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Acknowledgements, that is expressions of gratitude to colleagues, sponsors, supervisors, etc., have become a standard part of English academic papers and research publications. They are usually placed at the end of the paper, or, in case of books, at the beginning before the main text. Acknowledgements also allow the author to demonstrate that he/she is a member of a certain academic community. They are usually written in the first person – I for a single author and we for co-authors.

Below are several patterns of the most widespread elements of acknowledgements:

1. Financial support. E.g.:

This research was supported by a grant from … (e.g., International Fund…)

The work of … was supported by …

2. Thanks to colleagues. E.g.:

I would like to thank Prof. X for his invaluable commentary and guidance.

3. Thanks to editors and reviewers. E.g.:

I wish to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions.

We are grateful to the (…) publishers for the permission to use copyright material

English Academic Genres. Summary


A dictionary definition of a summary is “a presentation of the substance of a body of material in a condensed form or by reducing it to its main points”. In terms of academic writing a summary (Ukr. розширена анотація, sometimes реферат) is a shortened version of a text aimed at giving the most important information or ideas of the text. Summarizing is an important part of writing academic papers, which usually include extensive references to the work of others. At Ukrainian universities, writing summaries of professional and scientific texts in English is often an examination assignment.


Requirements for Summaries

A good summary satisfies the following requirements:

1. It condenses the source text and offers a balanced coverage of the original. Avoid concentration upon information from the first paragraph of the original text or exclusively focusing on interesting details.

2. It does not evaluate the source text and is written in a generally neutral manner.

3. The first sentence of the summary contains the name of the author of a summarized text, its title, and the main idea.

4. In the summary the logical relationship of the ideas is shown.

5. It satisfies the requirements set to its length (which may be quite different; however, for a rather short text, the summary is usually between one-third and one-fourth of its length).


Identify the characteristic features of the summary (“Metaphors We Live By”)


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