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She had no sooner typed one letter than the boss gave her another.

Читайте также:
  1. A Letter from Maria
  2. A Letter from Maria
  3. A Letter from Maria
  4. A Letter from Maria
  5. A Letter from Maria
  6. A Letter from Maria
  7. A Letter from Maria
  8. A Letter from Maria
  9. A Letter from Maria
  10. A Letter from Maria


1. He started business, but then the war began. 2. She arrived at the hotel, and then she began complaining loudly. 3. I started my holiday, but then I felt ill. 4. He met Mary, and fell in love with her. 5. He saw the policeman. He decided to escape immediately. 6. The music began to play. Young couples began to dance. 7. The plane took off. The old lady began to feel airsick. 8. John received a telegram. He rushed to the railway staton. 9. Robert won a car in the lottery last month. Soon he had an accident. 10. We made ourselves confortable at the table. The waiter came. 11. I began to read a detective novel. I guessed the end at once. 12. Five years ago he got a job in the Oil Industry Centre. Last week he became its Director. 13. They bought the new furniture. The prices went up. 14. She told him the news. He grew pale. 15. The boss began the meeting. his secretary entered the room. 16. We entered the hall. The lights went out.



Exercise 11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: past simple or past perfect:


1. We hardly (start) when the car (get) a flat tyre. 2. The game scarcely (begin) when it (start) to rain. 3. No sooner she (open) the drawer than she (find) the photo which she (think) she (lose) long before. 4. Hardly he (touch) the pillow when he (fall) asleep. 5. Scarcely he (arrive) when he (leave) again. 6. We no sooner (sit) down than we (find) it was time to go. 7. The play hardly (start) when there (be) a power cut. 8. I scarcely (sit) down to eat when the phone (ring). 9. No sooner I (start) moving the lawn than it (start) raining. 10. He hardly (reach) the door of his office when two young men (stop) him. 11. He no sooner (arrive) than the accident (take) place. 12. He hardly (arrive) in Rome when he (get) a telegram from home that his father was seriously ill. 13. Hardly he (ask) his question when she (answer) it. 14. Scarcely I (finish) my work when my friends (arrive). 15. Hardly he (enter) the room when he (switch on) the TV set. 16. He no sooner (leave) the room than another man (come) in.



Exercise 12. Translate into English using hardly... when, scarcely... when, or no sooner... than.

1.Он не прочел и трех страниц, как его прервали. 2. Едва я успел попрощаться с ними, как поезд тронулся. 3. Не успел я дойти до угла, как услышал чьи-то шаги сзади. 4. Не успел он пообедать, как ему позвонил приятель. 5. Едва дверь закрылась за ней, как я вспомнил, что я хотел сказать ей. 6. Не успел он приехать в город, как встретил своих школьных друзей. 7. Едва мы закончили писать граммати-ческий тест, как прозвенел звонок на перемену. 8. Не успела она добежать до станции метро, как пошел сильный дождь. 9. Едва я вошел в комнату, как увидел записку на столе. 10. Не успели мы сесть за стол, как погас свет. 11. Не успел преподаватель закончить объяснение нового правила, как студенты начали задавать вопросы. 12. Удва закончился дождь, как туристы поехали осматривать достопримечательности города. 13. Только он ушел, как зазвонил телефон. 14. Не успел я прийти, как секретарь пригласил меня к директору. 15. Едва он открыл книгу и начал читать, как он уснул. 16. Не успел я войти в зал, как лекция началась.



Exercise 13. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: past simple, present perfect or past perfect:


1. Thank you, I’m not hungry. I just (have) dinner. 2. You (have) dinner before you (go) to the library? 3. Roy (come) home after he (travel) about Europe for four years. 4. I (finish) my test paper. May I go out? 5. I (finish) my test paper before the bell (ring). 6. I recognize the story. I already (hear) it. 7. I was sure I (hear) that story some months before. 8. By the time Anita got to the church, the wedding already (begin). 9. I (not to pay) for my ticket yet. How much do I own you? 10. The hotel manager discovered that a guest (leave) without paying his bill. 11. I always (want) to visit Japan, and now I have the chance, I (decide) to take it. 12. He already (speak) to our secretary about it. 13. She said that she (speak) to the Dean about our problem. 14. I can’t help thinking that I (see) your face before. 15. After he (see) “My Fair Lady” he (tell) all his friends that he never (see) a better misical. 16. By five o’clock yesterday Steve (write) an English composition. 17. John (write) five letters since 5 o’clock. 18. Who is that woman? I never (see) her before. 19. I didn’t know who the woman was. I never (see) her before. 20. The house was dirty. They (not to clean) it for weeks.


