At the beginning of the 20th century Martin Buber inquired: When the process of thinking will begin to tolerate the presence of a beside living man, include him, and take him into consideration? When will the dialectic of thinking turns into dialogues?1 These questions are still actual today.
The purpose of my paper is the substantiation of the necessity of a new communicative strategy of philosophical conceiving of being. Thus I shall try to consider the dialectic of thinking as a realization of a communicative dialogical strategy. The dialectic itself means the presence of Other.
Buber's complaints mean that philosophical thinking still remains connected with the traditions of the classical philosophy. These traditions are mostly determined by foundationalism and relativism strategies of philosophical thinking. Therefore the analysis of these strategies concerning interpretation of communicative processes proves to be necessary to me.
Usually in philosophical dictionaries the communication is defined as a process of an information interchange. Such definition implies the primacy of cognition before a communication. First there is a knowledge, and then there is a communication. The exchange of knowledge is necessary for the solving of practical problems in management, training, joint action, etc. In this case the problem of communication is reduced to a search of means and ways of transferring of the information to increase the efficiency of the communication. So, the sense of communication is to know, and after that to operate. The understanding of meaning of communication depends on our interpretation what it is knowledge. Quite different interpretations of knowledge and understanding of communication are proposed by foundationalism and relativism.
I would like to show, first, that the above mentioned definition of the communication is rather confined. Second, it will be proved that there is the necessity of another understanding of communication and cognition relations.
The cross-cultural communication can be understood differently. It depends on certain ontological, epistemological and anthropological preconditions involving in the structure of conceptualization of the communication problem. Foundationalism and relativism concepts offer various treatments of knowledge, and consequently various understanding of communication. I will consider those preconditions.
The foundationalism is defined as the epistemological point of view according to which the knowledge should be regarded as the structure arising from the certain absolute bases. These bases can be seen in the objective reality, or in ideas of reason. The foundationalism concept goes back to the ontological paradigm. It is based on the belief that there is a being itself, corresponding to which a person determines his own existence in the world. Parmenides principle of identity is laid in the basis of the foundationalism strategy. Something is cognizable only if it is identical to itself. The identity, or the similarity of cognizable and a cognizing person is a condition for cognition and knowledge.
Foundationalism implies the opportunity of the existence of absolute. Foundationalism is justified if there is admission of unconditional self-identity being, which is independent on a process of communication. The objective truth, the universal language, the universal system of categories underlying human experience, etc. belong to this being. The opportunity to get adequate knowledge of absolute existence is guaranteed by presence of the unique universal subject. Empirical subjects are considered to be the modes of this uniform subject. Divine Mind, a transcendental subject, or abstract consciousness are the images of such subject in the classical philosophy.
The possibility of communication is conditioned by presence of agents between which there is a certain identity. There also should be a certain common context. For example, a communication is realized on the assumption of existence of the same world for everybody, the same truths and ways of their certification. Thus a dialogue is really reduced to the process of information interchange. But as the information is capable to be reproduced then a communication is a means of increasing of knowledge about the world for each subject. However it is essentially that the information can be received without using a communication. It only requires to cognize the world with the help of so to say “right” methodology, according to which the way to the truth is always the only one.
They speak, for example, that an achievement of consensus is a purpose of the communication. Achieving a consensus the empirical subjects overcome those distinctions, which distinguish them from one another. The consensus is reached by familiarizing with the uniform Subject, which is a carrier of truth, authentic knowledge. Such approach implies by the interpretation of Socrates dialectic according to which the dialectic is a way of discovering of common truths already existing in people consciousness.
Foundationalism also provides certain interpretation of the language. M. Heidegger, J. Derrida, and others have criticized the concept of language as a system of signs, because that concept is directly connected with metaphysics. The notion of sign refers to some external existence, to a transcendental one. Metaphysics is a thinking about the meaning as existing separately from the sign. In foundationalism the meaning dominates over the sign.
Due to the above said a communication is determined by the “logic” of the meaning. The communication takes place only in the case if the agents of communication comply with that “logic” of the signified, that is, the logic of cognition of sufficient reasons.
Relativism is defined as the concept denying the absolute, unconditional basis of any knowledge, recognizing a relativity of any knowledge. The precondition of relativism is the recognition of existence of a set of subjects of cognition essentially different from one another and equal in rights. Relativism strategy arises from the gnosiological paradigm, which proceeds from the belief that the world is never given to us as itself, but always in forms of our subjectivity (consciousness, sensuality, forms of practice, a language, etc.).
