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In this module you will

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  1. Endmodule
  2. Endmodule

ü learn how to make a poster presentation

ü talk about scientific discoveries and inventions

ü learn how to express opinions in arguments and discussions

ü describe fact and opinion in writing

ü distinguish international words from ‘false friends’ words

ü revisit Past Tenses


Unit 1 Necessity is the Mother of Invention
  Lead In  

1. Think of the difference between the words ‘ discovery ’ and ‘ invention ’. Work with a partner and write down a definition for each of these words.


2. Sort out the inventions and discoveries into two columns. Compare and discuss your lists with a partner.

e. g. X-rays e. g. telescope



3. Which areas of scientific study or technology do they belong to? Which of

them are used in more than one natural science?



1. Work with a partner. Name any accidental discoveries

or inventions you have ever heard about.

§ How did people benefit from them?

§ Did they cause any problems?


2. The words in column A are in the text you are going to read. Match them with the words in column B which are similar in meaning.

1) wire a) mix
2) spark b) to move suddenly
3) to jerk c) to vaccinate
4) to inoculate d) flash
5) compound e) covered
6) coated f) cable

3. Read the text about four unexpected scientific discoveries. How did they change the world?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 41 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Focus on language | Metric system microscope thermometer telescope | Focus on language | Focus on language | INVENTION /DISCOVERY | XXXVIII 3 страница | XXXVIII 4 страница | XXXVIII 5 страница |

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