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Text 6H. Walks in the wood

It is rather exhausting work to pick up wild strawberries. But have you ever tasted wild strawberry jam? It is the most flavored and the most delicious thing in the world! A soft bitter taste makes it really fantastic! You shouldn’t add this jam to pies or to eat it with a table spoon. The best way to feel the divine taste of this jam is to take it on a solemn occasion with a silver tea-spoon, holding a cup of fresh-made tea. It is also extremely tasty to eat it right in the wood!

Let’s speak about wrongly forgotten berry – the stone berry. Bright ruby drops. You may think that it’s only a sour berry, but to appreciate it at its true value, you should know all its merits. You can prepare wonderful jelly. It will be delicious and flavored.

Some people call raspberry ‘a queen of jelly’. It is irreplaceable when you are ill or have flu. Its marvelous taste can subdue any epicure.

The bilberry is the most health-giving berry, a dream of any dietitian. It is good for our eyes, heart, and blood pressure. Bilberry bushes grow very slowly, that is why, be very careful, picking it up, don’t break the twigs; and for many years you will be able to come back to the same place.

Have you ever seen blossoming cowberries? You will definitely feel the smell of honey and cowberry jam. The cowberry is a so called ‘late’ berry; it ripens at the end of summer. It has bitter and sour taste, but jam and jelly are really sweet and delicious.

At all times Russia was famous for its mushrooms. Salted, boiled, fried, dried, pickled they were always considered delicacy. But the best pleasure is to pick up mushrooms.

When hot days are gone, after heavy showers there comes a ‘mushroom’ season. Early in the morning, taking a basket, we go to the forest. At these early moments the forest is shining with millions of lights, dew-drops are everywhere. Moving the grass apart by a stick you will see brown caps of birch boletus. Robust fellows!

If your friend cries having found a penny bun you will definitely follow him to congratulate. Penny buns are considered the kings of mushrooms. It is a great pleasure to find it and proudly carry it in your basket.

Following your friend you will find thick-stemmed woolly milk caps, slim orange birch boletus, bright chanterelles. Having met your friend, you show each other your ‘catch’, demonstrate the best mushrooms, and go on your searching.

It is also a great pleasure to peel the mushrooms at home! Each mushroom reminds you the place where you found it, the smells and noise of the wood. At this moment you think that you certainly do it again next summer.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 12 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Read the article and translate the main idea into English. | Read text 5F and translate it. | Text 6A. The ecology of the Urals | Vocabulary | Find a phrase or a sentence in text 6A which means the same as the following. | Text 6B. Air pollution | Text 6C. Water pollution | Text 6D. Soil pollution | Text 6E. Ecological culture | Text 6F. Recycling |

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