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Упр. 3. Запомните глаголы, после которых герундий используется в качестве прямого дополнения. Предложения переведите.

Упр. 2. Переведите предложения с английского языка на русский, обращая внимание на герундий.

1. This law does not permit making or distributing additional copies [a breach of copyright].

2. If a firm follows a single-brand strategy, it may consider limiting the number of businesses to which the brand is extended.

3. Roles [of mother, boss, female etc.] provide a sense of identity because people use roles as basic conceptual tools in thinking about self.

4. From the workers’ perspective the leader behaviors must be seen as facilitating or enabling workers to accomplish both immediate task goals and their own personal goals.

5. This goal involves making the job challenging but not impossible to accomplish.

6. Shifting societal trends requires new leadership strategies.

7. The fundamental difficulty in risk assessment is determining the rate of occurrence since statistical information is not available on all kinds of past incidents.

8. Rather than admitting an error in projections, the president of the division assured the CEO that his team would make the numbers (выручка).

9. Ethical behavior involves choosing actions that are “right”, “proper”, and “just”.

10. For nearly all creatures here, looking good is better than feeling good.

11. He perceives these actions as leading to his important goals.

Упр. 3. Запомните глаголы, после которых герундий используется в качестве прямого дополнения. Предложения переведите.

Глаголы Примеры
admit признавать(ся); допускать; соглашаться; не отрицать · He has admitted signing the contract. · The advertising manager admitted taking a bribe.
*adviseсоветовать They advised signing the contract.
advocateотстаивать, пропагандировать (взгляды и т.п.);, бороться за; выступать в защиту чего-л.; быть сторонником чего-л. Industrial nations a dvocate reducing carbon-dioxide emissions.  
avoidизбегать · To avoid identifying the companies involved I have used numbers (цифры) instead of the names of the companies. · He avoided listening to complaints.
cease (= stop) прекращать, переставать (делать что-л.) The contractors ceased delivering the goods.
consider1) обсуждать, рассматривать; 2) обдумывать; 3) принимать во внимание, 4) учитывать; полагать, считать · The commission is considering issuing an opinion on the [collusion] question in September. (collusion n – сговор, тайное соглашение) · She was considering running for president in 2010. · They will consider hiring the applicant.
deny 1)отрицать, отвергать; 2) отказывать(ся) · He has denied considering some of the more extreme measures attributed to him. · They denied asking for political asylum (политическое убежище). · He has denied having some of those business interests.
enjoyлюбить He doesn’t enjoy going on business trips.
entailвлечь за собой; вызывать что-л. Very often we have house guests over the weekend which entails a lot of cooking, and seeing to everybody’s comfort, which makes it a very busy weekend. (see to –1) следить, присматривать (за кем-л. или чем-л.); позаботиться (о ком-л. или чем-л.)
fancy(= imagine) 1) воображать, представлять себе; 2) предполагать, полагать; 3) нравится, любить She didn’t fancy wandering around on her own.
fear1) бояться, страшиться; 2) опасаться; ожидать (чего-л. нежелательного) · Everyone fears falling financial returns. · Microsoft particularly fears losing highly skilled staff. · Some managers fear making negative comments. · The owner of a desirable house, who never fears going hungry, thirsty or cold, can still be reduced to self-pitying fury by a parking fine (штраф).
finishзаканчивать He finished speaking and sat down.
forgetзабывать (о действиях, имевших место в прошлом) I’ll never forget making my first 1000 dollars.
hate1) разг. не хотеть, испытывать неудобство; 2) ненавидеть · They hate calling things by their proper names. · She hates lending money.
imagineпредставить себе, вообразить · Imagine going to the South after fulfilling the task. · Imagine having to get up at 6 a.m. every day!
involve1) (по)влечь за собой; вызывать; 2) подразумевать, предполагать · Planning involves setting goals and deciding how best to achieve them. · The transition process, in its essence, involves dismantling the old government-controlled economy and creating an environment within which the private sector can grow.
keep(= continue)продолжать делать (что-л.) · The plant keeps operating. · The letters kept coming. · It is important to keep remembering that GM [General Motors] desperately needs to stabilize its market share.
mean(= involve) значить, означать, иметь значение · People now realize that the price of freedom means occasionally having t o suffer pain. · Active listening means concentrating, and concentrating is hard work.
mind(= object) возражать; быть против (в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях) · Ministers do not mind saying quite daring (смелый; дерзкий) things in public which are certainly give rise to disagreement. · Would you mind lending me $10?
miss не достичь цели; промахнуться (тж. перен.); упустить, пропустить · He drove off at speed and narrowly missed hitting another vehicle before crashing into the entrance gates.  
necessitate 1) делать необходимым; неизбежно влечь за собой; 2) амер. вынуждать · Further (budgetary) cuts would necessitate closing many overseas posts.  
practise1)применять, осуществлять; 2) заниматься (чем-л.), практиковать They practise estimating answers.
quit inf прекращать, оставлять; бросать (работу, службу и т. п.) They quit criticizing the young man.
recall вспоминать; напоминать, воскрешать (в памяти) · He recalls feeling rudderless (без руля) and depressed. · The manager recalls telling him about the contract.  
recollectвспоминать, воскрешать (в памяти) They recollected meeting their boss at the airport.
*recommend рекомендовать, советовать · I would thoroughly recommend going to future exhibitions. · I would recommend doing an MBA if you’re young and looking for a start.
regretсожалеть (o действиях, совершенных в прошлом) · They regret losing such highly-regarded managers. · He never regrets doing a kind action.
remember (= recollect) помнить, вспоминать (прошлое) · I remember reading this book. · They remember the uncle telling them that he had deposited money in a Japanese bank.
report1) сообщать; рассказывать, описывать; 2) жаловаться на; выставлять обвинение · This journal reported finding exactly the same thing. · The managers in the project group did report getting some informal help from their bosses.  
require 1) нуждаться (в чем-л.) 2) требовать (чего-л.); 3) приказывать · Monetary union will require overcoming differences which will make Europe seem homogenous. · This [the new relationship] may require adjusting or developing new interpersonal skills.
resentвозмущаться, негодовать · Moreover, many taxpayers might resent paying for party propaganda. · Many people already resent existing welfare payments to the mostly impoverished Aborigines.
resist 1) сопротивляться, противиться; 2) устоять против (чего-л.), не поддаваться; противостоять; 3) (часто с отрицанием) воздерживаться от · There are some who resist providing the indemnities (гарантии от убытков; компенсация) sought. · He has resisted adding money to her bank account. · They strongly resisted using this method.
risk1) рисковать (чем-л.); 2) отваживаться (на что-л.) This firm was a month behind schedule and risked incurring heavy fines from the city council.
shunизбегать, остерегаться He shunned (избегать, остерегаться) answering the most sensitive questions.
spareберечь; избавлять (от чего-л.) Such system spares family members being placed in this potentially invidious (обидный; оскорбляющий несправедливостью) position.
stop(= cease) прекращать, переставать (делать что-л.) · They don’t stop dreaming of peace for their children. · The telephone has not stopped ringing for a second. · He never stops trying to improve.
suggestпредлагать · Her partner suggested making an advertisement for the drink in the Atlanta Journal. · I suggest holding a meeting next Monday.
understand понимать (чьи-л. чувства, причины поступков) I can understand him not giving the results to them.  


* Герундий используется после глаголов advise, allow, forbid, permit, recommend, если не называется тот, кто будет выполнять рекомендованное или разрешаемое действие; в ином случае используется инфинитив.

Например: He advised striking the deal. Но: He advised them to strike the deal.

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