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Заполните пропуск в каждом предложении.

1. … you at home?

2. Pete… in the office now.

3. What … your friends’ address?

4. There … a table and two desks in the room.

5. … your brother a driver?

Заполните пропуск в каждом предложении одним из предложенных слов.

1. My sister … go to the park.

A. isn’t B. doesn’t C. don’t

2. Peter … a teacher.

A. isn’t B. doesn’t C. don’t

3. It … cost much to stay at that hotel.

A. don’t B. doesn’t C. isn’t

4. That book … expensive.

A. don’t B. doesn’t C. isn’t

5. I … like this book.

A. am not. B. doesn’t C. don’t

Переведите на английский язык.

1. Моя подруга – студентка.

2. Он уже прослушал наш концерт в этом месяце.

3. На что вы смотрите?

4. Ей нравятся документальные фильмы.

5. Она сейчас пишет очень трудное упражнение.

Найдите допущенную ошибку в каждом предложении.

1. He is playing tennis every day.

2. Your advices are very useful.

3. Where did you be yesterday?

4. When does he can come to see you?

5. He isn’t liking strong coffee.


Образуйте 5 типов вопросов к данному предложению.


We sent a letter to our foreign partner yesterday afternoon.


Расставить слова в правильном порядке.

1. to, is, parents, friend, his, to, going, speak, my

2. every, exercises, his, he, does, morning, day.

3. often, it, country, this, rain, in, doesn’t.

4. still, working, garden, is, the, in, John.

5. his, cooks, apple-pies, often, wife.


Председатель предметной экзаменационной комиссии А.А.Майборода




Найдите в тексте предложения, к которым поставлены вопросы, и запишите их номер в таллон ответа.


1. The first people who arrived in America from Holland built a town that they named New Amsterdam, in honour of the capital of their country in Europe.

2. But forty years later, when Holland was at war with England, an English fleet under the command of the Duke of York appeared before New Amsterdam.

3. The town had no army, the English occupied the town and renamed it New York.

4. And this, as we know, is the name that has remained to this day.

5. The first people who came to America did not try to think of new names for the towns they built, but often gave the new place the same name as the place they had come from.

6. Along the east coast of the United States we find such English names as Plymouth, Cambridge, London, Boston.

7. English names often appear with the word "new" as a prefix: New England, New York, New Britain.

8. When the first English inhabitants left their homes on the east coast and moved to the west, they gave the new places the same names as those they had left behind.

9. As a result, there are twenty-two towns in the US that are called London, eighteen towns named Bristol, and so on.

10. This, of course, created a lot of difficulties for the postal service.



1. How did the first people from Holland name their first town?
2. What names did the settlers give to new towns as soon as they reached America?

3. What is the present name of New Amsterdam?

4. Do they have only one Bristol in America?

5. Who was one of the leaders of the English Navy?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-12; просмотров: 41 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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