Exercise 14. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: present perfect, past perfect or past simple.


Well, you see, Officer, I (drive) down the dual carriageway, when this huge lorry (overtake) me. I (travel) at 70 miles an hour, so I’ve no idea what speed the lorry (go). I never (see) a lorry travelling so fast. Two miles futher down the road I (see) flames and smoke rising. The idiot (crash) into the roudabout. Obviously he (swerve) to avoid this boy on his bicycle. You (speak) to the boy yet? I think he’s all right. When you (arrive), I (try) to free the lorry driver. I could smell alcohol on his breath. I think he (drink). He (break) one of his legs, but apart from that he’s not too bad.

Exercise 15. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: past simple or past perfect.


1. She (tell) me his name after he (leave). 2. He (do) nothing before he saw them. 3. He thanked me for what I (do). 4. After I had heard the news, I (hurry) to see my friends. 5. She told me her name after I (ask) her twice. 6. He had already learnt English before he (leave) for America. 7. The river became deeper after it (rain) heavily. 8. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody (go) to bed. 9. I felt very tired when I got home, so I (go) straight to bed. 10. I had been looking for my textbook for an hour when at last I (find) it in the laboratory. 11. Mary looked happy. She said she (find) her ring. 12. Julia (not to finish) work when Jim got to the office. 13. I (finish) my homework at 6 and went out for a walk. 14. Jane (wash) the dishes, (dry) them and (put) them into the cupboard. 15. Tom called me this afternoon and invited me to go out for a walk, but I couldn’t as I (not to finish) my report yet. 16. Nora woke up with a terrible headache because she and Arthur (hold) a party the night before.



Exercise 16. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: past simple or past perfect.


1. The little boy (refuse) to admit he (break) the window. 2. As it (be) Sunday, we (go) to the seaside and (spend) the whole day there. 3. She (not to know) what they (tell) her father but she (see) that he (be) very upset. 4. Mario (feel) very nervous when he first (drive) in Britain because he (not to drive) on the left before. 5. When I (find) my wallet I (discover) that somebody (take) the credit cards out of it. 6. Mary (go) to the door and (lock) it, and (return) with the key. 7. The students (enter) the class-room five minutes after the bell (ring). 8. He (make) tea and (eat) the biscuits which Mrs. Andrew (bring) him. 9. It (be) all so sudden that for a moment no one (know) what (happen). 10. He (tell) me that they (be) at the same public school and (be) friends ever since. 11. The little boy (tell) a lie five minutes after he (promise) to tell the truth. 12. Near the door he (see) the man he (notice) at the station. 13. The house (be) much smaller than he (think) at first. 14. The students (do) the exercise very well after the teacher (show) them how to. 15. She (feel) sick after she (eat) a whole box of chocolates. 16. After she (spend) all her money, she (ask) her father to help her.



Exercise 17. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: past simple or past perfect.


1. When I (meet) Mrs. Fogg, I (understand) why Fogg (marry) her. 2. First she (open) the parcel, and then she (read) the letter. 3. After she (open) the parcel, she (read) the letter. 4. He quickly (forget) all he (learn) at school. 5. I (be) sure he (do) everything he (can) to help me. 6. He (be) deeply ashamed of what he (do). 7. I (not to fall asleep) yet when I (hear) the sound of the bell. 8. I (speak) to the woman because I (think) I (meet) her somewhere before. 9. As soon as they (go), I (go) straight to bed. 10. John (realize) to his astonishment that he (set) a new world record. 11. The clerk (work) hard after the director (criticize) him. 12. After we (see) this new film, we (have) an interesting discussion about it. 13. Mary (discover) that Charlie (take) all her money. 14. When he (look) around he (understand) that he (get off) at the wrong station. 15. Peter suddenly (realize) that he (leave) his cap in the train. 16. As soon as the choldren (finish) breakfast, they (run out) to play.



