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Pre-Reading exercises


Ex.1. Make up opposition pairs (antonyms)

a) similar; internal; unsatisfactory; weakness; rare; minority; unsuitable; narrow; low; less; heat; moderate; active; thawing; irregular; bright; insoluble;artificial; disadvantage; unavailable

b) advantage; severe; different; regular; wide; soluble; satisfactory; common; majority; more; frost; various; passive; freezing; external; pale; high; natural, available; strength;


Ex. 2. Transform the suggested nouns (a) and adjectives (b) into verbs, removing nominal and adjectival suffixes or adding verbal suffixes (- en, -ify, -ise/-ize, -ate) and prefixes (en-), if necessary. Make changes where necessary. Consult the dictionary in case you are not sure.

a) protection, suspension, requirement, insulation, strength, stability, construction, characteristics, variety, additive, production, description, resistance, absorption, frost, exposure, situation, saturation, pressure, reaction, advantage, width


b) Satisfactory, different, special, suitable, general, wide, compressive, regular, soluble, popular, hard

Ex.3. Make up adverbs corresponding to the following adjectives. Translate the derived words into Russian.

e.g.: normal ‘обычный ’- normally ‘обычно’; but: high ‘высокий’ - high ‘высоко’

a) satisfactory; total; external; common; general; wide; dense; moderate; passive; normal; severe; mechanical; regular; easy; virtual; free; dense; different; particular; natural;

b) outside; high; low; long;


Ex.4. Give derivatives of the following verbs and translate them.


Verb Noun-person / noun-thing Abstract notion Adjective / participle
invent ‘изобретать’ inventor invention inventive
produce ‘производить’      
protect ‘защищать’      
resist ‘противостоять’      
compress ‘сжимать’      
expose ‘подвергать воздействию’      
insulate ‘изолировать’      
construct ‘строить’      
decorate ‘декорировать’      
use ‘использовать’      
prevent ‘предотвращать’      
mix ‘смешивать’      
connect ‘соединять’      
manufacture ‘производить’      

Ex. 5. Translate the following words and word combinations:

to support load; a number of requirements; an external loadbearing wall; weather protection; thermal insulation; fire protection; the most common materials; domestic construction; to use special manufacturing techniques; to add a variety of additives; common bricks; the face of the brick; to cover with plaster or render; facing bricks;to be left exposed; engineering bricks;dense bricks; compressive strength; water absorption; civil engineering structures; retaining walls; resistance to frost attack; totally resistant; vulnerable; suitable for severe exposure; moderate exposure; passive exposure; repeated cycles; to undergo freezing and thawing; to take appropriate measures; to prevent saturation; below the eaves; for internal use; crushed flint and lime; hardening chamber; to inject steam under pressure; regular in shape; to recognise by pale colours; to blend and compact the aggregate; cementitious binder; to vary the proportions of cement; variety of strengths; crushed stone aggregate; substitute for natural stone; blockwork; cost advantages; equivalent in size; a range of widths; nature of the aggregate.


Scanning text 1 ‘Brick Loadbearing Walls’, can you say what types of brick are used in construction?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-12; просмотров: 12 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Unit 3. FOUNDATION | Pre-Reading Vocabulary Exercises | Text 1. FOUNDATIONS IN CONSTRUCTION | Text-based exercises | Post-Reading Vocabulary Exercises | Text 2. TYPES OF FOUNDATIONS | Grammar and vocabulary consolidation exercises | Vocaulary notes | Text 4. DIFFERENT TYPES OF HOUSE FOUNDATIONS | Text 5. FOUNDATIONS AND TYPES OF SOILS |

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