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Читайте также:
  1. Ancient Europeans More Diverse, Genetically Speaking, than Modern Ones
  2. Customs and traditions of an English-speaking country
  3. Elements of Good Speaking
  4. English–speaking countries.
  5. Five people are speaking about their learning experiences. Complete each space with a suitable word. The first letter of each space is given.
  6. II. Listen to the three people speaking about how they spend their weekends and
  7. Language policies in the English-speaking countries.
  9. National values and assumptions in the English-speaking countries.



Talking of the home town


Mary: Where are you from, Peter?

Peter: From Kazan. What about you, Mary?

Mary: I’m from Ekaterinburg, the capital of the Urals region.

Peter: Oh, I do remember now, I heard you sing a song about the Urals at the student concert. You are very fond of your native town, aren’t you? Mary: Yes, I am. I adore it. I am always dreaming of going back to my native lands. Very often I am home-sick.

Peter: When did you last visit your parents?

Mary: A year ago. But I often write to them. My mother and father are missing me terribly, and so am I.

Peter: Would like you to tell me something about Ekaterinburg?

Mary: With pleasure, but not at this moment. Now I am in hurry. Tonight I’m going to Helen’s birthday party.

Peter: Well, I send her my best regards and wish her many happy returns of the day. Excuse my detaining you. Hope to see you tomorrow.

Mary: So long, Peter. Drop in tomorrow evening if you have time.


17. Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 1.


18. Make up dialogues of your own using Dialogue 1 as model.


Situations: You meet your groupmate and talk about:

a)your native town;

b) some places of interest of your native town;

c) the letter you received from a friend of yours who lives in

your native town.



Visiting the monument to victory in Prokhorovka


A.: Have you seen the Monument of Victory built on the tank battle field of Prokhorovka?

B.: Do you mean Prokhorovka which is not far from Belgorod?

A.: That’s right. The tank battle of Prokhorovka is a part of the battle of Kursk which lasted 50 days and became a conclusive stage of the radical turn in the course of Great Patriotic War. You should see it by all means.

B.: Well, I saw some monuments yesterday when I was on a tour of Belgorod and its region. But I’m not sure that was the one you are talking about.

A.: There’s no doubt you saw some other monuments. There are a lot of them in this city and its region. If you’d seen that memorial, you wouldn’t have mixed it with anything else.

B.:When was the Monument to Victory in Prokhorovka constructed?

A.: Its construction started in October, 1993 and ended in April, 1995.

The Monument was unveiled in commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Victory over the fascist Germany.

B.: Who are the authors of this monument?

A.: They are V.M.Klykov, R.I.Simerdzhiev and G.K.Silohin.

B.: What does the Monument symbolize?

A.: The majestic Monument symbolize love for the native land, pride in deeds

of the great ancestors, readiness to sacrifice oneself to Motherland.

B.: Oh, I see. That’s marvelous beyond any words. A surely impressive



Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 2.


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Read Text 1B and answer the following questions. | THE UNIVERSITY I GO TO | Active vocabulary to remember | Read Text 2C and answer the following questions. | LISTENING | Siberia | The Capital of the Russian Federation | Finish up the sentences of the Text. | Moscow Places of Interest | Belgorod Region (social and economic survey) |

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