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Self-training assignments

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  10. Ex 5. Answer the questions and do the assignments.

Тopic № 3


Learning objective


1.1. Strengthen and to supplement knowledge about the biological effect and hygienic significance of the ultraviolet radiation (UVR).

1.2. Master the methods of organization of the UV irradiation (UVI) for the purpose of the UV deficiency prevention and the control of it.

1.3. Master the methods of air sanation by the UVR and its efficiency assessment.



2.1. You should know:

2.1.1. Main biological effects of the UVR.

2.1.2. Deficiency and excess of the UVR and its effect on health.

2.1.3. Types of the artificial UVR sources. Photaria.

2.1.4. Methods of measuring and estimation of the UVR intensity.


2.2. You should have the following skills:

2.2.1. Usage of the UVR for disease prevention and air sanation at the patients’ care institutions, child institutions and workplaces.

2.2.2. Calculation of the preventive dose and selection of the UV irradiation procedure.

2.2.3. Planting the microorganisms into the air samples using the Krotov’s device. Calculation of the number of colonies on beef-extract agar (BEA) in Petri dish before and after the air UV irradiation for the determination of the microbial air pollution and air sanation efficiеncy.


Self-training questions


3.1. Types and mechanisms of the UVR effects: biogenic – general-stimulatory, vitamin D forming, chromogenic and non-biogenic – bactericidal, virulicidal, cancerogenic etc..

3.2. Distinctive characteristics of biological effects of the UVR band (regions A, B, C).

3.3. Erythemal, physiological, preventive doses of the UV radiation. Quantitative determination of the UVR intensity using different measuring methods.

3.4. The UVR disadvantage and its effect on health.

3.5. Main symptoms of “solar insufficiency” and cases requiring the preventive UV irradiation.

3.6. Usage of the UVR for primary and secondary prophylaxis of different diseases.

3.7. Artificial UVR sources, principles of their functioning, main technical characteristics. Photaria.

3.8. Excessive exposure to natural and artificial UVR sources. “Оzone holes” as a hygienic problem. UVR as an occupational hazard.

3.9. Methods and means of protection from the excessive UVR exposure.


Self-training assignments


4.1. Determine the physiological and preventive dose of the UV irradiation for yourselves in accordance to the erythemal dose indicated by Gorbachov’s biodosimeter. (From the previous lesson)

4.2. The preventive UVR dose is reached by the exposure to the beacon irradiator with 10 LE-30 lamps (capacity of 30 Wt) at the distance of 0.5 m during 2 minutes. What is a distance (using the same source) for a group of the children of kindergarten age to receive a preventive dose during 5 minutes of exposure?

4.3. An irradiator with БУВ-30 (BUV-30) lamps was used for the air sanation in the school class rooms (area was 50 m2, height was 3.5 m) during 1 hour during the influenza epidemic. Planting of the air was done on BEA in Petri dishes in Krotov’s device before and after the UVR irradiation (planting speed was 20 l/min during 10 minutes). 65 colonies were grown before the sanation, 12 – after the sanation in Petri dishes on BEA. State a hygienic value of the air sanation efficiency.


5. Structure of the lesson


At the beginning of the lesson the students will have knowledge of basics checked and theoretical questions examined. After that the students perform the following exercises by themselves:

5.1. Determination of the erythemal dose and calculation of the preventive dose of the UVR (see appendix 3 of the previous lesson and appendix 1 of this one).

The students determine the erythemal and preventive dose by Gorbachov’s biodosimeter after the exposure to the artificial UVR source on the forearm skin (see the previous lesson), and exposure to the sun (see the tables of appendix 1).

5.2. Estimation of the air sanation efficiency after the use of bactericidal lamps (see appendix 2).

The room is irradiated by the bactericidal lamps. Microbial planting from air samples was done on BEA in Petri dishes in Krotov’s device before and after irradiation for the UV bactericidal effect determination. Dishes are located in thermostat during 24 hours (the temperature is 370C). The students calculate colonies number in the lesson and estimate the results in accordance to the table of appendix 2.

5.3. Solution of the situational tasks dealing with the preventive dose of the UV irradiation for different people groups (pre-school and school age children, people suffering from the UVR deficiency or absence, patients suffering from chronic cardiovascular diseases etc., see appendix 3), and the air sanation efficiency of different premises.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 26 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

WAYS OF ACHIEVEMENT | Specific methods of hygiene | Structure of sanitary-epidemiological stations of different authority levels | Structure of the lesson | Electromagnetic portion of the solar radiation | Measuring methods of the ultraviolet radiation intensity | Relative bactericidal effectiveness | In a week | Table 1. | Instruction on the determination of the efficiency of the air sanation by the UV irradiation |

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