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  1. Запомните

if— 1. если, 2. если бы;

unless — если... не (сказ.);

provided — 1) (причастие П) —обеспеченный;

2) (прош.вр.) — обеспечил (-ли);

3) (союз) — при условии если, в том случае если; should — 1) должен, 2) бы (в условных предложениях); because of (предлог) — из-за; вследствие;

because (союз) — потому что; before — 1) (предлог) — до, перед; 2) (союз) — до того как, перед тем как; after — 1) (предлог) — после; 2) (союз) — после того как.


Лексический минимум к тексту А

fine (seed), coarse (seed), mature, immature, stand, uniform, vigo­rous, poor, germinating power, seedbed, firm, moist, warm, moisture, proper, rate, surface, frost, deep, depth, weed, to apply, to reduce, to clean, if, unless, provided, should, because, because of, before, after, germination.




VIII. Выборочная проверка упражнений из задания на дом
№ 1.

IX. Расположите слова в алфавитном порядке, учитывая пер-
вые три буквы:

abundant, adaptation, acidity, any, absorption, availability, addition, apply, allow.

X. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова, и дайте их русские эквиваленты (устно):

1) to produce, a product, production, produced, producing, producer, productive, unproductive;

2) the aim, to aim, aimless, aiming, aimed;

3) water, to water, watering, watered, waterless.

XI. Укажите номера предложений, в которых при переводе следует употребить частицу "бы" (устно):



1. If we did not grow legumes, the fertility of the soil would be low. 2. The yield of wheat would be much higher if we applied more fertili­zers. 3. If we were botanists we should know the difference between the roots of cereals and those of legumes. 4. This crop will develop well if planting is done at the due temperature. 5. If the new variety is better than the one replaced, the farmers will grow it widely.' 6. This variety would be grown on our farm, if it were more drought resistant. 7. If the soil contains too much moisture, corn will not do well on it. 8. If the soil had been better, we should have grown corn.

XII. Определите, в каких предложениях глагол should эквивалентен в русском языке частице "бы" (устно).

1. If you could come to our farm we should show you our experi­mental plots. 2. All cereal crops should be grown on well-prepared soils. 3. We had obtained a good yield, if we should have applied more nitrogen into the soil. 4. Every student should know the difference bet­ween the roots of alfalfa and those of wheat. 5. If this crop were resis­tant to lodging, we should grow it for grain.

XIII. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внима-
ние на союзы if, unless, provided (устно);

1. Unless there is enough moisture in me soil the seed will not ger­minate. 2. Provided temperature conditions of the late summer are not favourable, grain will not ripen properly. 3. The seed would germinate earlier, if there were more moisture in the soil. 4. If the rate of seeding were too high, the plants would have not enough water and nutrients for their growth. 5. Poor results may be obtained with this crop unless it is sown in a warm and moist soil. 6. Good stands can be obtained, provi­ded high-quality seeds are used. 7. Provided the soil is not moist enough at planting time, irrigation should be applied. 8. If a seed placed under favourable conditions does not germibate, it is in a dormant state.

XIV. Назовите номера предложений, в которых употреблен
независимый! причастный оборот. Переведите (устно):

1.The plants developed well because of their having been planted into warm and moist soil.2. There existing some high-yielding varieties of corn, farmers grow those that are best adapted to their soil and cli­matic conditions. 3. The soil having been supplied with too little nitro­gen, a low yield of corn was obtained. 4. Late planting of this crop is undesirable because the plants may be injured by early frosts in autumn. 5. Obtaining of high-quality stand is influenced by both rate and depth of seeding. 6. Having been sown in a warm and moist soil the seed



began germinating quickly and uniformly. 7. Fertilizers having been ap­plied at the due time, the yield of potatoes increased greatly.

XV. Назовите по-английски следующие сочетания слов: основные факторы получения хорошего травостоя; зрелые семена с
хорошей всхожестью, без примесей; влажная, уплотненная, достаточно теплая пашня; быстрые и дружные всходы; соответствующая глубина и норма высева; оптимальные сроки сева, борьба с сорняками, внесение удобрений.

XVI. Контроль чтения и понимания текста А.

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