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Ex. 5. Translate into English.

Ex. 1. Write the following sentences in the 3rd person singular.

1. I think I am ill. 2. They often visit their granny. 3. We live in Odessa. 4. You usually speak too quickly. 5. Do you like boiled potatoes? 6. Good animals always obey their masters. 7. The boys box in the gymnasium on Fridays. 8. His dogs always attack the neighbuors. 9. Heavy trucks make a lot of noise.


Ex. 2. Write the following sentences a/ in the negative, b/ in the interrogative.

1. She understands the rule. 2. He usually has breakfast at 8 o'clock. 3. The lecture starts at 10. 15. 4. The flowers look fresh. 5. She usually walks in the morning. 6. He has coffee in the evening. 7. She remembers them well. 8. He plays chess very well. 9. She leaves home at 10 o'clock every day. 10. Ann misses you badly. 11. They feel very cold. 12. Tom looks sick. 13. They harvest grapes in March. 14. The last boat sails at 10 p.m. 15. That train goes very fast.

Ex. 3. Correct the sentences.

Example: The Earth goes round the Moon. The Earth doesn't go round the Moon.

The Moon goes round the Earth.


1.Hens eat foxes. 2. Blacksmiths make things form wood. 3. The river Nile flows into the Black Sea. 4. The dogs usually meow. 5. It snows in summer.


Ex. 4. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the correct form: go, be, have, make, get up, wake up, hurry, finish, get, do, let, shout.


Ex. 4. Translate into Russian.

1. Я обычно делаю домашнее задание вечером. 2. Мой друг живет в Голландии. 3. Моя сестра учится в медицинском колледже. 4. У них два занятия иностранным языком в неделю. 5. Он всегда навещает нас, когда бывает в Москве. 6. "Сколько времени вы тратите на дорогу домой?" - "Как правило, я трачу на дорогу домой около тридцати минут". 7. Он теперь редко путешествует. 8. Вы часто ходите в кино? 9. Она никогда не опаздывает. Она всегда приходит вовремя. 10. "Вы чувствуете боль?" - "Нет, я ничего не чувствую". 11. Его отец - педиатр. Он лечит детей. 12. Я не учу французский язык, я учу английский. 13. Теперь мы редко с ними встречаемся. 14. Ее сестра часто ездит в командировки?

Ex. 5. Translate into English.

I. Я часто слушаю радио по утрам. 2. Мы обычно смот­рим телепередачи по субботам. 3. Мой отец и брат часто играют в шахматы по вторникам. 4. Она пишет мужу пись­ма каждый понедельник. 5. Открываете ли вы окна каж­дый вечер? — Да. 6. Анна читает английские газеты каждый день? — Да. 7. Джон редко болеет. 8. Ник никогда не опаздывает. 9. Петр иногда курит. 10. Ходите ли вы в театр каждое воскресенье? 11. Она редко пьет чай по утрам. Она обычно пьет кофе.



My working day

On week-days the alarm-clock wakes me up and my working day begins. It is six o’clock. If it is spring or summer I jump out of bed, run to the window and open it wide to let the fresh morning air in. In winter I am not so quick to leave my bed, and I bury my head under the pillows pretending not to hear the alarm-clock. But all the same, it is time to get up and I start getting ready for my work.

I make my bed and go to the bathroom where I brush my teeth and have a shower. While I am having breakfast, I turn on my tape-recorder and listen to pop-music. Breakfast, as my parents say, must be the most substantial meal of the day. But usually neither my mother nor me have any time to cook it, so I just have a cup of tea or coffee and some sandwiches. I leave my house at ten minutes past 7, and, as I live quite near the bus stop, I am there in five minutes.

It takes me about twenty minutes to get to the University. Our classes start at a quarter to eight. We usually have 3 or even 4 classes a day. They last six or eight hours. It is not easy to study at the University. My working day is not over even when the classes come to an end, because I have a lot of work to do at home. It usually takes me about three hours to get ready for the next working day. But when at last my working day is over I feel both tired and satisfied.

Sometimes in the evening my friends come to my place and we talk or play; sometimes we go for a walk, but not very often. I go to bed at about eleven o’clock.


Ex. 6. Replace the underlined words with the following:

to be fond of, to prepare, to switch on, to go on foot, to brush, morning exercises.

1. I get up and turn on the radio. 2. In the morning I do my gymnastics. 3. As I live near the University I walk there. 4. He likes music and often goes to the opera. 5. I clean my teeth with a tooth-brush and tooth paste. 6. He usually does his homework at home.


Ex. 7. Complete the sentences:

1. I wash and clean my teeth…. 2. As I live far from the Medical College….

3. During the break we may have…. 4. It takes me 20 minutes…. 5. When I need some books…. 6. In the evening when I have time…. 7. Our classes last…. 8. As a rule my brother takes a cup of tea and some…. 9. I was tired but….


Дата добавления: 2015-09-12; просмотров: 89 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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