Читайте также: |
Экономическая политика
Политика Ускорения
Введение сухого закона
Разрешение аренды
Разрешение кооперативов
Появление фермеров
Общественно-политическая жизнь
Реабилитация репрессированных
Внешняя политика
Концепция «Новое политическое мышление»
Переговоры на высшем уровне М.С. Горбачева с американскими президентами.
Окончание «Холодной войны»
Распад СССР - 8 декабря 1991 г. в Беловежской пуще
17. Россия в постсоветский период (1991 г. – настоящее время)
Б.Н. Ельцин
Введение частной собственности
Реформы Гайдара: либерализация цен, приватизация, ваучеризация
Принятие Конституции РФ – 12 декабря 1993 г.
Войнв в Чечне – декабрь 1994 г. – 2001 г.
В.В. Путин
Административная реформа
Стабилизация экономики
Приведение в порядок законодательной базы РФ
Д.А. Медведев
Борьба с коррупцией
Реформы образования, здравоохранения, армии, милиции и др.
1. Plagiarism. Language Leader. (U-I) p.130
2. Interview with Mr. Ian Beer, Head Master of Harrow School. Headway (adv.) T. la.
3. Radio programme on independent schools. Headway (adv.) T. Ib.
4. Educating Children at home. Headway (int.) T.29.
5. Tricks of memory. Interview with an expert on memory.Attitudes 5, P.6
6. Mind maps. Attitudes 5, p.13
7. The Forgetful Generation. New Headway Intermediate. T.83.
9. Interview with Jake Chandler – World Memory Champion. Attitudes 5 The Mind (memory tricks) (WB) p.5
10. Mind map presentation Attitudes 5 SB p.13
11. Mental filling system. Discussions (adv.) p.57
12. A head start. Discussions (adv) p.41
13. Type of intelligence and learning styles. Attitude 4 (SB) p.97
14. IQ tests. Attitude (WB) p.54
15. Radio show about the connection between madness and genius. Attitudes 5 Genius (SB) p.83
16. Inside Out. I’m going slightly mad. T. 33, p.62?
17. How to use the brain more effectively. Headway Adv. T.25, T 26.?
18. Logic Problems. First Certificate Avenues. Unit 12.1.?
1. Educational Attitudes in the USA.
2. Alternative Education / or Diversity in Education.
3. Plagiarism/ cheating: how to avoid/ combat it?
4. Problems that students might face adjusting to educational process.
5. What is intelligence? Is there a difference between being educated and being smart?
6. How do you feel schoolchildren can best be introduced to nature and the natural sciences (environmental education)?
7. Aims of education.
8. Memory.
9. IQ tests/ Genius.
Modal Verbs
1. Expectations: be supposed to, be to, be expected to
should/should have (ought to/ought to have)
2. Reproach and criticism of the past: should have/ought to have
Polite expression of thanks on receiving a gift or a favour: shouldn’t have
Annoyance of someone’s failure to do smth: might have.
3. Expressing certainty and uncertainty (present, future): must/can’t/couldn’t;
may/may not; might/might not; could
4. Expressing certainty and uncertainty (past): must have/can’t have/couldn’t have
may have/may not have; might have/might not have; could have;
5. Unrealized chance or opportunity: could have.
6. Habitual actions, states, situations: used to, would, be used to, be accustomed to, get/become accustomed to
7. Preference: I would rather do/I would sooner do
I’d rather have done, I’d rather you did
8. Other ways of expressing possibility, probability and certainty (likelihood):
a) verbal phrases: be bound/ certain/sure to do
be (highly) likely/ (un) likely to do
b) adverbs of probability: certainly, definitely, obviously, probably.
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