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a – palate; b – duodenum; c – stomach; d – pharynx; e – esophagus; f – mouth; g – tongue; h – liver; I – pancreas; j – villi

Nutrient ['nju:trɪənt] - поживні речовини

Starchy ['stɑːtʃɪ] parts of food - крохмалиста частина їжі

To moist - зволожувати

To dissolve - розчиняти

Possess - володіти

Duodenum [dju;ə'di:nəm] - дванадцятипала кишка

Jejunum [ʤɪ'ʤu:nəm] - порожня кишка

Ileum ['ilēəm] (ilium) - клубова кишка

Colon - ободова кишка

Ascending [ə'sendɪŋ] - висхідна

Transverse[trænz'vɜːs] - поперечна

Descending - низхідна

Rectum - пряма кішка

Anus – анус

Accessory [ək'ses(ə)rɪ] organs – допоміжні органи

Churning [ʧɜːn ɪŋ] - збивати

1. Read & translate the following sentences:

  1. The small intestine composed of three main portions is a thin-walled muscular tube.
  2. The weight of the largest of the salivary glands is 28 gr.
  3. The liver consists of small lobules connected together by connective tissue, different vessels and nerves.
  4. The duodenum is called so because its length measures about the length of twelve fingers.
  5. The liver consisting of lobes is covered with a fibrous coat.

2. Read & translate the text:

The function of the digestive system is to prepare food for intake by body cells. Nutrients must be broken down by mechanical and chemical means into molecules that are small enough to be absorbed into the circulation. Within cells, the nutrients are used for energy and for rebuilding vital cell components. Digestion takes place in the digestive tract proper, also called the alimentary canal or gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Also contributing to the digestive process are several accessory organs that release secretions into the small intestine. Food is moved through the digestive tract by peristalsis, wavelike contractions of the organ walls. Peristalsis also moves undigested waste material out of the body.

Digestion begins in the mouth, where food is chewed into small bits by the teeth. In the process of chewing, or mastication, the tongue and the palate, the roof of the mouth, help to break up the food and mix it with saliva, a secretion that moistens the food and begins the digestion of starch. The moistened food is then passed into the pharynx (throat) and through the esophagus into the stomach. Here it is further broken down by churning of the stomach as it is mixed with the enzyme pepsin and with powerful hydrochloric acid (HC1), both of which break down proteins.

The partially digested food passes through the lower portion of the stomach, into the first part of the small intestine, the duodenum. As the food continues through the jejunum and ileum, the remaining sections of the small intestine, digestion is completed. Undigested food, water, and digestive juices pass into the large intestine. This part of the digestive tract begins in the lower right region of the abdomen with the cecum, to which the appendix is attached. The colon travels upward along the right side of the abdomen as the ascending colon, crosses below the stomach as the transverse colon, then continues down the left side of the abdomen as the descending colon. As food is pushed through the colon, water is reabsorbed and stool or feces is formed. This waste material passes into the S-shaped sigmoid colon and is stored in the rectum until eliminated through the anus.

  1. Find in the text the equivalents for the following word combinations: готувати їжу для споживання, бути достатньо малими для всмоктування, для перебудування життєвих компонентів клітин, декілька допоміжних органів, скорочення стінок органів, пережовувати в маленькі шматочки, зміщувати зі слиною, проходити крізь нижню частину шлунка, неперетравлена їжа, вздовж правого боку черевної порожнини, травні соки, ця частина травного каналу, нижній правий відділ з сліпою кішкою, вода пересмоктується, зберігатися у прямій кишці, виводитись через анус.

2. Complete the sentences:

  1. Body cells intake … which is prepared by…
  2. Small … are absorbed …
  3. Nutrients are used …
  4. Accessory organs release…into…
  5. Peristalsis is …
  6. In the mouth food is…
  7. Saliva … the food and begins …
  8. Esophagus leads into …
  9. Duodenum is the …
  10. Digestion is completed in the…
  11. Large intestine begins …
  12. Colon consists of …
  13. Waste materials are eliminated …

3. Find the English equivalents for the Latin terms:

Nutritio, onis /. 2. Digestio, onis f. 3. Lingualis, e. 4. Mucosus, a, um. 5. Membrana, ae/. 6. Os, oris n. 7. Cavitas, atis f. 8. Tactus, us mi 9. Ascendens. 10. Transversus, a, um. 11. Ductus, us m. 12. Acidus, a, um. 13. Intestinum, i?i. 14. Substantia, ae f. 15. Glandula, ae f. 16. Palatum, i n.

(a — mucous; b — membrane; с — oral; d — nutrient; e — lingual; f — digestion; g — tactile; h — cavity; i — palate; j — gland; к — substance; 1 — ascending; m — transverse; n — duct; о — intestine; p — acid)

4. Choose the anatomic terms for the following:

The organ of chewing and tasting. 2. The movable mus­cular structure attached to the floor of the mouth; an impor­tant organ in the articulation of speech sounds. 3 The muscu­lar membranous cavity leading from the mouth and nasal pas­sages to the larynx & esophagus. 4. The roof of the mouth. 5. The tube through which food passes from the pharynx to the stomach. 6. Any of numerous hairlike vascular processes in the small intestine. 7. The first section of the small intestine between the stomach & the jejunum. 8. A large gland that produces the hormone insulin. 9. The largest glandular organ which secrets bile. 10. The organ for containing food & digestion of it.

a – palate; b – duodenum; c – stomach; d – pharynx; e – esophagus; f – mouth; g – tongue; h – liver; I – pancreas; j – villi

5. MULTIPLE CHOICE (choose the correct answer):

  1. What is the function of digestive system? a) digest food; b) prepare food for intake; c) chew the food; d) reabsorb water;
  2. What kind of materials is absorbed into the circulation? a) parts of food; b) enzymes; c) small molecules; d) starches;
  3. What do accessory organs release? a) secretions; b) feces; c) pepsin; d) water;
  4. Where are secretions released into? a) the stomach; b) the esophagus; c) small intestine; d) the large intestine;
  5. Peristalsis is a) contractions of stomach; b) contractions of organs walls; c) relaxation of organ walls; d) contractions of small intestine;
  6. Saliva is a) fluid; b) enzyme; c) secretions; d) waste products;
  7. What does lead into the stomach? a) pharynx; b) throat; c) duodenum; d) esophagus;
  8. What does pepsin break down? a) proteins; b) fats; c) carbohydrates; d) starch;
  9. What is the first part of small intestine? a) cecum; b) duodenum; c) jejunum; d) ileum;
  10. What is appendix attached to? a) duodenum; b) ileum; c) cecum; d) stomach;
  11. How man parts does colon consist of? a) 4; b) 2; c) 5; d) 3
  12. Where are feces stored? a) in sigmoid coon; b) rectum; c) large intestine; d) cecum.


6. Label the diagram:

Duodenum gall bladder bile duct

Large intestine caecum throat

Salivary gland mouth

Gullet liver

Rectum small intestine

Stomach roof of the mouth

Pancreas anus

Appendix tongue



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