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Задание на дом № 2

Читайте также:
  1. I. Домашнее задание
  2. VIII. Домашнее задание
  3. Аналогичное задание
  4. В). Задание условия на значение поля
  5. Второй блок. Количество баллов за задание – 3.
  6. Выбор темы ВКР и ее утверждение. Задание на выполнение ВКР
  7. Домашнее задание
  8. Домашнее задание
  9. Домашнее задание

XIII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на раз-
личные значения for (устно):

1. Students worked on this farm for a month. 2. Seed must have enough moisture for germination. 3. This seed docs not germinate well, for the soil is not moist enough. 4. We could work in the field for some days, for the weather was too rainy for harvesting.

XIV. Переведите предложения, содержащие отрицательное местоимение nо.

1. No plant can grow without water. 2. There will be no germination if the soil is not warm enough. 3. Seed requires no light for its germination. 4. There has been no rain for 2 months.

XV. Найдите в тексте синонимы к выделенным словам:

the proper depth, to influence the yield, toneed, to be high in nutrients, at a due time, crops should be cut, in best condition, highly important.



XVI. Переведите на английский язык (письменно):

а) 1. Ни одна культура не будет расти, если она посеяна в плохую пашню. 2. Семена должны заделываться на соответствующую глубину. 3. Время и норма посева семя зависят от многих факторов. 4. Культуры должны быть
убраны вовремя. 5. Время уборки различно в зависимости от вида культуры. 6. Уборка машинами позволяет быстрее собрать урожай. 7. Не все сорта приспособлены для уборки машинами. 8. Применение правильных приемов обработки почвы помогает получить более высокие урожаи.

б) 1. Правильные приемы возделывания культур имеют большое значение. 2. Чем крупнее семена, тем глубже они должны заделываться. 3. Время посева зависит от состояния почвы и от длительности вегетационного периода культуры, которая должна быть посеяна. 4. Если почва содержит много питательных веществ, норма высева увеличивается. 5. Уборка должна производиться вовремя, при этом время уборки зависит от вида культуры. 6. Уборка машинами производится быстрее и позволяет сократить потери вследствие плохой погоды. 7. Чтобы получить хороший урожай, нужно применять соответствующие приемы обработки почвы.

XVII. Выполните лабораторную работу № 2.


XVIII. Проверка домашнего задания.

XIX. Расположите вопросы в таком порядке, чтобы они
могли служить планом к тексту А, и ответьте на них.

1. Why are proper soil management practices important?

2. What does the proper time of sowing depend on?

3. Do different crops require the same kind of seedbed?


4. Is crop production affected by the time of harvesting?

5. Why is machanical harvesting used?

6. What does the sowing rate vary with?

XX. Прочтите текст В, не пользуясь словарем. Определите значение выделенных слов по контексту.


Text В




One way of drainage is the natural property of the soil to allow water to pass deeply into the ground. The ease with which water can pass through a soil is influenced by soil texture. The coarser the particles, the more rapidly the water passes through the soil. So, light sandy soils are more water permeable than heavy clays.

Another way is artificial (искусственное) drainage, that is the removal of water which is not needed in order to maintain correct balance of air and water in the soil. Good drainage makes a soil easier to cultivate and increases the feeding area for plant roots. A well drained soil will also have enough air for aerob ic bacteria to decompose organic matter into humus and so to provide food for the plant.

Where and when the supply of water is insufficient, irrigation is needed. There are two main sources of irrigation water: surface water and ground water. The former may be obtained from different rivers (реки) and other water reservoirs, while the latter is provided by the underground water stores.

The amount of water required for irrigation depends on a number of factors. These are the type of soil, the water deficit in the soil, the type of crop and its phase of growth. The irrigation requirement of a crop is not the same


throughout its growing period, most plants requiring larger quantities of water during the later periods of growth.

XXI. Найдите в первых двух абзацах текста В предложения, в которых говорится об основных способах осушения почвы.

XXII. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту В (по-английски).


1. When is drainage necessary?

2. When is irrigation necessary?

3. Do plants need the same amount of water during the growing season?




ГРАММАТИКА И ЛЕКСИКА: 1. Сложное подлежащее.

2. ing-forms (повторение).

3. Особые случаи употребления пассивного залога (по­вторение).

4. any в утвердительном пред­ложении.


