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The Ukrainian Academy of Sciences

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The Academy of Sciences of Ukraine began its activity in1919 during the civil war. Academician V.I.Vernadsky, an outstanding scientist in the field of geochemistry, was elected the first President of the Academy.


At first the Academy had three departments: Department of Historic and Philological Sciences, Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Department of Socio-Economical Sciences. They united three institutes, 26 research faculties, cabinets, commissions and committees.


Nowadays the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences unites more than 80 scientific institutions. There are more than 300 members and corresponding members and about 8000 doctors and candidates of science at the Academy. Academician B.Paton is its President.


Many Ukrainian scientists are world-renowned. Eminent Ukrainian scientist B.Paton was involved in developing a cardinally new method of metal electroslag welding which made it possible to change radically the technique of machine building.


The Academy became an acknowledged center of science of materials and played the lead in synthetic diamonds production which are widely applied in the national economy.


Nowadays great attention is paid to protection of environment from pollution and to rational use of national resources.


Science of Ukraine enjoys great potential. Ukrainian scientists are the authors of many basic scientific works. Such works as “The Theory of General Problems by Linear Elliptical Systems” by V.Lopatinsky, “Cybernetic Encyclopaedia” by a well-known surgeon M.Amossov, and the scientific works by Ukrainian scientists N.Kovalenko, V.Kovalevsky, V.Koroluk and others may serve as examples.


Ukrainian scientists have actively participated in solving important problems of economic and cultural development of the country.


Solving this task the Academy initiates new progressive forms of strengthening ties between science and production, new methods of effective economic management/


The Academy works at enchanting the efficiency and quality of research, at accelerating the practical application of scientific achievements, at improving forms of bonds between science, production, and professional training.

v Expressions to Remember:


metal electroslag welding електрошлакове зварювання
play the lead відігравати головну роль
protection the environment from pollution захист навколишнього середовища від забруднення
“The Theory of General Problems for Linear Elliptical Systems” “Теорія загальних граничних завдань лінійних еліптичних систем”


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