Relativism according to understanding of communication is demonstrated in the fact that the conditions, the results, and the purposes of communication are relative to each subject of communication. Being of another person and his consciousness are interpreted through the forms of individual subjectivity. Relativism strategy goes back to the sophists, and is based on the principle of distinction according to which only that has being and truth that is related to another one. Each from the agents of communication has a different context. Therefore the content of the received information depends on the framework in which each from the communicants exists.
The knowledge does not have the absolute base. Knowledge and the truth are relative to the perspective or the point of view. Knowledge is an interpretation. Relativism recognizes equality between different acceptable interpretations. In those interpretations the sign dominates. So the communication is impossible if different interpretation contexts are untranslatable, or if it is confined by an agreement between different “logics” of subjects.
First we ask the question who the communication loses a sense, or becomes meaningless for. The communication is obviously meaningless for those who have all the completeness of knowledge about the world. Such persons are similar to God. Having absolute completeness of being they do not need anything. Thus it is possible to conclude that the communication exists not because someone knows about something and wants to share it with another one, but because there are unknown things to a person. A person does not have all the completeness of being. Therefore the communication can be understood as an indemnification of this incompleteness. It means that the communication is a way of acquiring of fuller completeness of a person being by means of relations with others who are also defective or insufficient subjects. Thus, the concept of the communication as an information exchange assumes understanding of a person as someone who is not having the completeness of being. Besides the anthropological basis such incompleteness has also an ontological one. As people are separated from one another in space and time, therefore each of them has knowledge about the world existing only “here and now”. The communication provides the connection of people in space and time. Due to it there are the structures allowing a person basically to be anywhere and in any time. Thus the degree of completeness of being for each person rises. Therefore the communication is motivated by a need of a person what he does not have, but could acquire by exchanging knowledge. Thus the communication is meaningless for those creatures who either have completeness of being, or are able to reach it by another way. Classical philosophy presumed the primacy of cognitive ability of a person. Therefore communicationwas not considered as something that might constitute a human being.
Further I would like to point out the situations when communicative interaction degenerates and ceases to be as such. I will address to Gadamer's work “Plato’s Dialectical Ethics”2, where he considers the ways of disintegration of speaking. The first form of that consists in deprivation of the other one of an opportunity to object freely3. The second form consists in constraint of the other one to silence. The first situation implies the exclusion of the other one as one not having any positive knowledge about the world. The superiority of imaginary knowledge is expressed in aspiration to get the other one to be unanimous with him. When is it difficult to contradict in a dialogue? Probably it is when a “power” of logos of one agent of communication is directed at overcoming of objection of the other one. And it happens if a “power” of logos claims to have the whole and commeasurable knowledge of things concerning which communication takes place. But if logos is selected only because of his power, then the stronger power denies a weaker one. It is right in regard to any power. Thus any surpassing knowledge appears imaginary. As Gadamer remarks, care about the superiority of logos blacks out a view opening out to a thing4. That strategy of a dialogue, resulting actually in its destruction, is justified by a foundationalism epistemological attitude. According to it, if somebody is sure that he has already got true knowledge, then the other one opinion is not true.
The other strategy of a dialogue is a strategy of refutation as a result of the other one compels to be silent. This intention is achieved not by means of direct usage of the superiority, but on the contrary, by showing subordination of the other ones to their conditions5. So if somebody wants to appear as a knowing person, it is enough for him to refute the other one. Such strategy of a dialogue is justified by that epistemological precondition, which is connected with relativism concept. According to this concept none of the subjects can claim to be a carrier of the objective truth. Strategy of disintegration of a dialogue is determined by that attitude.
Further, if we will consider communication as a cross-cultural process, it is necessary to pay attention that foundationalism and relativism are closely connected to different types of culture. It is possible to indicate at least two types of culture, which are connected to the following two approaches to understanding of the relation of language and a reality.
А) First of them is based on the idea, that language is a translucent mediator representing things to consciousness as they are. A sign expresses a meaning "right”. From that the attitude is arisen to call things by their proper names, searching a “right” or adequate language, that is, the privilege representation of a reality.
В) The other approach proceeds from the understanding of language as an autonomous “opaque” mediator of a symbolical exchange. A sign represents itself.
These approaches to language signs correspond to two types of culture. One of them is defined by the following way. A sign is not arbitrary, but it is connected to the nature of things. A sign that is arbitrary and conditional in the attitude to a designated object defines the other type of culture.
In my opinion, certain epistemological preconditions lay in the basis of the above mentioned distinction of the types of culture. The first type of culture is based on the precondition that there is the privilege representation of a cross-cultural meaning. Such precondition means that the culture is an expression of some transcendental sense (for example, Being, Logos, God). This sense attributes to its descriptions, or representations justifiability and objectivity. From the semiotic point of view such cultures should have identical expressive opportunities, and they should be translatable into each other. Despite of distinction of the cultures as descriptions of transcendental sense, the various culture subjects are capable to understand one other, due to common conceptual background for all individuals guaranteeing the invariable content, or information, which is broadcast during the communication. In this case there are not principal difficulties for communication.