Задание на дом № 1

I. Проработайте в разделе «Грамматика и словообразова­ние» § 19.

II.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее (устно):

1.Legumes are known to improve soil fertility. 2. This soil has been found to be deficient in some plant nutrients. 3. This seedbed is believed to contain too much moisture. 4. The farm «Rassvet» was said to produce high quality cotton. 5. Alfalfa and clover are known to belong to forage crops. 6. This area was considered to be suitable for growing cereals. 7. Our farm



is expected to produce high yield of rye this year. 8. He is thought to become an experienced agronomist in some years.

III. Найдите в тексте A:

1) сложное подлежащее (3-й абзац);

2) инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели (3-й аб­зац);

3) инфинитив в функции подлежащего (3-й абзац);

4) независимый причастный оборот (4-й абзац).

IV. а) Определите по суффиксам, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова:

1) application, applicable, applied, applying;

2) nitrogen, nitrogenous;

3) phosphorus, phosphatic;

4) effect, effective, effectively, effectiveness;

5) soluble, solubility;

6) mixture, mixed, mixing.

б) Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих слов с отрица­тельными префиксами: unnecessary, insufficient, immature, irregular, ineffective, irrational, unplowed.

V. Переведите текст А (устно).



Text A




As crops are known to remove nutrients from the soil, the latter may become deficient in some elements. Application of commercial fertilizers is to improve soil fertility and to ensure better quality of the crops to be grown.

Fertilizers are usually classified according to the food element which forms their main constituent.. So, they may be



grouped as nitrogenous fertilizers, phosphoric fertilizers, potassic fertilizers and so on.

To be effective, fertilizers should be applied where and when the plant needs them. Single yearly applications were found to be insufficient for some crops, being unnecessary for others. Young growing plants should not be given concentrated, highly soluble fertilizers because of salt injury. To make repeated applications throughout the season is of great use in case of perennials or long-season annuals.

There are various methods of fertilization. Broadcast application means spreading the material uniformly over the soil surface, usually before the crop is planted. Sometimes the fertilizer is placed directly over the growing crop, which2 is known as top dressing. When plants arc subject to injury fertilizers can be put alongside the plants as a side-dressing, the latter being often made along with cultivation.

Sometimes a mixed fertilizer containing two or more fertilizer elements is to be applied, the time of placement being highly essential. Mixtures with low amount of nitrogen are usually applied to the soil before or during planting, followed by a top dressing or side-dressing with a liquid or granulated nitrogen fertilizer. Winter cereals usually receive a top dressing in spring. Row crops, such as corn, receive a side dressing after the plants made some growth. With many crops nitrogen is applied several times during the growing season because it is known to be subject to leaching and conversion to unavailable forms. But one should not forget that too much nitrogen tends to cause lodging, late maturity, poor seed development in some crops, and greater susceptibility to certain diseases. Phosphatic fertilizers are considered to be most effective when they are applied before the crop is sown, so that they can be worked into3 the soil and be evenly distributed by plowing. Lime used to correct soil acidity can In- applied at any time of the year and to a crop at any stage of growth.


Пояснения к тексту


1) and so on — и так далее;

2) which... что (обычно which после запятой соответствует в русском языке слову «что»);

3) to work into — заделывать (удобрения).


any любой (в утвердительных предложениях).

Лексический минимум к тексту А commercial fertilizers, broadcast application, top dressing, side dressing, lime, mixture, to place, to distribute, injury, to spread (spread, spread), stage, susceptibility, to become (became, become), certain, to consider, to receive, to mean, several, to tend, any, and so on, so that.



VI. Выборочная проверка упражнений из задания на дом № 1.

VII. Найдите в следующих предложениях сложное подлежа­щее. Переведите предложения (устно):


1. Application of fertilizers several times throughout the season has been found to be useful with perennial crops.

2. Too much nitrogen in the soil is known to cause lodging of the crop. 3. Top dressing is considered to be the best way of applying fertilizers to this crop. 4. Such fertilizer mixture is believed to be of great use on this soil. 5. This variety was supposed to be more frost-resistant than the one we were growing before. 6. Phosphatic fertilizers arc expected to produce rather high increase in yield in this soil. 7. Lime is known to be applied to correct soil acidity. 8. Soils of this area are said to be highly deficient in organic matter.


9. Legumes are known to be grown both for human food and for soil improvement. 10. Broadcast application of fertilizers is supposed to spread the material more evenly over the soil surface.

VIII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сказуемое в страдательном залоге (устно).

