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All tenses of active voice

Читайте также:
  1. A. Active Reading for Better Retention .
  2. Active Levers
  3. Active Vocabulary
  4. Active vocabulary
  7. Active vocabulary to remember
  8. Active vocabulary to remember
  9. Active vocabulary to remember
  10. Active vocabulary to remember


  Present Past Future Future in-the-Past
Indefinite He writes letters every day He wrote a letter yesterday. He will write a letter tomorrow. (He said that) he would write a letter the next day.
Continuous He is writing a letter now. He was writing a letter at 5 o’clock yesterday. He will be writing a letter at 5 o’clock tomorrow. (He said that) he would be writing a letter at 5 o’clock the next day.
Perfect He has already written a letter. He had written a letter by 5 o’clock yesterday. He will have written a letter by 5 o’clock tomorrow. (He said that) he would have written a letter by 5 o’clock the next day.
Perfect Continuous He has been writing a letter since morning. He had been writing a letter for two hours when I came. He will have been writing a letter for two hours when I come. (He said that) he would have been writing a letter for two hours when I came.


Present Indefinite Tense употребляется для обозначения:

In order to keep fit I try to visit the gym twice a week.

Still waters run deep.

The universe is endless.

She enters the room, sees a document on the table and reeds it.

The train leaves at six o’clock.

*чувственное восприятие (see, feel, hear, sound);

*умственная деятельность (believe, understand, realize, know, remember; prefer);

*глаголы обладания (have, own, possess, belong);

Eh, I see and understand it clearly but actually I can do nothing.

Will you see him before you go to Moscow?

I hear you are doing well.

I forget your phone number.

We are told that she is leaving soon.

Время Past Simple указывает на:

That inveterate bachelor finally got married.

Yesterday I got up at six o’clock had a shower and after having breakfast went to work.

I walked in the park for two hours yesterday.

We met him during the trip.

We collaborated with those firms regularly but now we’ve stopped those relations.

I wondered if you could give me a lift.

Present continuous употребляется для выражения:

Look, the kitten is playing with a bow.

He is always smoking in my presence those he is aware of my hating it.

We are planning to rest on the shore this summer.


Время Past Continuous обозначает:

I was having branch at ten o’clock yesterday when you called.

Whenever I met Peter he was always talking about football.

Nancy was taking a flight to London that day.

While he was playing the sonata she sat still.

When I met him he was studying in the university.

Darkness was descending over the city when Jack came home.

We couldn’t understand why he was being so rude.

I was wondering if you could help me.

Время Present Perfect указывает на:

I’ve bought a new disc today, let’s listen to it.

He has had a grudge against me since our last meeting.

I haven’t heard from her recently.

Время Present Perfect Continuous обозначает:

Don’t sit on the bench, I’ve been painting it.

I’ve been living here for five years.

Время Past Perfect используется:

Matilda had finished reading by nine o’clock.

He told me that he had been ill since he came back from the South.

The sky had cleared and the moon was shining.

No sooner had Mary entered the garden then she saw the children playing peacefully.

Scarcely had the spy left the hotel when the police caught him.

The Future Simple Tense обозначает:

Spring will come after winter.

They’ll live happily for many years.

Will you call me every week?

Will you come to the party?

How are you going to pay? – I’ll pay by credit card.

He won’t answer.

I hope she’ll get the job.

The Future Continuous Tense обозначает:

I’ll be painting the kitchen tomorrow morning.

They’ll be watching TV when you come.

Mike is tired he’ll be going to bed directly.

I don’t like to go to the party. They’ll be discussing their health problems there.

Will you be coming to the party?

We’ll be spending the summer abroad.

The Future Perfect Simple обозначает:

They will have got my telegram by tomorrow.

She will have learnt the news by the time the letter reaches her.

He won’t have signed the contract by 2 p.m.


The Future Perfect Progressive обозначает:

I will have being staying at this hotel for a week next Sunday.

They will have been working for this company for ten years next May.





Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 36 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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