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Developing of the planning in our republic

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  6. Developing Reading Skills
  7. For changing or developing situations.
  8. International marketing and its developing
  9. MRP (Material Requirements Planning)

System of state planning - the complex of the interconnected elements consisting of the principles, documents, processes and participants of state planning, providing development of the country on long-term (over 5 years), medium-term (from a year to 5 years) and short-term (till 1 year) the periods.

State planning covers the activity of public authorities and other participants of development of the country directed on increase of level of social and economic development of Kazakhstan, growth of welfare of citizens and strengthening of safety of the country.

Strategy of development of Kazakhstan till 2030

Strategy of development of Kazakhstan till 2030 defines global vision and strategy of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the long-term directions and priorities of economic, political, social development of the country for which realization documents of System of state planning are developed.

Strategic development plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Strategic development plans of the Republic of Kazakhstan are developed for 10 years for realization of Strategy of development of Kazakhstan till 2030 and concretize strategy, the purposes, tasks, the priority directions of social and economic and political development of the country in the corresponding ten-year period expected results with the indication of their indicators, stage-by-stage target reference points.

Development of the draft of the Strategic development plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the forthcoming period is carried out by authorized body on state planning no later than the ninth year of implementation of the previous Strategic development plan of the country.

The strategic development plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan is approved by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Monitoring and an assessment of implementation of the Strategic development plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out by authorized body on state planning on the basis of which its adjustment can be carried out.

Control of implementation of the Strategic development plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan is exercised by Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For implementation of the Strategic development plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan the Expected scheme of territorial and spatial development of the country for the corresponding period is developed.

Documents of System of state planning

Treat documents of System of state planning:

1) Strategy of development of Kazakhstan till 2030;

2) The strategic development plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 10 years, the Expected scheme of territorial and spatial development of the country;

3) state programs for 5-10 years;

4) The forecast of social and economic development for 5 years;

5) programs of development of territories for 5 years;

6) strategic plans of government bodies for 5 years;

7) strategy of development for 10 years and development plans for 5 years of national managing directors of holdings, national holdings, the national companies with participation of the state in authorized capital;

8) industry programs;

42) The communicative policy in system of marketing — is the course of action and the enterprise directed on planning and implementation of interaction of firm with all subjects of marketing system on the basis of use of a complex of means of the communications providing stable and effective formation of demand and promotion of the offer of goods and services on the markets for the purpose of satisfaction of needs of buyers and receiving arrived.

The choice of a communication medium can be made by the generalized criteria, such as:

• possibility of target distribution of communications;

• range and possibility of a combination of elements of a complex of communications;

• volume of possible messages;

• duration of action of communications;

• character of a situation and place of communications;

• possibility of isolation of influence of competitors;

• relation of the communicant to image of the carrier of communications

Marketing communications depending on an ultimate goal of influence on the communicant can be divided into two look:

• the communications connected with development, creation, improvement of goods and its behavior in the market;

• the communications connected with advance of goods depending on a phase of its life cycle.

The first type of marketing communications is aimed mainly at ensuring effective interaction of all subjects of marketing system which purpose is creation of best-selling goods.

The second type of marketing communications is focused first of all on advance available firms or already being on a commodity market or services. In this case the purpose is the belief of potential buyers in acquisition of goods, in commission of the first transaction or a reminder to already existing buyers about implementation of secondary, regular purchases.

43) Tourism is travel for recreation, leisure, religious, family or business purposes, usually for a limited duration. Tourism is commonly associated with international travel, but may also refer to travel to another place within the same country. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people "traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes".

Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. Tourism can be domestic or international, and international tourism has both incoming and outgoing implications on a country's balance of payments. Today, tourism is a major source of income for many countries, and affects the economy of both the source and host countries, in some cases being of vital importance.
Travel outside a person's local area for leisure was largely confined to wealthy classes, who at times travelled to distant parts of the world, to see great buildings, works of art, learn new languages, experience new cultures, and to taste different cuisines. As early as Shulgi, however, kings praised themselves for protecting roads and building waystations for travelers. During the Roman Republic, medicinal spas and coastal resorts such as Baiae were popular for the rich. Pausanias (geographer) wrote his Description of Greece in the 2nd century AD. In ancient China, nobles sometimes made a point of visiting Mount Tai and, on occasion, all five Sacred Mountains.

