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Article 161

Читайте также:
  1. Analysing newspaper articles
  2. Application forms and articles for participation in the conference should be sent by e-mail to redbookconf2014@ukr.net Deadline: 25 March 2014.
  3. Article 10
  4. Article 106
  5. Article 16
  6. Article 2
  7. Article 260. Customs Requirements to Facilities, Equipment
  8. Article 54
  9. Article 58

The day of adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine is a national holiday — the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine.

Chapter XV
Transitional Provisions

1. Laws and other normative acts, adopted prior to this Constitution entering into force, are in force in the part that does not contradict the Constitution of Ukraine.

2. After the adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine exercises the authority envisaged by this Constitution.

Regular elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine shall be held in March 1998.

3. Regular elections of the President of Ukraine shall be held on the last Sunday of October 1999.

4. The President of Ukraine, within three years after the Constitution of Ukraine enters into force, has the right to issue decrees approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and signed by the Prime-Minister of Ukraine on economic issues not regulated by laws, with simultaneous submission of the respective draft law to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, by the procedure established by Article 93 of this Constitution.

Such a decree of the President of Ukraine takes effect, if within thirty calendar days from the day of submission of the draft law (except the days between sessions), the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine does not adopt the law or does not reject the submitted draft law by the majority of its constitutional composition, and is effective until a law adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on these issues enters into force.

5. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is formed in accordance with this Constitution within three months after its entry into force.

6. The Constitutional Court of Ukraine is formed in accordance with this Constitution, within three months after its entry into force. Prior to the creation of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, the interpretation of laws is performed by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

7. Heads of local state administrations, upon entry of this Constitution into force, acquire the status of heads of local state administrations in accordance with Article 118 of this Constitution, and after the election of chairmen of the respective councils, tender resignations from office of the chairmen of these councils.

8. Village, settlement and city councils and the chairmen of these councils, upon entry of this Constitution of Ukraine into force, exercise the authority as determined by it, until the election of the new composition of these councils in March 1998.

District and oblast councils, elected prior to the entry of this Constitution into force, exercise the authority as determined by it, until the formation of the new composition of these councils in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine.

City district councils and their chairmen, upon entry of this Constitution into force, exercise their authority in accordance with the law.

9. The procuracy continues to exercise, in accordance with the laws in force, the function of supervision over the observance and application of laws and the function of preliminary investigation, until the laws regulating the activity of state bodies in regard to the control over the observance of laws are put into force, and until the system of pre-trial investigation is formed and the laws regulating its operation are put into effect.

10. Prior to the adoption of laws determining the particular aspects of the exercise of executive power in the Cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol in accordance with Article 118 of this Constitution, the executive power in these cities is exercised by the respective city administrations.

11. Article 99, paragraph one of this Constitution shall enter into force after the introduction of the national monetary unit — the hryvnia.

12. The Supreme Court of Ukraine and the High Court of Arbitration of Ukraine exercise their authority in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine that is in force, until the formation in Ukraine of a system of courts of general jurisdiction, in accordance with Article 125 of this Constitution, but for no more than five years.

Judges of all courts in Ukraine, elected or appointed prior to the day of entry of this Constitution into force, continue to exercise their authority in accordance with the legislation in force, until the expiration of the term for which they were elected or appointed.

Judges whose authority has terminated on the day this Constitution enters into force, continue to exercise their authority for the period of one year.

13. The current procedure for arrest, holding in custody and detention of persons suspected of committing a crime, and also for the examination and search of a dwelling place or other possessions of a person, is preserved for five years after this Constitution enters into force.

14. The use of existing military bases on the territory of Ukraine for the temporary stationing of foreign military formations is possible on the terms of lease, by the procedure determined by the international treaties of Ukraine ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.




Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 23 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Exercise 22. Open the brackets using the correct form of the infinitive. Translate the sentences into Russian. | The Fundamental Law of Ukraine | C Criminal court proceedings | KRAMER VS. KRAMER | The modern Globe | CONSTITUTION OF UKRAINE | Article 54 | Article 58 | Article 85 | Article 92 |

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