Exercise 18. Put the verbs into the correct form: past simple, past continuous or past perfect.


1. We (drive) along the road when we (see) a car which (break) down, so we (stop) to see if we could help. 2. Yesterday afternoon Sharon (go) to the station to meet Paul. When she (get) there, Paul already (wait) for her. His train (arrive) early. 3. When I (get) home, Bill (lie) on the sofa. The television (be) on but he (not to watch) it. He (fall) asleep and (snore) loudly. I (turn) the television off and just then he (wake up). 4. Last night I just (go) to bed and (read) a book when suddenly I (hear) a noise. I (get up) to see what it (be) but I (not to see) anything, so I (go) back to bed. 5. I (make) a cake when the light (go out). I (have) to finish it in the dark. 6. He (have) a bath when the phone (ring). Very unwillingly he (get) out of the bath and (go) to answer it. 7. When Peter (go) along the street he (see) a friend of his whom he (not to meet) for a long time. 8. Jack (do) his work by 8 o’clock. He (get) out into the street. The weather (be) fine. It (stop) snowing and the moon (shine) high in the sky. 9. Then she (get) up and (go) to the kitchen and (open) the fridge. 10. My mother (make) sandwiches in the kitchen and (not to hear) the bell. 11. After he (leave) school he could not find a job and (decide) to go to New York. 12. She (go) back to take her gloves and bag which she (leave) on the hall table. 13. What you (do) with this electric drill? - I (put up) some bookshelves in my room. 14. What you (do) with this electric drill? - I (put) it back in its box in the tool cupboard. 15. When Elizabeth I (die) in 1603, she (reign) for over thirty years. 16. James (inherit) a small fortune from his father, but a year later he (not to have) a penny because he (spend) it all on cars and women. 17. I (study) politics at university. 18. He (study) the effects of radiation when he suddenly (die). 19. Henry (come) home from holiday to find that someone (break) into his house. 20. As they (walk) along the road they (hear) a car coming from behind them. Tom (turn) round and (hold) up his hand. The car (stop).



Exercise 19. Translate into English using the correct form of the verb: past simple, past continuous or past perfect.


1. Когда я пришел к Виктору, его не было дома. Он ушел на вокзал встречать своего приятеля. 2. Собрание еще не началось, когда мы пришли. 3. Он уехал в тот день, когда я приехал. 4. Когда мы вышли на улицу, ярко светило солнце. 5. Когда мы пришли на остановку, автобус уже ушел. 6. Я часто ходил в этот кинотеатр, когда работал в этом районе. 7. С кем вы разговаривали по телефону, когда я вошла в комнату. 8. Вчера весь день мы работали в библиотеке. 9. К тому времени, как мы верну-лись, они уже достигли соглашения. 10. Когда он кончил работать, он сел на диван и стал читать газету. 11. Вчера в шесть часов вечера я ждал сестру на вокзале. 12. Когда вы здесь были в последний раз? - Три года назад. 13. Когда я вернулся из театра, гости уже ушли. 14. Как только она включила свет, она увидела в комнате незнакомца. 15. Я был удивлен, когда узнал, что Роберт не здал экзамены. 16. К пяти часам все уже собрались в столовой. 17. Где ты отдыхал прошлым летом? - На Кавказе. - Сколько времени ты там пробыл? - Около месяца. 18. Вчера я встретил своего приятеля, который только что вернулся из Индии. 19. Вчера в это время я слушала интересную лекцию по литературе. 20. Пока дети спали, бабушка готовила обед.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 93 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into English using the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present Perfect Continuous. | Exercise 1. Comment on the use of the Past Simple in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian. | Exercise 7. Turn the follwing from affirmative to negative and from negative to affirmative. | She used to eat a lot of sweets. | In the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian. | Exercise 10. Read the situations and then say which time it has happened. | Exercise 16. Translate into English. | Exercise 22. Choose the correct form. | Exercise 10. Complete these sentences using the Past Simple or Past Continuous. | Exercise 1. Comment on the use of the Past Perfect in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian. |

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