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Сопоставление перевода причастий в функции определения и обстоятельства

Participle I Participle II
В функции определения
A lot of students from developing countries (развивающихся стран) study in our university. Many African countries get help from developed countries. (из развитых стран)
An electric car developing the speed of 50 km/h (развивающий скорость50 км/x) is being designed. The substance developed in our laboratory (разработанное в нашей лаборатории) is mass-produced.
В функции обстоятельства
(While, when) developing (Разрабатывая, Когда Белл разрабатывал) transmitter for deaf people Bell invented telephone.   (When, if) developed (Когда (если) будут разработаны, При удачной разработке) successfully new materials may be very useful for our economy.

4. Form Participle II and translate into Russian:

a) to give, to know, to leave, to meet, to read, to send, to teach, to tell, to write, to take, to spend, to get, to bring, to lose, to set, to do, to find, to begin, to go.

Прочитайте стандартные глаголы, обращая внимание на произношение суффикса “ - ed”

после глухих согласных [t] после звонких согласных и гласных [d] после t и d [id]
work – worked like – liked stop –stopped ask –asked learn – learned study – studied answer – answered live –lived correct – corrected report – reported command – commanded repeat -repeated

b) to ask, to answer, to learn, to prepare, to repeat, to study, to play, to stop, to turn, to carry out, to concentrate, to surround, to destroy, to inflict, to attack, to coordinate;

5. Translate into Russian .

1. People beginning to study languages often say that it is difficult to memorize words. 2. If frozen, water becomes ice. 3. The method used depended on the material selected. 4. In England the weight of luggage allowed varies with different railways. 5. Being shown this manuscript, he said that it belonged to the fifth century of our era. 6. Having been written, the translation was given to the teacher. 7. When read, this novel will be returned to the library. 8. Having solved the main problem, the scientist made a report on his research. 9. Having been written, the letter was posted.

10. This much-praised man proved to be a rogue [rəug]. 11. The man was picked up in an almost dying state. 12. Her spirit, though crushed, was not broken. 13. When reading "The Pickwick Papers", one can't help laughing.

14. They were, indeed, old friends, having been at school together.

6. Translate into Russian paying attention to the functions of Participle II

1. A written letter was on the table. 2. I got the letter written by my friend. 3. They looked surprised. 4. The door is locked. 5. Those questions were not asked. 6. When given time to think, he always answered well. 7. The received information was rather interesting.


Used to – имел обыкновение(в прошлом, сейчас не делаю)

Used to shows that:

· a particular thing always happened or was true in the past.

· but it no longer happens or is no longer true now:

Examples: David used to live in Madrid.

Why don't you come and see me like you used to? – Почему Вы не навещаете меня, как прежде?

6. Translate into Russian with “used to”.

He … be fat but now he's thin

Did you … write poems when you were young?

Sting … be a teacher before he became a famous singer.

My mother didn't … drink much coffee. But now she has become addicted to it

There... be a lot of trees in this court yard. They have all been cut.

We … visit our granny in her country house. Now she lives with us.

Passive Voice (страдательный залог).

  Passive Voice: to be + Participle II⃰  

Исполнитель действия в Passive Voice присоединяется c помощью by

I am invited to the conference. Я приглашен …

The experiments were carried Эксперименты проводились …

out by many scientists.

We were asked to come early. Нас попросили …

He was given a watch. Ему дали часы.

Is the suit pressed? Отглажен ли костюм?

Will they be requested to go there? Их попросят пойти туда?

How is this word spelt? Как пишется это слово?

He wasn’t sent there. Его туда не посылали.

We were not told to do that. Нам не говорили cделать это.

7. Compare active & passive forms.

1. Я рассказал—Мне рассказали / I told - I was told

2. Я показал—Мне показали / I showed - I was shown

3. Она привела—Ее привели / She brought - She was brought

4.Мы спросили—Нас спросили / We asked - We were asked

5.Мы ответили—Нам ответили / We answered - We were answered

6. Они дали — Им дали / They gave - They were given

7. Он помог—Ему помогли / He helped - He was helped

8. Он забыл—Его забыли / He forgot - He was forgotten

9. Мы пригласили—Нас пригласили / We invited - We were invited

Дата добавления: 2015-09-12; просмотров: 13 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Translate into English. | Формы глагола в Future Simple | Education in Great Britain | High Education in Great Britain | The Benefits of Higher Education | Russian Higher Education |

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