44) Capital markets are financial markets for the buying and selling of long-term debt or equity-backed securities. These markets channel the wealth of savers to those who can put it to long-term productive use, such as companies or governments making long-term investments. Capital markets are defined as markets in which money is provided for periods longer than a year. Financial regulators, such as the UK's Bank of England (BoE) or the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), oversee the capital markets in their jurisdictions to protect investors against fraud, among other duties.

Modern capital markets are almost invariably hosted on computer-based electronic trading systems; most can be accessed only by entities within the financial sector or the treasury departments of governments and corporations, but some can be accessed directly by the public.

45) A labor market is seen as segmented if it "consists of various sub-groups with little or no crossover capability". Segmentation can result in different groups, for example men and women, receiving different wages.

The theory of labor market segmentation contrasts with the view of neo-classical economic theory, which posits the existence of a unified market for labor, consisting of buyers and sellers in open competition with each other. The labor market is seen as functioning in the same way as other markets. In this model, the only difference between different workers' wages and conditions arise from individual differences in their human capital (skills, experience, or formal education) or tastes. On the latter, as part of the theory of compensating wage differentials those who prefer risky or dirty jobs receive higher wages or salaries than those who take safe or clean ones. Put another way, differences in compensation for labor arise only on the supply side.

In the theory of labor market segmentation, there exists important differences on the demand side which imply differences in compensation and the like that are not explained by individual workers' characteristics. Since labor markets are far from perfect, non-market institutions such as craft unions and professional associations play a role, as do the different strategies employed by employers, in producing different results for workers with similar characteristics. Typically, labor market segmentation splits the aggregate labor market between the primary sector and the secondary sector.

Modern labor market segmentation theory arose in the early 1960s. It opened the eyes of many economists viewing the labor market as just a market with people with individual characteristics of education and motivation as well as technology playing a major factor in terms of producing output. This view later on helped us look at the demand-side of the market, the nature and strategy of the employers. The idea of non-competing groups has been developed in theories that are identified under the general label of labor-market segmentation theory.The two key formulations are split into labor-market theory and internal labor-market theory, both developed in the United States. The labor-market segmentation theory revolves around the identification of a split between two analytic divisions in the economy and the labor-market.


46. Medical Services provides routine and urgent medical care, travel medicine, immunizations, as well as sexual health services, reproductive and gynecological services, LGBTQ health care, and confidential HIV testing. Students are encouraged to make appointments online with their health care provider (bios and photos are available online).

Medical Services is organized into three practice groups, Amsterdam, Broadway, and Morningside (all three are located within the same facility), to provide high quality, accessible, well-coordinated care. Each practice group is comprised of doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses and support staff. This model of care helps simplify and streamline more routine administrative needs and processes, including obtaining a referral, ordering lab tests, or receiving a prescription refills, for our student patients. That’s why appointments made with your designated group practice are strongly encouraged.

47. Dry cleaning is any cleaning process for clothing and textiles using a chemical solvent other than water. The solvent used is typically tetrachloroethylene(perchloroethylene), which the industry calls "perc" or "PERC". It is used to clean delicate fabrics that cannot withstand the rough and tumble of a washing machine and clothes dryer; it can also eliminate labor-intensive hand washing.

A dry-cleaning machine is similar to a combination of a domestic washing machine, and clothes dryer. Garments are placed in the washing or extraction chamber (referred to as the "basket" or "drum"), which constitutes the core of the machine. The washing chamber contains a horizontal, perforated drum that rotates within an outer shell. The shell holds the solvent while the rotating drum holds the garment load. The basket capacity is between about 10 and 40 kg (20 to 80 lb).

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 31 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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