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He looked away, licking his dry lips.

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  1. Again the soldier looked him up and down. The officer could hear him panting. The smile came into his blue eyes. The soldier worked his dry throat, but could not speak.
  2. George looked at the clock on the wall behind the counter.
  3. George looked up the clock. It was a quarter past six. The door from the street opened. A street-car motorman came in.
  4. He left her and she looked about.
  5. He looked at her for a moment without understanding, and when he caught what she meant he laughed loud.
  6. Julia looked at it. Mr. Thomas Fennell. Tavistock Square.
  7. Julia looked at the pretty, clever face, with the powdered hair, and wondered whether the stones that framed the little picture were diamonds or only paste.
  8. Max looked into the mirror all the time he was talking.
  9. Out of the mist, one hundred yards away, came Tyrannosaurus Rex.

A gift for the beast. Might not the beast come for it? The head, he thought, appeared to agree with him. Run away, said the head silently, go back to the others. It was a joke really—why should you bother? You were just wrong, that's all. A little headache, something you ate, perhaps. Go back, child, said the head silently.

Simon looked up, feeling the weight of his wet hair, and gazed at the sky. Up there, for once, were clouds, great bulging towers that sprouted away over the island, grey and cream and copper-colored. The clouds were sitting on the land; they squeezed, produced moment by moment this close, tormenting heat. Even the butterflies deserted the open space where the obscene thing grinned and dripped. Simon lowered his head, carefully keeping his eyes shut, then sheltered them with his hand. There were no shadows under the trees but everywhere a pearly stillness, so that what was real seemed illusive and without definition. The pile of guts was a black blob of flies that buzzed like a saw. After a while these flies found Simon. Gorged, they alighted by his runnels of sweat and drank. They tickled under his nostrils and played leap-frog on his thighs. They were black and iridescent green and without number; and in front of Simon, the Lord of the Flies hung on his stick and grinned. At last Simon gave up and looked back; saw the white teeth and dim eyes, the blood—and his gaze was held by that ancient, inescapable recognition. In Simon's right temple, a pulse began to beat on the brain.

Ralph and Piggy lay in the sand, gazing at the fire and idly flicking pebbles into its smokeless heart.

“That branch is gone.”

“Where’s Samneric?”

“We ought to get some more wood. We're out of green branches.”

Ralph sighed and stood up. There were no shadows under the palms on the platform; only this strange light that seemed to come from everywhere at once. High up among the bulging clouds thunder went off like a gun.

“We're going to get buckets of rain.”

“What about the fire?”

Ralph trotted into the forest and returned with a wide spray of green which he dumped on the fire. The branch crackled, the leaves curled and the yellow smoke expanded.

Piggy made an aimless little pattern in the sand with his fingers.

“Trouble is, we haven't got enough people for a fire. You got to treat Samneric as one turn. They do everything together—”

“Of course.”

“Well, that isn't fair. Don't you see? They ought to do two turns.”

Ralph considered this and understood. He was vexed to find how little he thought like a grownup and sighed again. The island was getting worse and worse.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 37 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Simon was speaking almost in his ear. Ralph found that he had rock painfully gripped in both hands, found his body arched, the muscles of his neck stiff, his mouth strained open. | The boar was floundering away from them. They found another pig-run parallel to the first and Jack raced away. Ralph was lull of night and apprehension and pride. | Once more Jack led them along by the suck and heave of the blinding sea. | Jack cleared his throat and spoke in a queer, tight voice. | Silence was the only answer. | The stain vanished. Another took its place. | Jack interrupted him. | Piggy was speaking now with more assurance and with what, if the circumstances had- not been so serious, the others would have recognized as pleasure. | The littluns who had seen few fires since the first catastrophe became wildly excited. They danced and sang and there was a partyish air about the gathering. | The three boys sat down. They had a great mass of the fruit with them and all of it properly ripe. They grinned at Ralph as he took some and began to eat. |

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