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Our Motherland is Ukraine. It stretches from Chernihiv forests in the north to the shores of the Black and Azov Seas in the south, and from the green Carpathians in the west to the Don steppes in the east. The capital of Ukraine - Kyiv - with its population of three million is the largest political, economical, cultural and scientific centre of the country.


Ukraine is among the largest countries of Europe in territory (603, 700 thousand sq. km) and population (52 million). Ukraine is rich in natural resources, and its natural conditions are favourable for life and work.


The Ukrainian people have a long and notable history and made a considerable contribution to the storehouse of worlds civilisation. Our people are famous for the national industry and agriculture as well as for freedom loving traditions, hospitality and arts.


In August 1991 the Supreme Council of Ukraine proclaimed Ukraine as an independent, sovereign, democratic state. Now Ukraine has all the possibilities to elect its own wise government in order to reconstruct and develop economy and culture and to rise the people’s welfare. We live at a time of great social reforms and spiritual revival of the Ukrainian people. For the first time in history the Ukrainian language, cultural and historical traditions and customs formerly oppressed during the rule of emperors of all sorts receive unlimited freedom and opportunity for development.


v Words and Expressions to Remember:


to stretch тягнутися, простягатися
to be rich in natural resources бути багатим на природні ресурси
to be favourable for smth. бути сприятливим для чогось
to have a long and notable history мати довгу і багату історію
to make a considerable contribution зробити вагомий внесок
storehouse of world civilisation скарбниця світової цивілізації
freedom loving traditions волелюбні традиції
hospitality гостинність
to rise people’s welfare підвищити добробут народу
spiritual revival духовне відродження
to be oppressed бути пригніченим
rule правління
emperor імператор
unlimited freedom необмежена свобода
wide network широка мережа
curriculum навчальний план
to improve поліпшувати
to increase збільшувати
patron of art покровитель мистецтва
to hinder перешкоджати
to create favourable conditions створити сприятливі умови
gifted обдарований
forbidden заборонений
to be at one’s disposal бути в чиємось розпорядженні
to toil працювати



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