Let us represent a communication process as figure number 1.
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Fig. 1.
Here “A” and “B” are the agents of a communication; each of them is a carrier of the own language and culture. The possibility of communication depends on the presence of agents between whom there is a certain identity.For example, it may be identical codes, the common dictionaries, and similar types of culture. In an ideal the agents of communication should have in common a universal and unique “right” language. But then the value of communication and the transmitted information is reduced. The bigger common area of communication, the less meaning the communication itself has. Then the most a communication could transfer is the training of adequate knowledge of a reality.
Relativism sets the other epistemological precondition. The essence of it is recognition of existence of multitude of equal representations, or descriptions of a certain meta-cultural sense. It is clear that this idea is coordinated with such understanding of a culture in which a sign is considered like something conditional and arbitrary in attitude to the meta-cultural meaning. Here it is impossible to speak about “right” or “wrong” language. With the help of such epistemological precondition the communication might be schematically represented in the following way:
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In this case the communication is possible only under the condition of creation of metalanguage “C”. The meta-language is only a tool of translation of one subject language to another, because the meta-language does not have a subject meaning, that is, more exactly it does not correspond to any out-cultural reality. The value of such communication is quiet high, but its efficiency is rather doubtful. Because there is no way to make sure that in the communicative process a uniformed meaning is occurred. Besides there are grounds to doubt that there are universal rules of translation of language of one culture to the language of another one.
One more strategy of the communication problem analysis, developed by L. Wittgenstein, W. Quine, R. Rorty, and others, is orientated at understanding of a culture as a certain way of self-description. This approach is not conditioned by the requirement of necessity to express any out-cultural meaning. Various cultural dictionaries are considered not from the point of view of a metalanguage designating common for all possible descriptions of transcendental sense, but they are considered as alternative language games, or forms of life, which do not address to something beyond the language. From these positions the attempt to establish some universal laws special for each culture, is considered as one more language game. Within the frame of the given approach the communication is possible when each agent of communication enriches the own semantic competence (see fig.3).
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A condition of communication is language creativity. Due to a creative language game it is possible to achieve such code of communication that will be common for all participants of it. Philosophical preconditions of such understanding of culture are the idea of plurality of the worlds (it is the ontological precondition); and the idea of dependence of knowledge and cognition of their context (it is the epistemological precondition). Thus the philosophy of language tried to overcome the defects of foundationalism and relativism preconditions of communication. Initial idea is that a language is a true being, in which a person exists. It is also a language that defines his subjectivity. It claims that adequate understanding of the communication is a language game (L. Wittgenstein). There is a serious defect in this philosophical paradigm. Having declared that everything is a language, it has loses an opportunity to verify the sense of language and communication in general. Thus it is not clear what are the criteria of a meaning, rationality, and a success of communication. Today philosophers come to understanding that the criteria of communication have not a linguistic character, that communication is not confined by an exchange of information.
For genuine admission of communication it is necessary to change philosophical preconditions of understanding of communication. The above analysis of “the ways of disintegration of speaking” (Gadamer) shows that the strategies of a dialogue, determined by foundationalism or relativism preconditions, result in breaking-up of communication. It is important to remember that foundationalism and relativism in their specific way put forward the requirement of knowledge of the existent. Therefore the refusal from foundationalism or relativism strategy should not mean the refusal from any epistemological and ontological preconditions of knowledge of the existent. So it is necessary either to try and change these preconditions or to accept some new ones. Here we enter into the sphere of hypotheses. What ideas might we be guided with? I think it is advisable to take as a guide the idea of French philosopher J.-L. Nancy. He said that community of being instead of being of community – that is the thing it is necessary to speak about. Or more exactly: community of existence, instead of essence of community. I mean these words express the essence of the principle of communication as the principle of understanding of being. I understand the principle of communication not only as a content of inter person relations, but as a universal philosophical principle of conceiving of being. Such notion allows to comprehend not only bases of a dialogue of one person with another, or with a nature, but also a communicative character of human being and consciousness.
The “topology» of communication can not be described by foundationalism or relativism concepts. In my opinion, the communication “topology” has a dialectic structure, and it can be described only dialectically. Therefore it is necessary to reconsider the treatments of the sense of dialectic, which came back to the time of the classical philosophy, and especially Hegel’s philosophy. Within the frame of the task offered by Gadamer the hermeneutic treatment of dialectic is very significant. And the treatment of antique dialectic given by Russian philosopher Alexey Losev is also rather interesting.6 A. Losev developed the concept according to which «dialectic is a logic of symbol», and a symbol is communicative in its essence. He called upon to refuse from object understanding of a symbol. According to Losev that understanding is a relict of old metaphysical beliefs based upon the distinction of a sign and its meaning as being external to each other.