1. Winter cereals are usually given top dressing in spring.

2. Application of fertilizer mixtures with low amount of nitrogen should be followed by top dressing with liquid nitrogen. 3. The organic matter content of the soil is greatly influenced by the amount of manure applied. 4. The condition of the soil is always affected by soil management practices. 5. The development of this disease was favoured by high humidity..

IX. В следующих предложениях определите функцию слов с
суффиксом - ing. Переведите предложения (устно):

a) 1. Applying fertilizers, we may essentially increase the yield. 2. Applying fertilizers to this crop usually produces a good effect. 3. Farmers applying fertilizers to this crop usually obtain good results. 4. Farmers applying proper fertilizers, the yields are usually much higher.

b) 1. Having supplied the soil with organic matter, the collective farm obtained a good yield of small grains. 2. Being adapted to potato growing, these sandy loams will produce tubers of the highest quality. 3. Among the factors influencing crop production climate is the most important one. 4. Preparing the seedbed is one of important operations in crop growing. 5. The method of harvesting used depends On many factors, proper maturity being one of the most important. 6. Planting the seed, we use farm machines in Order to make the work easier.



X. Назовите номера предложений, в которых:

a) which соответствует русскому что.

1. Nitrogen was applied several times during the growing season, which is considered to compensate its losses through leaching. 2. Show me the plants which are to be side-dressed. 3. The method of harvesting corn depends upon the use for which the crop is grown. 4. The soil was plowed in the fall, which means that the planting may begin early in spring.

b) any соответствует русскому любой.

1. Did your agronomist give any new recommendations on fertilization practices? 2. You may apply lime at any stage of the growing period. 3. We shall not grow any root crops this year.

XI. Контроль чтения и перевода текста А.


Задание на дома № 2


XII. В следующих предложениях вместо пропусков употребите парные союзы the... the, either... or, neither... nor,
both... and, as... as, not so... as.

1.... vegetable... fruit crops are rich in vitamins. 2.... soils too high in nitrogen... those too low in this clement are good for cropping. 3. Fertilizers may be applied... as top dressing... as side dressing. 4. Heavy clays are … … suitable for potato growing... light sandy soils. 5.... higher is the moisture content of the soil... more intensive will be the growth of this plant. 6. This field is said to receive... much nitrogen... it requires.

XIII. Заполните пропуски словами из текста А в соответствующей форме (устно):

1.... fertilizers are of great use for plants, but they should not be applied at a very high rate. 2. The method of sprea­ding fertilizers uniformly over the soil surface is called...


3. Sometimes nitrogen is applied several times during the

growing season............. leaching. 4. Broadcasting, top-dressing,

and side-dressing are known as different methods of... 5. As

growing crops remove plant nutrients from the soil … … requires fertilization. 6. Fertilizers are classified … … their main food element. 7. Corn usually receives … … after the plant has made some growth. 8. Lime may be applied at... time of the year.

XIV. Переведите на английский язык (письменно):

а) 1. Внесение удобрений, как известно, улучшает плодородие почвы. 2. Удобрения нужно вносить тогда, когда растения в них нуждаются. 3. Иногда удобрения приходится вносить несколько раз в течение вегетационного периода. 4. Существуют различные методы внесения удобрений, главные из них внесение вразброс, поверхностная подкормка и междурядная подкормка. 5. Часто нужно вносить смесь удобрений, содержащую несколько питательных элементов. 5. Слишком большое количество удобрений может оказать вредное воздействие на

б) 1. Удобрения вносятся, как известно, чтобы повысить плодородие почвы. 2. Нужно вносить удобрения, содержащие те питательные элементы, которых недостает в почве. 3. Основные удобрения, которые нужно вносить, азотные, фосфорные и калийные. 4. Время внесения удобрений различно доя различных культур. 5. Основные методы внесения удобрений – внесение вразброс, поверхностная подкормка и междурядная
подкормка. 6. Часто используют смеси, состоящие из нескольких удобрений. 7. Некоторые удобрения, как было обнаружено, более эффективны, если их вносят до или после посадки. 8. Иногда внесение удобрений следует за посадкой. 9. Известь можно вносить на любой стадии развития культуры.

XV. Выполните лабораторную работу № 2.




XVI. Проверка домашнего задания.

XVII. Составьте предложения, соединяя подходящие по
смыслу части (устно):

1. This fertilizer mixture is believed a) unless a mixed fertilizer containing too high dose of nitro­gen were applied.


2. There exist b) may be injured by highly

concentrated fertilizers.

