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  2. Aboriginal History in the Daintree Rainforest.
  3. Britain's prehistory
  4. Distinctive History
  5. Exercise 13. Open the brackets and translate the case history into Ukrainian.
  6. From the History of Belarus
  9. From the history of the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering
  10. From the history of the University

The history of engineering is the record of human in­genuity through the ages. Even in prehistoric times, people adapted basic engineering techniques from things that were available in nature. For example, sturdy sticks became levers to lift large rocks, and logs were used as rollers to move heavy loads. The development of agriculture and the growth of civilization brought about a new wave of engineering efforts. People in­vented farming tools, designed elaborate irrigation net­works, and built the first cities. The construction of the gigantic Egyptian pyramids at Giza during the 2500's B.C. was one of the greatest engineering feats of ancient times (see Pyramids). In ancient Rome, engineers built large aqueducts and bridges and vast systems of roads. During the 200's B.G, the Chinese erected major sec­tions of the monumental Great Wall of China (see Great Wall of China).

A nuclear engineer, foreground, monitors the central control room of a nuclear power plant. Nuclear engineers also help process nuclear fuels and dispose of radioactive wastes.


Early engineers used such simple machines as the in­clined plane, wedge, and wheel and axle. During the Middle Ages, a period in European history that lasted from the A.D. 400's to the 1500's, inventors developed machines to harness water, wind, and animal power. The growing interest in new types of machines and new sources of power to drive them helped bring about the Industrial Revolution of the 1700's and 1800's (see Indus­trial Revolution). The role of engineers expanded rap­idly during the Industrial Revolution. The practical steam engine developed by the Scottish engineer James Watt in the 17GO's revolutionized transportation and industry by providing a cheap, efficient source of power. New ironmaking techniques provided engineers with the ma­terial to improve machines and tools and to build bridges and ships. Many roads, railroads, and canals were constructed to link the growing industrial cities.

Distinct branches of engineering began to develop during the Industrial Revolution. The term civil engineer was first used about 1750 by John Smeaton, a British engineer. Mechanical engineers emerged as specialists in industrial machinery, and mining and metallurgical en­gineers were needed to supply metals and fuels. By the late 1800's, the development of electric power and ad­vances in chemical processing had created the fields of electrical and chemical engineering. Professional schools began to be founded as the demand for engi­neers steadily increased.

Since 1900, the number of engineers and of engineer­ing specialties has expanded dramatically. Artificial hearts, airplanes, computers, lasers, nuclear energy, plastics, space travel, and television are only a few of the scientific and technological breakthroughs that engi­neers have helped bring about in this century. Because science and technology are progressing and changing so rapidly, today's engineers must study throughout their careers to make sure that their knowledge and ex­pertise do not become obsolete. They face the challeng­ing task of keeping pace with the latest advances while working to shape the technology of the future.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 20 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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