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1. You are going to listen to the woman talking about shopping at Ross. Look at the picture. Why does she like shopping at Ross?

Complete the sentences using the words in the box below.

happy camper brand spanking new bargain aisle browse changing room fit check-out till


1. The clothes store was huge; there were ten __________ of jeans.

2. He’s bought his new shirt in a sale. It’s a real __________.

3. His shiny new car is __________; he bought it an hour ago.

4. I’m a __________ because I’ve bought a lot of things at reduced prices.

5. You can try on clothes in a ____________.

6. To find something that is brand new in a sale, you should have some time to __________.

7. That’s the size I need. It ___________ well.

8. I’ll take the pair of shoes. Where is __________ in the shop?


Answer the questions.

1. Why doesn’t the woman like shopping?

2. When is she content to do the shopping?

3. What kind of shop is Ross?

4. What hobby does the woman have?

5. Why does she like second-hand store shopping?

6. Why does she like shopping at Ross?

7. Why does she consider her latest purchase a good deal?






You are going to hear two friends, Daniel and Paulina, talking about a course Paulina is doing. Listen and complete the questions.

1. How is the course going? Are you _____?

2. So what does it involve, then? I mean, what _____ do you have to study?

3. And what are the other students like? Do you _____ them OK?

4. And what about the tutors? What are they _____?

5. How long does the course last? When _____?

6. And what are you going to do once the course is finished? Have you _____ yet?

Listen again and make notes on the answers to the questions.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 36 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

STAYING HEALTHY | COMMON INJURIES | Listen again and answer the following questions. | Work in pairs. Before you listen guess the meanings of the following word-combinations. Discuss your ideas in class. | ACUPUNCTURE | REFLEXOLOGY | FALSE ALARM | Listen to the story again and answer the following questions. | Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions. | Try to remember which verbs went with these nouns in the four conversations. Discuss your ideas with the rest students. Then listen again and check. |

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