3. Young plants c) are usually given top dressing

in spring.

4. This crop would develop d) different ways of fertilization,

5. Winter cereals e) to contain not enough nitrogen.

6. Both top dressing and side g) the former being usually used
dressing are methods of with winter cereals,

XVIII. Определите, какие предложения не соответствуют содержанию текста А. Приведите их в соответствие с текстом (устно):

1. Only nitrogenous, phosphoric, and potassic fertilizers should be applied for soil fertility improvement.

2. Too much nitrogen in the soil may increase plant susceptibility to certain diseases.

3. Too little phosphorus in the soil may cause lodging of the


4. Mixed fertilizers should contain not more than two
fertilizer elements.

5. Perennial crops often receive fertilizers several times

during the season.




6. Corn is usually given top dressing in early spring.

7. Soil acidity can be corrected by lime used at any time of the year.

XIX. Назовите по-английски все известные вам способы внесения удобрений.

XX. Прочтите текст В, не пользуясь словарем. Определите
значение выделенных слов по контексту и по их сходству
с соответствующими словами в русском языке.


Text В




То grow well, plants, like animals and people, need a balanced diet of several specific minerals.

The minerals required by plants may be divided into two groups: macronutrients needed in relatively large amounts, and micronutrients needed in much smaller amounts.

Among macronutrients, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus are known to be primary plant feeds. They are most often applied as commercial fertilizers. But to be absorbed and used by plants each of them must be combined with some other elements. For example, nitrogen is believed to be more available to plants when it is combined with oxygen as a nitrate or with hydrogen, making ammonia.

Among the other macronutrients, calcium is an important plant food, being the main constituent of lime. If a soil is very acid, with a PH value less than 5.0, lime can be added to correct acidity. All plants are affected by the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the soil, high acidity making some elements unavailable to plants. The presence of lime is found to make essential plant food elements more easily available.



Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are more easily available in a well limed soil than in an acid soil.

There are seven micronutrients — iron (железо), manganese, zinc, molybdenum, copper, and chlorine. They are not often applied as fertilizers. But they are also essential for plant growth and may play some role in respiration or photosynthesis.

XXI. Исходя из содержания текста В, скажите (по-русски), в каком виде основные минеральные вещества лучше усваиваются растениями.

XXII. Сформулируйте (по-русски) как можно короче основ­ное содержание текста В.




ГРАММАТИКА И ЛЕКСИКА: 1. Сложное подлежащее со

сказуемым в действи­тельном залоге.

2. Функции инфинитива (повторение).

3. Значение глагола to result.


Задание на дом № 1


I. Проработайте в разделе «Грамматика и словообразование» § 20.

II. Переведите следующие предложения со сложным подлежащим при сказуемых seem, is likely, is sure (устно):

1. This method of maintaining soil fertility seems to be rather effective. 2. Top dressing is likely to be the most desirable method of applying fertilizers to winter cereals. 3. This wheat variety is unlikely to grow well under such


climatic and soil conditions. 4. Soil low in organic matter is sure to produce poor potato crop. 5. This crop does not seem to require much potash. 6. Good stands of wheat are likely to be obtained on our farm this year. 7. Soils of this area appear to be well supplied with nitrogen. 111 ^Найдите в тексте A: '

1) все предложения, в которых имеется сложное подле­жащее (2-й абзац);

2) инфинитив в функции определения (последний абзац).

IV. Назовите русские эквиваленты следующих интернациональных слов. Обратите внимание на суффиксы и префиксы:

selective, periodic, periodically, limit, unlimited, result, fixation, fixer, limited, vitamin, resource, economic, situation, effective, balance, unbalanced, organic, inorganic.

V. Переведите текст А (устно).



Text A




Crop rotation is known to be a system of growing different kinds of crops one after another on the same land. A rotation may be considered good or bad depending on its effect on soil productivity. It should also be measured by its economic returns.

Continuous growth of the same crop has been found to result in the loss of organic matter from the soil, which is sure to have a bad effect on its tilth. The growth of grass pasture and deep-rooted legume crops in rotation is likely to correct this situation through maintenance of organic matter. Besides, the alternation of deep-rooted and shallow-



rooted crops prevents continuous absorption of plant nutrients from the same root zone year after year. As to nitrogen for non-leguminous crops, it may be provided by legumes included in the rotation. However, it should be mentioned that rotations are unlikely to supply other plant nutrients in which the soil may be deficient.

