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When we arrived, the party started (party started after we arrived)

When we arrived, the party had started (party started before we arrived)

he has done smth before

he did smth earlier

+ Pr Perf vs Pr Perf Cont

В perfect всегда есть завершенность действия (к моменту времени)

В continuous - всегда есть длительность действия и акцентирование на нем (т.е. это важно, что оно такое долгое)


I've written two letters this morning - уже закончил

I've been writing two letters this morning - Писал и продолжаю писать


+ Future


Present Cont

definite plan for the future, если запланировал что-то с кем-то

We are meeting tomorrow

we are going to the club on Tuesday night - запланировано


arrangement in the future (с кем-то еще), predictions on what you know


Going to

Если запланировал делать что-то один и не уверен до конца, что сделаешь - going to

I’m going to buy some bread

Look at those clouds! It’s going to be rain! (Предсказание будущего основанное на текущих наблюдениях, т.е. более-менее обоснованное предсказание)


Future Continuous

at 9:30 pm, this time tomorrow

I will be working on the report all next week (= during next week)

We can also use ‘may be doing’ instead of ‘will be doing’


Future Perfect is used with

by, until (use in neg sent)

by that time, by tomorrow (by some time in the future).

The film will have finished by midnight (завершенность к будущему моменту времени)


Future simple


the train leaves tomorrow at 5.

What time does the film begin? (not "at what time" - seems that preposition is omitted in questions)

predictions based on what you know or believe - it will rain tomorrow



You cannot use singular countable nouns alone (without a/the/my/this etc).

Exception: abstract nounы: question, belief etc.


a/the difference

the - concrete example

a - any thing out of all possible, in general (a problem = any problem)



an opportunity

no art

never after "of". The usage of computer (not "a computer", bc of "of")





+ A

A or An?

choose a or an according to the way the letter or numeral is pronounced: an elephant, an hour, an MP3 player, a university (bc first sound is "you")



She is a teacher / a doctor/ a driver

Go to the doctor / the dentist


once a week / three times a day


Make a mistake (not abstract noun?)

get a job

for a trip

is an obvious advantage

a number of, a couple of


представитель группы

a donkey is a stupid animal

but: the donkey - если говорим про всю группу


+ The

Если имеем ввиду определенную подгруппу от общего понятия, то нужен определенный артикль. Пример: если имеем не все преимущества в целом, а только (подгруппу) преимущества для местного общества, то артикль нужен.

Some might say that the economic benefits for locals are huge. (т.е. если бы не было "for locals" "the" можно было бы не использовать)


a = не имеет значения в какой, один из, любой (a shop, a car)

the - Когда понятно, что именно (какой именно экземпляр или подгруппу) имеет ввиду автор. Сюда относится все, где употребляется или можно употребить which (уточняется какой именно)

the diver of the car

Children / the children – all children in general (in the world) / specific group (NOT ALL)

I went to the shop (в конкретный магазин, который рядом со мной, не в любой) and asked to speak to the manager (manager of that shop)

Когда можно заменить на my / ours / his и т.д.

we decided to say in the dining room (ours dining room)

People are kind around here.

All the people we met during our stay were kind. (specified which people)


names of

1. special or concrete group of objects. For example, group of people: the rich, the poor, the old, the disabled, the sick, the Americans, the Russians (= nationalities = the people of that country)

2. region (the N orth of England)

3. all water except for lake. the ocean / the sea / the river / the canal. the Black Sea

4. group of island, mountain (the Maldives, the Alps)

5. the + place (in the city) name of most places and buildings (without a name or place part)

The tower of London but Lloyds Bank

The Bombay restaurant Edinburgh Castle

the hostel, restaurant, bar, theatre, cinema, museum, gallery, club

Дата добавления: 2015-09-12; просмотров: 11 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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Switch from Past to Present Perfect (through Present Simple)| Where, when - по правилам, где опущено that - запятой нет, где нет союза и сложное предложение - запятая есть

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