist. 5. The crops farmers grow for plowing under are called green manure crops. 6. We use fertilizers and barnyard manure to supply nutrients the plants have removed.
X. Найдите предложения, в которых сказуемое имеет значе-
ние долженствования.
1. Seed should be sown at a proper rate. 2. If we were asked we should recommend to start harvesting next week. 3. Our farm is to plant legumes on larger area next year. 4. We shall grow more fiber crops in order to obtain more oil. 5. To germinate uniformly seed must be planted at the same depth. 6. At present plant breeders can influence some characteristics of plants. 7. These improved potato varieties have been obtained through hybridization. 8. If the soil is not sufficiently moist, we shall have to irrigate it. 9. Green manures are to be used to increase the yields of crops that will follow. 10. Cover crops should be grown to protect the soil surface. 11. Most vegetable crops should be grown on the soil high in organic matter.
XI. Составьте предложения, соединяя части, подходящие по
1. A fertile soil should be a) since it supplies soil with
Manure is of great b) to compensate plant nutrients value lost from the soil.
Soil fertility is greatly c) neither too acid nor too influenced alkaline.
Green manure crops d) by the amount of organic often increase matter contained.
Fertilizers and barnyard e) availability of soil nutrients to plants. manure should be used
XII. Найдите в тексте А место, где дается характеристика плодородной почвы.
XIII. Контроль чтения и перевода текста А.
Задание на дом № 2
XIV. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на раз-
личные значения слова since (устно):
1. We have not discussed this problem since last year. 2. Since this cropXrequires a long growing season it should be planted in early spring. 3. Since there is not enough organic matter in this soil, green manure crops are to be grown on it. 4. This corn variety has been cultivated in our region since 1980.
XV. Переведите следующие группы слов (устно):
unlike cereals; like cereals; to be rich in nutrients; to be low in organic matter; to be high in organic matter; to depend on; one should know; neither nitrogen nor phosphorus; either nitrogen or phosphorus; both nitrogen and phosphorus; nitrogen as well as phosphorus; most soils; most favourable conditions; more favourable conditions; less favourable conditions; since 1970; since this soil is deficient in nitrogen...
XVI. Переведите на английский язык (письменно):
а) 1. Урожаи зависят от почвенного плодородия. 2. Плодородная почва содержит много питательных веществ и влаги. 3. Содержание органического вещества сильно влияет на плодородие почвы. 4. Навоз и минеральные удобрения должны компенсировать потери питательных веществ вследствие эрозии и выщелачивания. 5. Чтобы повысить плодородие почвы, можно использовать сидеральные культуры. 6. Эти культуры увеличивают количество органического вещества в почве и его доступность для растений.
б) 1. Плодородие почвы сильно влияет на урожай с.-х. культур. 2. Плодородная почва должна быть теплой, достаточно влажной и должна иметь хорошую структуру. 3. Запас питательных веществ для растений зависит от количества органического вещества, которое содержится в почве. 4. Питательные вещества выносятся растениями и теряются вследствие эрозии и выщелачивания. 5. Их можно компенсировать путем внесения в почву навоза и удобрений. 6. Навоз улучшает почву, так как содержит азот, фосфор и калий. 7. На почвах с низким содержанием органического вещества нужно выращивать культуры, идущие на зеленое удобрение. 8. Эти культуры увеличивают количество азота в почве. 9. Сидеральные культуры могут также повышать доступность питательных веществ для растений.
XVII. Выполните лабораторую работу № 2.
XVIII. Проверка домашнего задания.
XIX. Определите, какие предложения не соответствуют содержанию текста А. Приведите их в соответствие с текстом (устно):
1. A fertile soil is either acid or alkaline.
2. Soil fertility depends on the amount of the organic matter contained.
3. Plant nutrients removed from the soil by the growing plants cannot be compensated.
4. Green manure crops arc grown on the soil rich in organic matter.
5. Green manures always increase the organic matter content of the soil.
XX. Прочтите текст В, не пользуясь словарем, и озаглавьте его. Определите значение выделенных слов по контексту.
Text В
Organic matter made up of living material is an important component that may greatly influence physical, chemical and bioligical processes that take place in the soil.