Legumes are more efficient in fixation of nitrogen on soils with low rather than high nitrogen content. For this reason, a legume is considered to be a better nitrogen fixer when two or more crops come between applications of barnyard manure. Naturally, legume crops are usually grown previous to crops that require large amounts of nitrogen. Thus, increased yields of crops that follow alfalfa seem to result from the addition of nitrogen to the soil contributed by alfalfa crop.

The preceding crop has an important influence on crop yields. So, in case deep-rooted legumes are followed by corn, the latter may yield more as a result of better root penetration as well as due to nitrogen residues.

Crop sequences arc very important under dryland conditions because of the difference in residual soil moisture left by various preceding crops. Thus, small grains yield more after corn than after small grains or sorghum, because corn leaves more moisture in the soil.

Though the proper rotation is of great importance in farming, this practice alone is unlikely to produce maximum yields. For the highest yields to be obtained both crop rotation and fertilization are to be used.


to result - происходить в результате; to result in — приводить к; to result from — происходить от; as a result — в результате.



Лексический минимум к тексту А

crop rotation, tilth, continuous, efficient, penetration, previous, to leave (left, left), as to, besides, to result, to result in, to result from, as a result, to seem, to be likely, to be sure, though, thus.



VI. Выборочная проверка упражнений из задания на дом № 1.

VII.Переведите следующие предложения, содержащие слож­ное подлежащее (устно).

1. Proper crop rotation is sure to help in maintaining soil fertility and producing higher yields. 2. Crop rotation alone is unlikely to increase fertility of this soil. 3. Such rotation does not seem to be suitable for the temperate zone. 4. The alternation of grasses and legumes is likely to increase the organic matter content of the soil. 5. Continuous growth of the same crop is certain to cause the loss of organic matter from the soil. 6. Good development of this crop seems to be the result of growing it after a legume crop.

VIII. Переведите, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива в предложении (устно):

1. То find the optimum system of crop rotation will be of the greatest importance for increasing crop production. 2. The system of crop rotation to be used depends on different agronomic factors. 3. To find the optimum system of crop rotation one should know the agronomic and economic situation on the farm. 4. The system of crop rotation we have chosen is likely to produce good results. 5. This system of crop rotation is considered to be suitable for soil and climate conditions of the area. 6. In order to obtain good results with this system of crop rotation we must also apply


proper fertilizers. 7. The system of crop rotation chosen has been found to be the best for our region. 8. This system of crop rotation combined with the proper fertilization system is sure to produce good results.

IX. Переведите следующие сочетания слов (устно):

proper crop rotation system; green manure crops; small grains; deep-rooted legume crop; plant nutrient deficiency; nitrogen-fixing crop; under improper conditions; barnyard manure application; proper soil fertility maintenance; plant nutrient balance; much higher soil productivity.

X. Найдите место в тексте А, где говорится, какое влияние

оказывают бобовые на последующую культуру.

XI. Контроль чтения и перевода текста А.


Задание на дом № 2


XII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные
значения слова result.

1. If there is too much nitrogen in the soil lodging of the crop may result. 2. Soil improvement has resulted from using the proper system of crop rotation. 3. Growing the same crop on the same area for many years usually results in lower productivity of the soil. 4. We have improved the fertility of this poor soil as a result of continuous growing different legume crops. 5. Having used the minimum tillage practice on our farm, we obtained good results.

XIII. Переведите на английский язык (письменно):

а) 1. Севооборот это поочередное выращивание различ­ных культур на одной и той же земле. 2. Цель севообо­рота состоит в том, чтобы повысить почвенное плодо­родие. 3. Бобовые часто включаются в севооборот, так как они, как известно, могут повысить содержание азота


в почве. 4. Правильная система севооборота безусловно улучшает плодородие почвы. 5. Однако одно только че­редование культур вряд ли сильно повысит урожай. 6. Для получения максимальных урожаев нужно соче­тать чередование культур и правильную систему приме­нения удобрений.

б) 1. Чередование культур, как известно, важный способ повышения плодородия почвы. 2. Длительное выращи­вание одной и той же культуры на одной и той же земле приводит к понижению плодородия. 3. Вид применяе­мого севооборота зависит от ряда агрономических и экономических факторов. 4. Бобовые часто включаются в севооборот благодаря их способности фиксировать азот из воздуха. 5. На урожай оказывает сильное влия­ние предшествующая культура. 6. Так, урожай кукурузы, которая следует за бобовыми в севообороте, обычно бы­вает выше. 7. Однако для получения максимальных урожаев чередование культур должно сочетаться с пра­вильной системой применения удобрений.

