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Semantic groupings

Читайте также:
  1. Differences in the Semantic Structures of Source Language and Target Language
  2. Semantic Correlations
  3. Semantic structure of English words. Semantic groupings in the vocabulary.
  4. Types of semantic changes & transfers in the development of the vocabulary.
  5. Семантические поля (Semantic fields)

Synonymy Synonyms—w-s similar in general m-g but different in the shade of m-g, phonetical shape, connotation & collocation. They m.b. based on the common denotational component. Their stylistic reference & emotive charge m.b. different.

Classification of synonyms

I Absolute syn-s are very rare—coincide in their shades of meaning & in all their stylistic characteristics:

языкознание – языковедение semasiology – semantics fatherland – homeland spirant – fricative (in phonetics) functional affix – flexion - inflection

II Ideographic syn-s express the same idea but aren’t fully identical in their referential content:

loving – affectionate – devoted – fond

loving, devoted are used in the positive evaluation

affectionate, fond — neutral

loving describes the inner emotional state;

affectionate —a tender feeling, ~ m. b. displayed in caressing & other manifestations;

devoted manifests one’s faithfulness, readiness to spend time & effort to do smth.; sometimes it c.b. used in mockery;

III Stylistic syn-s —w-s denoting the same thing, having the same denotational component, but different in style:

Visage – face – muzzle – snout (рыло) –mug (lower than snout).

We m. use different w-s to express our attitude. A w-d m. possess both an additional implication & stylistic difference: To eat – to partake – to peck – to wolf — denotes “to take food”

to eat has a general meaning;

to partake means to take food in company with others — a literary w-d;

to peck suggests to take food in small quantities bit by bit —a colloquial w-d;

to wolf implies to eat greedily & voraciously — a vulgar w-d.

Among ideographic syn-s we distinguish:

1) very close in meaning: answer – reply;

2) differ in meaning considerably:

a) differ in the degree of a given quality: to look – to glance – to gaze – to stare – to peep; to want – to desire – to long for;

b) differ in the volume of concept: malady – illness – disease; journey – voyage – trip – travel.

One of the w-s in the synonymic group m. possess the m-gs of other members & it m.b. called a synonymic dominant — a w-d, ~ expresses the notion common to all syn-s in the most general way, & both stylistically & emotionally neutral, can stand for each member of the synonymic group.

Function of synonyms

~ to avoid repetition of one & the same w;

~ to express the idea more clearly, to precise the m-g;

~ expressive stylistic function

Homonymy Homonyms—identical in sound & spelling, or at least, in one of these aspects, but different in their m-g.

Groups of synonyms & antonyms are created by the vocabulary system with a particular purpose, whereas homonyms are accidental creations, therefore — purposeless.

The most widely accepted classification is that recognizing homonyms proper, homophones & homographs.

Hom-s proper — w-s identical in pronunciation & spelling:

fast — noun прост; fast — adj. quick

date — дата, date — финик, финиковая пальма

band — отряд, группа людей; оркестр, band — тесьма, лента, обруч, поясок

homophones — w-s of the same sound but of different spelling & meaning:

been & bean, I & eye, night & knight, air & heir (ч-л. второстепенное),

him & hymn, not & knot, rain & reign, bye – buy – by, write – rite – right,

isle & I’ll, deer & dear.

homographs — the same in spelling but different in sound:

to bow [bau] — поклониться-bow [bəu] — лук row [rəu] & row [rau]

lower [ləuə] & lower [lauə] (смотреть угрюмо, хмуриться) wind [i] & wind [waind]

A.I.Smirnitsky—classification: 2 large classes: 1) full hom-s & 2) partial hom-s.

Antonyms ~ w-s of the same category of speech which have contrasting m-gs: tall ≠ short, dead ≠ alive, over ≠ under.

A polysemantic w-d may have an ant-m (or several ant-s) for each of its m-gs:

a short story ≠ a long story; a short man ≠ a tall man; to be short with smb. ≠ to be civil with smb.; short memory ≠ good memory. slow ≠ quick a slow learner ≠ an intelligent learner a slow film ≠ exciting, full of activity; a slow oven ≠ a hot oven.

~ According to their structural characteristics ant-s m.b. ↔ into:

a) derivational ant-s: known ≠ unknown, appear ≠ disappear, happiness ≠ unhappiness, useful ≠ useless (negative prefixes: dis-, il-/im-/ in-/ ir-, un);

b) absolute ant-s: slow ≠ fast, old ≠ young, love ≠ hate;

c) mixed ant-s: correct ≠ incorrect, wrong, kind ≠ unkind, wicked.

~ According to their meaning ant-s m.b. ↔ into:

a) contrary ant-s—w-s, referring to contrary notions, present extreme members of a regulated multitude & express contrary contrast(X—(≠)isn’t X, isn’t Y(≠)—Y): young—not young / not old “немолодой” / “нестарый”—old “старый”): big ≠ small, high ≠ low;

When a contrary ant-m negates some quality, it doesn’t imply the contrary quality. E.g.: Our house is not big. It doesn’t mean: Our house is small. This characteristic differs contrary ant-s from contradictory.

b) contradictory ant-s—w-s refer to contradictory notions (X—isn’t X); they have no the middle, intermediate link(звено): married ≠ single,

true ≠ false, agree ≠ disagree;

The negation of one member of the pair implies the assertion (утверждение) of the other, & the assertion of one member of the pair implies the negation of the other, i.e. they’re (incompatible) взаимоисключающие w-s.

c) conversional ant-s—w-s, denoting the same situation, appear as different names of one & the same action, relation: to buy ≠ to sell, to give ≠ to receive, husband ≠ wife, parent ≠ child, doctor ≠ patient;

d) векторно разнонаправленные ant-s—w-s expressing the contrast of differently directed actions, qualities etc.: summer ≠ winter, East ≠ West, know ≠ forget, to arrive ≠ to depart.

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