As I have already marked, the foundationalism strategy is based on the principle of identity, and the relativism strategy is based on the principle of distinction. Plato aspired to connect these two strategies in his version of dialectic. It became possible due to a new ontology, which was offered by Plato. I shall explain it briefly.
Plato and Aristotle offered two alternative paradigms of relations. They are founded on different understanding of ontological status of non-being.
Aristotle offers an ontological paradigm, which is built on the base of interpretation of non-being not as a particular sort of existence, but as predicate of underlying essence. Being is that what is not mediated by anything. According to Aristotle, “natural substratum”, predicates of which are the existing and non-existing, is the reason for distinguishing between different manners of being. Aristotle interprets the oppositions as maximum difference. Between the two different states there is always a something third, which links the first two ones. There is something third between the poles of oppositions that mediates relations between oppositions. So according to Aristotle a relation is not primary in determination of being, but it is produced from being, from matching things as such.
Plato acknowledges ontological status of notion of non-being. And he believed that a relation is something primary concerning of being of things and their states. Being is constituted by attitude to non-being. Non-being is something existent and can be conceived as another of being. The relation between these oppositions is mediated by nothing. For example, in the dialogue “Parmenides” Plato speculates on a way how a transition from the state of rest to the motion occurs. The transition from the state of rest to the state of motion is a relation, which is not mediated by anything. And this transition occurs outside the time, “suddenly”. The transition is not some process, but it is relation defining the state of rest.
Plato proved that non-being is special positive evidence in the existent (“Sophist”), and though it is opposite to being it is in the existent as well as being. Non-being as a positive definition of the existent has the following sense; “it is different from another”, and “not another”. In my opinion this idea is incorporated in basis of a process of a dialogue. Not to be another means simultaneously recognition of the other as distinct from the first one. In the process of a dialogue it is embodied in a mutual recognition of freedom of the communication agents.
Following the interpretations of the Plato dialectic given by H. Gadamer and Russian philosopher А. Losev, I also take the dialectic as a description of communication laws in the world. The dialectic describes not a methodical activity of one side of communication as a subject, but the event of dialogue becomes a subject itself. More widely the communication is a condition of mutual determination and acknowledgement of being of existents. This principal circumstance is not taken into account in fundamentalism or relativism. It is due to the fact that these concepts assume the attitude to each agent of communication not as to the purpose, but only as to a means. They believe that power of one being determines the force of other being. A dialogue is an event of mutual recognition of freedom of each other and a way of mutual acquiring of being, or acquiring of common being. Communication is a way of recognition of each other for finding out of circumstances of their existence. Foundationalism and relativism put forward the requirement of knowledge of the existent. A responsibility to prove that an actual presence of one and another is something necessary, the dialectic realizes by revealing opportunities of that how one being coexists with another being.
Finally the communication can take place in the case when the meeting of the parties is accidental. Communication is a condition of the organization of accommodations and relations space between various cultures, and various logics. In a dialogue one logic cannot be the reason for the other one. Here the strict sequence of time links is replaced with their original spatial accommodation, and this space is organized every time by movement of a “head point”, that is, by problem. Emmanuel Levinas noticed, that the relations between separate creatures do not oppress them, they are “relations without relations”, and nobody is able to seize them, or give them a particular theme. The topology of such space is revealed with the help of dialectic. Thus the sense of dialectic is to give an account on the opportunities, which contain in human existential being. We are obliged to Socrates for the comprehension of it. Socrates taught that self-understanding of human being is impossible by a person himself.
(This article was prepared with the support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research).
1 Бубер М. Диалог // Бубер М. Два образа веры. М., 1998. С.116.
2 Г. Гадамер. Диалектическая этика Платона. СПб., 2000. С. 63-69.
3 Там же. С.64.
4 Там же. С.66.
5 Там же. С.67.
1 Buber M. The Dialogue // Buber M. The Two Ways of Believe. Moscow: “Respublica”, 1998, p.116.
2 Gadamer H. Plato’s Dialectical Ethics. S. -Petersburg, 2000, p. 63-69. (Gadamer H.-G. Platos Dialectsche Ethik. Phanomenologische Interpretation zum Philebos. Leipzig: Meiner Verlag, 1931)
3 Ibid., p.64.
4 Ibid., p.66.
5 Ibid., p.67.
6 Losev A. Myth. Number. Essence. Moscow, 1994.
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