XIV. Выполните лабораторную работу № 2.


V. Проверка домашнего задания.

XVI. В следующих русских предложениях найдите эквиваленты английских слов и сочетаний слов: in result in, to result from, as a result, due to, to be due to, Ни latter, under conditions.



1. В севообороте злаковые выращиваются после бобо­вых, так как последние увеличивают содержание азо­та в почве.

2. В результате правильной системы чередования куль­тур плодородие почвы повысилось.

3. Эта культура не может развиваться в условиях повы­шенной влажности.

4. Использование механизации привело к повышению урожаев основных культур.

5. Плохой рост этой культуры объясняется недостатком минеральных веществ в почве.

6. Структура почвы была улучшена благодаря использо­ванию сидеральных культур.

7. Заболоченность почвы возникла в результате большо­го количества осадков.

XVII. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту А.

1. What is crop rotaton?

2. What is crop rotation used for?

3. Why are legumes included in the rotation?

4. What examples of crop rotations can you give?

5. Can the proper rotation alone provide the highest yield?

XVIII. Прочтите текст В, не пользуясь словарем. Определите
по контексту значение выделенных слов.

Text В



Proper crop rotation is one of the essential factors of good farm management.


Continuous growing of a crop is likely to produce good effect for a few years, but well-planned rotations are best over a long period of time because they conserve and improve the soil.

The physical condition of the soil is known to be unfavourably affected by growing cultivated crops for many years. However, if sod-forming grasses and legumes are included in the rotation, the tilth is considerably improved. Legumes are also valuable because they add organic matter to the soil. Besides, they are able to fix nitrogen from the air and convert it into a form that can be used by all growing crops.

Various crops differ in the kind and amount of nutrients they take from the soil, that is why crop rotation helps to maintain the proper nutritional balance in the soil.

Most weeds and pests are believed to be controlled by crop rotation. Diseases and insects usually attack certain crops, and they cannot develop during the periods when resistant crops are grown.

With crop rotation labour is distributed more uniformly, as peak work periods on farms growing different crops come not at the same time.

Finally, the risk of poor production is usually greater with one crop than when several crops are grown.

XIX. Прокомментируйте роль бобовых в севообороте культур.

XX. Перечислите (по-русски), какие преимущества при выращивании сельскохозяйственных культур дает использование системы севооборота.







ГРАММАТИКА И ЛЕКСИКА: 1. Сложное дополнение.

2. Значение слова number.


. Задание на дом № 1

I. Проработайте в разделе «Грамматика и словообразование» § 21.

II. Выделите слова, в которых -ег является: а) суффиксом

существительного, б) суффиксом сравнительной степени прилагательного, в) частью основы слова (устно): warmer, summer, grower, earlier, proper, later, flower, producer, feeder, another, breeder, drier, roller, finer, helper, mixer, rather, fiber.

III. Переведите предложения, содержащие сложное дополне-
ние (устно):

1. We know organic matter to affect soil fertility greatly. 2. Any student knows different crops to require different kinds of seedbed. 3. The agronomist says this soil to be rich in all nutrients. 4. The farmer believes the application of commercial fertilizers to improve soil fertility. 5. All farmers know proper preparation of the seedbed to insure a good stand. 6. We know the time of sowing to depend on the variety chosen as well as on the moisture conditions of the soil.

IV. В тексте А найдите сложное дополнение (абз. 1, 3, 4).

V. Переведите текст А (устно).






Text А


Cereals are those members of the grass family which have edible starchy seeds. Everybody knows wheat, barley, rye, oats, maize (known as corn in America), rice, sorghum and millets to be most common cereals. They are all spring or winter annuals, that is, they complete their life cycle in a single growing season. The temperate zone cereals or cool-season species known as small grains (wheat, barley, oats, and rye) are to be planted in the fall or spring and harvested in mid-to-late summer. The rest1 of the cereals belong to warm-season species sown in late spring or early summer and harvested in the fall. The main aim in growing cereals is lo produce grain to be used either as human food or as feed for livestock.

Of the cereals raised wheat, rice and corn are the world's three major grain crops, all being about equally important in terms of world production. Although rice seems to constitute the main food of more people, wheat is the first in importance on a world scale of all the cereals as to both the total area sown and the annual production. It is the principle source of carbohydrates for human nutrition.

