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Двойное отрицание

Отрицание not в сочетании с отрицательной приставкой прилагательного или наречия усиливает любые члены предложения, кроме подлежащего или дополнения. Такое сочетание перед прилагательным или наречием обычно переводится довольно, весьма, вполне.


The case is not improbable. Этот случай довольно (весьма, вполне) вероятен.

Exercise 4. Translate into Russian.

1. Mars and Venus have atmospheres not dissimilar to ours. 2. River and lake deposits also not uncommonly contain remains of organisms which inhabited waters. 3. It seems not at all unlikely that many of the lower animal forms also have the power to make a similar distinction. 4. The advances of modern sciences in the production of a wide range of experimental temperatures are thus seen to be not inconsiderable. 5. These algae occur very abundantly in freshwaters and are not uncommon in the sea. 6. It does not seem illogical to treat the two groups as one. 7. In many genera that are normally epiphytic endophytic forms are not unusual. 8. A situation and mechanism not dissimilar to that observed by Leloir was subsequently discovered by Sutherland. 9. The protozoan was found usually to be a uninucleate individual not unlike one of the cells of a larger animal or plant. 10. It does not seem impossible for one or more of the anthocyanidin or sugar hydroxyls to be esterified with an organic acid. 11. It does not appear improbable that the previous observations should represent reversal of amino acyl RNA synthesis.


5. Эмфатическое сочетание it is (was, has been) … that (which, who )

А. Сочетания it is (was, has been)... that, it is (was, has been)... which, it is (was, has been)... who могут выделять любой заключенный между компонентами этого сочетания член предложения, кроме сказуемого. Эмфаза в русском языке передается или словом именно, или порядком слов: то, что выделяется рамочной конструкцией it is... that, ставится в конец предложения.


It is these properties of crystals that are the most important. Именно эти свойства кристаллов наиболее важны. Наиболее важны эти свойства кристаллов.

Примечание 1. Отрицательная форма этой конструкции передается словами совсем не, вовсе не.


It was not in this field that cytology has received a notable contribution. Совсем не в этой области был внесен значительный вклад в цитологию.

Примечание 2. Если в этой конструкции употреблено еще какое-нибудь усилительное слово, то при переводе именно опускается.


It is only by careful study of the cell structure that these forms can be distinguished. Только путем тщательного изучения клеточной структуры можно различить эти формы.

Б. Одним из вариантов эмфатической конструкции с сочетанием it is … that является выделение обстоятельства времени, которому предшествует эмфатическое сочетание not until (not till). Сочетание it was not until … that не переводится, а перед выделяемым обстоятельством времени добавляются слова только в, только тогда, когда.


It was not until 1953 that this book was published. Эта книга была опубликована только в 1953 году.

Примечание 3. Сочетание not + until (till) + after переводится только после.


The Congress was not held until after the death of the great physiologist. Конгресс состоялся только после смерти великого физиолога.

Exercise 5. Translate into Russian.

1. In Russia it was Lodygin who invented the electric lamp. 2. It is the computer that makes a machine a robot. 3. It is silver that is the best conducting metal. 4. It is electronics that produced radar. 5. It was Popov who invented the radio. 6. It was in the laboratory that I found him. 7. It is automation that improves working conditions. 8. It was in 1944 that the first relay machine was completed. 9. It is the program that ensures the execution of all operation assigned to the computers. 10. At present, it is germanium and its properties that have been most thoroughly investigated and are best understood. 11. It is this feature which enables us to use valves in a great variety of electronic devices, as well as for simple amplification. 12. It is the root that absorbs water from the soil. 13. It is the root hairs that come into close contact with the soil particles. 14. It is just back of the root cap that the lengthening of the root is found to take place. 15. It was at our laboratory that this method was tried for the first time. 16. In medical practice it is mainly the leaves, taken in May and June during the blossoming period, that are used. 17. It is by means of its roots that the plant is anchored and supported in one place. 18. While the kinds of gases that are present in the atmosphere are present in the soil air, it is the oxygen that is of particular importance. 19. It is to this end that several products have been introduced on the market to be used on the soil for conditioning and maintaining such balance. 20. It was only by means of electron microscopy that the structure of cytoplasm was elucidated. 21. In seed plants it is the pollen grains that are mobile and so light that they are spread for hundreds of miles. 22. It was the Russian scientist Mendeleev who compiled the world-famous Periodic Table of Elements. 23. It is this effect that we will discuss more fully in the next section. 24. It was largely upon this fact that the theory of chromosome individuality was originally based. 25. It was not a mere number of chromosomes that was of importance but the volume of karyotin. 26. It is the rapid and recent climatic changes that are undoubtedly attributed to the major features of plant distribution today. 27. It was the principle of repetition which enabled us to explore the morphology of molecular structure. 28. It is not a certain chemical composition, but activity, that makes a substance as a part of the living system, for life is a process. 29. It was not until he mastered English that he started studying French. 30. It was not until many years later that the behaviour of the nucleus in cell division became known in detail. 31. It was not until many years later that the cell was investigated with reference to the problem of heredity. 32. It was not until after the discovery of Bernhard that these elements attracted the attention of many scientists. 33. It was not until after the fundamental work of Pasteur in 1865 that the role of the fungi in fermentation was established.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-12; просмотров: 42 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

CONDITIONAL SENTENCES | Exercise 3.7. Use the first or second conditional. | Употребление сослагательного наклонения | Остаточные формы прежнего сослагательного наклонения употребляются в некоторых словосочетаниях, например: had (‘d) better, would (‘d) rather, would (‘d) sooner. | Exercise 1.1. Translate the following sentences. | Exercise 8.1. Translate the following sentences. | Exercise 9.5. What is the fact behind the following wishes? | REVIEW EXERCISES | EMPHATIC CONSTRUCTIONS | В. Обратный порядок слов употребляется в эмфатических предложениях, вводимых союзами so, neither или nor. |

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