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    The book was given to Peter yester- day  
    The book was not given to Peter yester- day  
    The book was not given to Peter yester- day, was it?
    What was given to Peter yester- day  
  Was the book   given to Peter yester- day?  
Whom was the book   given to?    
When was the book   given to Peter?    

Exercise 1. Read the following sentences. Pay attention to the use of the Past Simple Passive. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I was offered an interesting job yesterday. 2. His car was not fixed in time, so he couldn’t go to the city. 3. Rome wasn’t built in a day. 4. Our car was stopped because we were driving too fast. 5. He couldn’t get into the house as the door was locked. 6. Was everything done in time? 7. Why weren’t the letters signed yesterday? 8. I was given two hours to make a decision. 9. This house was not built a very long time ago. 10. Were you introduced to the Head of the Department at the meeting? 11. The dictation was written without mistakes. 12. Everything was arranged in good time.

Exercise 4. Express your surprise at hearing the following statements.

Model: - Lions attacked the travellers.

- Were the travellers really attacked by lions?

1. The fire destroyed many valuable paintings. 2. A car ran over our dog. 3. George wrote this poem. 4. The company paid him a big Christmas bonus. 5. Robert changed the tyre in ten minutes. 6. Helen called John a fool. 7. The boss promised my wife a pay rise. 8. The police found a dead man in the house. 9. The parties signed the contract at once. 10. Mr Johnson left his daughter all his money. 11. They held the meeting of the Board of Directors in the theatre.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-12; просмотров: 13 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

PROGRESS CHECK I | THE PASSIVE INFINITIVE | Exercise 5. Translate into English. | Exercise 3. Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive. | PROGRESS CHECK 2 | Exercise 2. Make up sentences using the prompts. |

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