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X. Ask 5-7 questions to the text.

XI. Insert the missing words:

1. The University...... on the bank of the river Volga.

2. It was founded in....

3. A...... town of the University is situated on a beautiful....

4. It... 8 teaching building and several halls.......

5. The work of the Institutes and the faculties...... by Directors and Deans.

6. The teaching staff of... and... departments consists of very experienced lecturers and assistants.

7. The...... students have a five-year course of studies.

8. At the end of the... students have tests and take... examinations.

9. Those who...... an exam, can make a... attempt.

10. They defend their diploma projects...... with the help of their supervisors.


XII. Translate into English:

1. АГТУ расположился в живописном месте.

2. Я сдал все вступительные экзамены с хорошими оценками.

3. В этом году я поступил в АГТУ и стал студентом-первокурсником.

4. Дважды в год я сдаю межсеместровые экзамены.

5. Зачеты и экзаменационные оценки выставляются в зачетную книжку.

6. По окончании университета каждый студент получает диплом.

7. В конце пятого курса все студенты защищают свои дипломные проекты.

8. Мне очень нравится моя будущая специальность.


XIII. Choose the correct form of the verb “to be”:

1. I (am, is, are) the first-year student of the Astrakhan State Technical University.

2. Our University (was, were) founded in 1930.

3. My friend (am, is, are) the fifth-year student of the same University.

4. My friends (was, were) in the library yesterday.

5. I (shall be, will be) at home in the evening.

6. We (shall be, will be) biologists in five years.

7. They (shall be, will be) in the Dean’s office tomorrow.

8. His knowledge of English (am, is, are) poor. But he (is, are) good at math.

9. My brother (am, is, are) not a student. He (am, is, are) an economist.

10. They (am, is, are) fond of chemistry and physics.


XIV. Choose the correct form of the verb “to have”, “to do”:

1. I (have, has) many friends in our group.

2. He (have, has) many lessons today.

3. At school I (have, had) only 4 or5 on chemistry.

4. He (has, had, will have) many extra work to do tomorrow.

5. (Does, do) you study at the Faculty of Law or at the Mechanical one?

6. He (do, does) not study at the University.

7. I (do, does) my homework myself.

8. She (do, does) not translate the English texts at home.

9. They (do, does) many laboratory works at the University.

10. What University (does, did) she enter last year?


XV. Make up dialogues on the following topics:

1. You are a student of Astrakhan State Technical University. Your friend is a school-leaver. Share your impressions about the university.

2. You are going to enter Astrakhan State Technical University, but you need some additional information. Consult the Secretary if there is some important information for you.

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Institute of Biology and Nature Management | TEXT 2.International activity | THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA | APPENDIX | A Introduction | Words in sentences (C) | For all the children. | Form (B) | States and actions (A) | Positive forms |

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