There is a number of reasons why cereals are the man's leading food source. We know cereals to be annuals, that is why they produce food in a relatively short period of time. In addition, they are adapted well to a variety of4 soils, climates and cropping systems. Because cereals require relatively little labour, large areas of land can be cropped, and the return in terms of food per unit of labour is high. I he) arc known to be rather resistant to diseases and insects. Butabove all5 the grain the cereals produce is easily


harvested, cleaned and stored, all these operations, including sowing, being highly mechanized.

General cultural practices required in growing grain crops are quite similar. It is known that they do best on mode­rately fine but not pulverized seedbeds containing a proper amount of moisture near the soil surface. The seeding depth has been found to vary from 1 to 3 inches. The farmer cannot expect cereals to grow well if they have been sown too shallow because in this case the plants will be poorly supplied with water due to its evaporation from the soil surface.

A problem common to all cereals is lodging resulting from excessively high rates of nitrogen and heavy seeding rates which may produce tall, weak-stemmed plants6 that fall to the ground. The aim of plant breeders is to develop dwarf stiff-strawed7 varieties that will not lodge.

Though cereals do not supply enough protein and vitamins necessary for a balanced diet, they arc sure to remain a major source of food for people throughout the world.

Пояснения к тексту

1) the rest — остальные;

2) in terms of— с точки зрения: в переводе на;

3) a number of — ряд;

4) a variety of ряд, разнообразие, множество;

5) above all — прежде всего;

6) week-stemmed plant — растение со слабой соломиной;

7) stiff-strawed plant растение с крепкой соломиной.

Лексический минимум к тексту А

cool-season crop, warm-season crop, to crop, temperate, moderate, ground, straw, tall, shallow, weak, excessive, similar, case, to remain, reason, rather, although, per, total, a number of, relatively.






VI. Выборочная проверка упражнений из задании № 1.

VII. Назовите номера предложений, содержание l
дополнение (устно).

1. This crop is likely to belong to the grass family. 2. All students of agriculture know both spring and winter whets to be annuals. 3. The farmer expects the green manure he has plowed under to improve the soil structure much nitrogen is sure to cause lodging in i agriculturists know continuous cereal growing to result in the loss of organic matter from the soil. 6. Plants are to absorb most of their nutrients from the soil so 7. Winter hardiness is considered to be of great importance in winter varieties. 8. Oats are believed to be not so cold resistant as wheat and barley.

VIII. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих английских слов и сочетаний слов:

to do well, available nutrients, too acid, continuous cereal growing, proper crop sequence, commercial fort application, high organic matter content, early spring dressing, a number of cultural practices, is of high qui temperate zone crops, both the total area and annual production, a variety of reasons, per unit of area, to a considerable extent, unless, untili in order to...., to result in, to result from, one should, is of high quality, most, that is, that is why, the former, the latter, whether.

IX.Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на пройденные грамматические и лексические структуры.

1. lt is well known that the rate of seeding is affected to a considerable extent by the environmental conditions. 2. Early



sown spring wheat is usually more productive than that sown later and the grain is of better quality. 3. For germination to occur three conditions are necessary: proper temperature, sufficient moisture and enough air. 4. Legume crops are spoken of as soil improvers. 5. Corn, like all other farm crops, cannot produce maximum yields unless sufficient nutrients arc available. 6. In most cases the application of commercial fertilizers may be expected to increase yields and to favour earlier maturity, the latter factor being of great practical value in areas where early frost is possible. 7. Since barnyard manure has been found to be relatively low in phosphorus, a commercial fertilizer containing this nutrient is to be added in order to increase the effectiveness of manure. 8. Whether corn is grown for grain or for silage, cultivation is necessary during the growing season, for it provides good conditions for plant development. 9. One should know that the rate of planting corn is determined by a number of factors, the variety to be grown being one of the most important. 10. The first beets analysed contained as little as 6 percent sugar but due to the work of the plant breeders the crop yields contain now more than 20 percent. 11. The temperate zone is most suitable for successful sugar-beet growing. 12. Provided a deep and mellow seedbed has been prepared, root crops will develop properly. 13. Too deep cultivation is likely to injure the roots and reduce the yield. 14. The later the crop is sown the less time it will have for its development. 15. If there were not enough air in the soil, the plant growth would be considerably decreased. 16. Being a cultivated crop, corn is a good preceding crop for cereals.

