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Rewrite these sentences in the Passive Voice.

1.No one has used these rooms for fifty years.

2.You must not touch the exhibited goods.

3. My wife used best quality butter in this cake.

4.The dentist will pull out this tooth tomorrow.

5.He injured his knee during the football match.

6.Have you fed the pigs yet?

7.They will stage the play next week.

8.Heavy industry has increased production threefold.

9.Have you finished your work?

10.The police could not trace the criminal.

11.We should build more houses and hospitals.

12.They arranged a little farewell ceremony for him.

13.They sell lemons by the pound.

14.Everybody will ignore him.

15.She's laying the table.

16.She found it on the cupboard.

17.They have set the house on fire.

18.The local council will have the road repaired next year.

19.Mother is taking the baby out for a walk.

20.He wrote this play many years ago.

21.The government will continue this policy.

22.The engineers are designing a new model.

23.I shall have finished my work by tomorrow night.

24.Jane is darning her socks at present.

25.You should give the money back at once.

26.They congratulated her heartily on her success.

27.They have advised me to go there.

28.We should thank him for his services.

29.My assistant helped me all the time.

30.He assisted me in the organization of the congress.

31.The people resisted the government's policy.

32.They thanked him for what he had done.

33.We had to break the box open.

34.They painted the garden-gate green.

39.They have not decided the cause yet.

40.We'll slaughter the pig tomorrow.

41.They are paying him for his work.

42.We'll turn out every room in the house.

43.You should answer these questions at once.

44.The orchestra played this symphony at the end of the concert.

45.You should have stopped this development in time.


5. Turn from Active into Passive.


An expert is restoring the antique car.

The antique car is being restored by an expert.

1. Steven Spielberg has directed a lot of successful films.

2. The judge has fined him £300.

3. A number of reporters will meet the professor at the airport.

4. A famous designer is going to redecorate the President's house.

5. The Romans founded Bath in the first century A.D

6. A nightmare woke Mary up.

7. Muslims celebrate Ramadan.

8. Van Gogh painted "Sunflowers"

9. Astronauts are exploring space.

10. They kill elephants for ivory.

11. Homer wrote the "Iliad".

12. People chop down a lot of trees every year.

13. The government will introduce new measures against crime.

14. Someone has burgled Ann's house.

15. She offered me a cup of tea.

16. They check passports at Passport Control.

17. A million people visit the cathedral every year.

18. Someone has stolen Mike's bicycle.


6. Rewrite the following passage in the Passive Voice.

Somebody gave me a goat for my birthday last year. They had bought it from a farm down the road. We keep it tied to a tree in our garden. My father normally looks after it, but last week his company sent him abroad on business. A few days later, our neighbor called me to the window. I hadn't tied the goat up properly. The goat was eating her washing!


7. Fill in "by" or "with".

1.The window was broken with a hammer.

2.He was knocked down…..a car.

3. The lion was shot …..a rifle.

4. That novel was written….. D. H. Lawrence.

5. The garden was dug…. a spade.

6. The city was attacked….. the enemy.

7. The pudding was made…..fruit and chocolate.

8.He was hit …..a handbag.

9.The picture was painted…..Jackson Pollack.

10.The house was built…. wood and bricks.


8. Fill in the correct form of the verbs (Active or Passive)

A florist is taking a telephone order from a customer.

Customer: Hello, I'd like to order some flowers, please.

Florist: Certainly, sir. When would you like them to be delivered(deliver)?

Customer: Can they 2)..... (deliver) on Monday?

Florist: Oh, I'm sorry, sir. No flowers can 3)... (send) on Monday because

it's a bank holiday. The shop will be closed.

Customer: Oh, can they 4)... (send) on Friday then?

Florist: Certainly, sir. Where should they 5)... (take) to?

Customer: 47. Hanson Road. Croydon.

Florist: Okay, and who should they 6)... (address) to?


9. Turn the following sentences into the Passive


Scientists might discover a cure for cancer.

A cure for cancer might be discovered.

1. Someone should help the old woman across the street.

2. They might have arrested the escaped prisoner.

3. They should have provided more food at the reception.

4. They ought to warn the public about him.

5. They should build more bus lanes.

6. They could have written the answers more clearly.


10. Rewrite the following passage in the Passive.

Our apartment-block is starting a new scheme. We will collect all the old newspapers and tin cans. We will put them in a special container. When the container is full, the council will collect it. They will take it to a factory. The factory will recycle the newspapers and cans into something new.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-12; просмотров: 79 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Для студентов второго образовательного уровня | Chapter 1 | Define the tenses of the underlined verb forms. | Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. | Passive Voice | Translate the sentences. | There are mistakes in all of the following sentences. Find the mistakes and write the verbs out again correctly. | Insert the particle to where necessary. | Use the Infinitive. | Infinitive Constructions |

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