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Science in Britain

Читайте также:
  2. London – the capital of Great Britain
  3. School Education in Britain
  4. The Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
  5. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Learned societies and independent scientific institutions play a large part in promoting the sciences in Britain, although they do very little actual research.


Most pure research is conducted in the universities, which also play an essential part in maintaining the supply of trained specialists. The learned societies play an important part in the discussion and publication of the results of research.


At present there are over 900 learned scientific societies in Britain with approximately 400 scientific publications.


The traditional method of scientific publication, in which results are written in papers and published in journals, is still the main means of communication among scientists. The leading learned societies have for long been important agencies for communicating scientific information. The most eminent of the learned societies are:


§ The Royal Society which was founded in 1660. Its present activities include the holding of the scientific meetings, publication of research work, mainly in the “Philosophical Transactions” and the “Proceedings”, the delivery of lectures, the presentation of medals.

§ The Royal Society of Arts which was founded in 1754. Its principal object has been to promote the progress of all departments of science. It deals with scientific, artistic, technical, industrial and commercial problems. The society regularly holds meetings and publishes a monthly journal.

§ The British Association for the Advancement of Science which was founded in 1831 to promote general interest in science and its application. One of the chief activities is the annual meetings attended by many young students as well as by eminent scientists. Its 14 sections cover the whole range of pure and applied science and there is a division for studying social and international relations of science.


v Words and Expressions to Remember:


learned societies наукові товариства
science наука
human sciences, the humanities гуманітарні науки
scientific worker, the scientist науковець, дослідник, вчений
scholar науковець (гуманітарні науки)
to be a scientist (scholar) бути науковцем
to do scientific work вести наукову роботу
research, investigation дослідження
analysis (pl. –ses) аналіз
study дослідження, наукова дисципліна, наукова стаття, монографія
approach підхід
data дані, факти, відомості
paper (on) дослідження, праця, наукова доповідь
journal журнал
proceedings записки наукового товариства (засідання)
to describe описувати, характеризувати
to quote цитувати, посилатися
to work out вирішувати (завдання), розробляти (план)
to tackle the problem взятися за справу, приступити до вирішення проблем
to submit подати на розгляд
efficient продуктивний, ефективний, кваліфікований
short abstract стислі тези
address, lecture (on) доповідь
theme of the conference тема конференції
topics for discussion питання для обговорення
organizing committee організаційний комітет
participant, delegate, member учасник (конференції)
social programme соціальна програма


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