VII. Назовите три наиболее ценные зерновые культуры и ука­жите причины их широкого выращивания во всем мире (по-английски).



XI. Зачитайте предложение, в котором говорится о причине плохого развития растений вследствиенеправильной глубины заделки семян.


XII. Контроль чтения и понимания текста А.


Задание на дом № 2


XIII. Определите значение слова number в следующих предложениях. Переведите (устно):

1. The number of crops grown in a crop rotationi different. 2. There is a number of methods of applyln fertilizers. 3. A number of factors may help increase lol fertility. 4. There is a great number of reasons why ceri III arc so widely cultivated by man. 5. This is text numbei I I

XIV. Объедините слова и сочетания слов в синоним шь ряды (письменно):

to sow, to grow well, amount, many, if, since, to seed quantity, as, much, aim, to plant, to do well, for, to grow provided, a lot of, purpose, to raise, to ripen, to affect, to occur, also, to plow under, to mature, due to, loo, substani l to take place, to cultivate, as well, to produce, to turn undoi to influence, because of, matter.

XV Объедините слова и сочетания слов в антонимические пары:

thick, like, to be low in, to increase, early, thin а.Км moist, deep, to be high in, overseeding, dry, late, favourabli ■ hallow, unlike, warm, to decrease, undcrscedint'. cold,

S \ l 11ереведите на английский язык (письменно):

а) I Зерновые культуры широко выращиваются во ш i м
МИре, 2. Яровые зерновые должны высеваться напои
I Пшеница, кукуруза и рис являются основными icpuo
ними к у. и, гурами, широко выращиваемыми но всем ми
pi I Пшеница хорошо приспособлена к раин.........................,im


почвам. 5. Все операции выращивания зерновых культур высоко механизированы. 6. Зерновые не следует сеять слишком мелко. 7. Полегание происходи! от очень больших доз азота.

б) 1. По требовательности к свету и теплу зерновые де­лятся на холодолюбивые и теплолюбивые виды. 2. Из­вестно, что из всех выращиваемых зерновых озимая пшеница является наиболее ценной культурой. 3. Зерно­вые содержат много углеводов, но они бедны белком и витаминами. 4. Чтобы успешно выращивать зерновые, нужно придерживаться определенных агро технических приемов. 5. Выращивая зерновые на достаточно влаж­ной, мелкокомковатой почве, фермеры могут получать высокие урожаи зерна. 6. На полегание влияют высокие дозы и высокие нормы высева семян. 7. В некоторых условиях нужно выращивать низкорослые сорта зерно­вых культур, которые будут устойчивы к полеганию.

XVII. Выполните лабораторную работу № 2.




XVIII. Проверка домашнего задания.

XIX. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту А (устно):

1. What cereals belong to cool-season species (to warm season species)?

2. What is the aim of growing cereals?

3. Why is wheat the most valuable of the cereals raised by man?

4. Why are cereals the leading food source for people?

5. What soils are best for cereals?

6. Why shouldn't cereals be seeded too shallow?

7. What are the reasons of lodging grain crops?

8. Are cereals high in protein?


XX. Прочтите текст В, не пользуясь словарем, и скажите, что такое «а break сгор».


Text В




The acreage of cereals may sometimes be increased considerably by growing these crops one after another on the same area. It is not uncommon to find four, five or even more successive or following one after another cereal crops in a rotation. If cereal crops are grown on the same land for many years in succesion, such practice is known as continuous cereal growing. In the past this practice often resulted in low yields due to weeds and diseases. Today there is better control of these by chemicals such as fungicides and herbicides and thus farmers have the possibility of growing cereal crops for longer periods of time.

In practice, it is common to grow wheat for two or three years, barley for longer period and then to break (нарушить) the sequence with a crop which is called a break crop. The aim of a break crop is to prevent diseases from increasing.

The farmers usually grow those break crops which are as profitable (выгодный) to grow as cereal crops.

The break crop to be grown varies with the soil and climate, farming and rotation systems and other factors.

There are two main types of break crops:

1. Combinable break crops. They are peas, beans, oil seed crops, corn, etc.

2. Other break crops, such as root crops and forage crops.

XXI. Исходя из содержания текста В, опровергните следующие утверждения (устно):



1. Continuous cereal growing is less practiced at present than in the past.

2. The only possible way of controlling diseases in growing cereals is the application of chemicals.

3. Environmental and other factors do not affect the choice (выбор) of a break crop to be grown



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