Organic matter which includes crop and animal residues is of great value in its effect, as it improves soil structure. Due to organic matter contained the soil can better absorb and hold water] thus reducing considerably the losses of valuable nutrients by leaching and erosion.
Having decomposed, organic matter forms humus which increases the availability of mineral matter for nutrition. It also can make a heavy soil lighter.
Organic matter favours the growth and development of beneficial types of bacteria in the soil It can also store nitrogen needed by growing plants.
If organic matter is contained in a proper amount, it helps the soil to absorb heat from the sun and warm up more easily.
The amount of organic matter the soil accumulates is dependent upon soil and climatic conditions and upon the way in which the land is used. If the soil is cultivated too intensively, or if no crops are grown in the area for long periods, the supply of organic matter in the soil is reduced.
XXI. Найдите в тексте В определение понятия «гумус».
XXII. На основании содержания текста В перечислите по русски (по английски) функции, которые выполняет органическое вещество почвы.
ГРАММАТИКА: 1. Инфинитив в функции определения.
Задание на дом № 1
I. Прочитайте в разделе «Грамматика и словообразование» §18.
П. В следующих предложениях выделите инфинитив в функции определения. Переведите приложения (устно):
1. The seedbed to be used for sowing grain crops should be rich in organic matter. 2. The variety of corn to be sown this year has been developed by our agronomists. 3. The best method to recommend for improving soil fertility in this region is to plow under green manure crops. 4. The methods of crop improvement to be applied vary with the conditions of cultivation and some other factors. 5. The application of manure should increase the organic matter content in the soil to be cultivated.
III. Найдите в тексте A:
1) инфинитив в функции определения (абзац);
2) глагол to be в различных значениях (предпоследний абз.).
IV. а) Запишите следующие слова в алфавитном порядке,
учитывая первые 3 буквы: depth, duration, decrease, day, disease, drought, during, development, dry, diet, drainage, depend, б) Назовите словарную форму:
1) прилагательных -
more favourable, best, deeper, greatest;
2) причастий —
produced, grown, planting;
3) существительных -
qualities, growers, losses.
V. Переведите текст А (устно).
Text A
Good stands start with good seed. However, even the best seed will not produce optimum yields unless other factors are favourable. A good seedbed that supplies the proper environment for germination is of the greatest importance in ensuring an optimum stand of the crops to be grown. Such seedbed is to insure adequate moisture for germination at the due seeding depth. The soil particles must be in contact with the seed they surround to allow a maximum water absorption for rapid germination.
Before planting, a grower has to perform cultivation practices that insure the proper environment for germination and at the same time preserve soil structure and minimize water loss due to evaporation from the soil surface. If the soil were too finely pulverized, crusting would occur. To maintain good structure the soil should not be cultivated when it is wet.
The first tillage operation following the preceding harvest is to destroy crop residues and to incorporate them into the soil to be used for seeding]In some regions this is done in the fall, while in areas with short growing season this operation is delayed until early spring. Early cultivation allows more time for organic matter to decompose.
Final seedbed preparation is completed in spring or late summer for crops to be sown in the fall. The first step is to cultivate with discs or harrows, or both. The surface soil is to be worked finely enough to minimize evaporation and to insure fine and mellow seedbed. It has to be cultivated deeply enough to kill early growing weeds. After cultivation, fields arc sometimes rolled to insure a firm seedbed. This is quite common in preparing the seedbed for most forage grasses. For crops that require irrigation, beds should be formed
before rolling. To conserve moisture, final seedbed preparation should be followed by immediate planting.
However, even the best seedbed will not insure a good stand unless there is enough oxygen and proper temperature for seed germination.
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